274. Chapter 274 The Cruelty of the Dragon

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  Chapter 274: The Cruelty of the Dragon

  A few days later, a village on the border of the empire was burning, and the smell of burning was everywhere.

  The dozen or so "surviving" villagers were gathered in an open space, each holding their heads and shivering on the ground.

  No one felt lucky to be alive, and some were even thinking that maybe they would be luckier if they were killed at the moment of this disaster.

  Above them, a near-adult blue dragon lowered its head and stared at them with golden eyes.

  There is no need for the blue dragon to release its dragon power. The imminent death alone is enough to crush their spirits.

  "It's boring, you guys are really boring." The blue dragon said in a disappointed tone, "They will just be slaughtered like cattle and sheep, without even a decent reaction. Why are you such tiny two-legged creatures? All over this continent?"

  He turned his snake-like eyes and glanced around, and suddenly locked on a man. The man was holding a child tightly to protect him, which seemed to be his son.

  The blue dragon thought of something, grinned ferociously, stretched out his claws, pinched the man and lifted him up with the unbefitting fineness and dexterity of his huge claws.

  The man exclaimed, and the child in his arms also cried loudly.

  Then the man suddenly realized something, immediately let go of the child in his arms, and pushed him down violently to prevent him from being grabbed by the blue dragon.

  The child cried out and stretched out his hand to pull his father back, but the man was cruel and kicked him away with his foot.

  But this was obviously what Lan Long was waiting for. He suddenly let go of the man and lifted the child up.

  "No!!" the man roared, and rushed towards the blue dragon with red eyes.

  The blue dragon raised its other front paw, but instead of slapping him flat on the spot, he easily knocked the man to the ground with a snap of his knuckles.

  "Let's make a bet, human being." The blue dragon smiled ferociously, and suddenly threw the child towards a burning house nearby, letting it fall into the building from the collapsed roof. The child's figure was instantly engulfed by the thick smoke, "If Can you—"

  Before he could finish his words, the man rushed towards the room like crazy and jumped in against the flames spurting from the door frame.

  The blue dragon seemed a little disappointed, turned to the remaining villagers, and continued: "Let's make a bet, humans, give you a chance. If that person can come back here alive with his cub in his arms, I will Let all of you go."

  The villagers looked at each other, and as they looked at each other, hope ignited in many people's eyes.

  Under such circumstances, it is difficult to expect an evil dragon to keep its promise, but this is the only hope they can place their hope on.

  Everyone raised their faces and stared at the fire scene. Every minute and every second became extra long, and even every burst of flames burning wood touched their hearts.

  A minute passed, and half of the people's eyes were once again shrouded in despair. With such high temperatures and thick smoke, how many people would still have a chance to find their way out after entering?

  Two minutes later, the fire became more fierce, and many people burst into tears. The blue dragon watched the reactions of these humans with great interest.

  Suddenly, the almost charred wooden window frame shattered, and the man who was on fire rushed out of the fire scene holding a water-soaked blanket, rolling on the ground to extinguish the flames on his body.

  There was a burst of frightened crying from the blanket in his arms. His child was still alive!

  The villagers suddenly burst into cheers, and people cried with joy and hugged each other. The man who rushed out of the fire at this moment was undoubtedly a hero among heroes to them.

  But soon some people calmed down and turned to look at the blue dragon's face, fearing that the angry dragon would not only break the agreement, but also send them on their way in a more painful way.

  The man who escaped from the fire hugged the child and saw the blue dragon. He had no time to be happy about rescuing the child. The situation had not changed at all. At this moment, the blue dragon could kill them with just one mouth.

  "Brave human, you can go." The blue dragon actually laughed. This smile looked extremely weird on the face of an evil dragon.

  The man was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe his ears, but he quickly reacted, picked up the child and ran along the village road to the entrance of the village.

  The remaining villagers smiled in relief, it seemed like the blue dragon actually had some appreciation for human courage. Maintaining that weird smile, Blue Dragon turned to the remaining villagers: "As for you, I will keep my promise..."

  He deliberately paused for a moment and continued: "Kill no one alive, kill them all."

  The villagers' voices The sound fell into dead silence as if it had been cut by scissors, and everyone's expressions seemed to be frozen.

  "Oh, the condition I said was that he 'come back here' alive, but now he ran away." The blue dragon's paw clicked on the open space, "I thought that with your intelligence, you should be able to understand He got over it, but no one reminded him."

  As if he had fallen from heaven to the abyss, despair shrouded him again like a mountain, and suddenly someone screamed.

  The blue dragon let out a harsh laugh and opened his mouth suddenly.

  There was a burst of lightning and thunder, and forked lightning flashed out of his mouth, killing all the villagers on the scene instantly, and a burning smell filled the air instantly.

  At this time, the man had fled to the entrance of the village with his child in his arms. Screams were heard from behind, but he did not dare to look back.

  "Dad..." The son's crying voice came from his arms.

  "It's okay..."

  The man was just about to say, "Dad will take you out," when he heard his son continue: "The dragon... is flying over!"

  The man suddenly understood and burst into tears.

  He hugged the child tightly and knelt down, and finally said softly: "It will be over soon."

  A bolt of lightning struck down, killing both father and son instantly.

  Blue Dragon landed and said: "Of course, you have lost. You should have listened to the rules."

  After playing such a game, his mood became much better. If the tricks were slightly changed, this killing would actually be better. It's quite interesting, the only problem is that humans are too fragile and die too quickly.

  Especially their lightning breath will kill these weak creatures instantly, causing them to die on the spot with just a twitch.

  This made him a little envious of the breaths of other dragons. At least those breaths could make the prey struggle a little.

  He didn't care about the bravery shown by humans. Not everyone would express respect for ants who bravely defended their nests.

  Humans cannot expect dragons to have the same moral values ​​and values ​​as them.

  At this time, a cold voice came over: "Your game is so boring."

  The young blue dragon turned his head, and a slightly older blue dragon that looked like an adult flew over.

  "Is the reconnaissance finished?" the young blue dragon asked.

  "The knights will arrive soon. It's time to leave." The adult blue dragon answered.

  "Just in time for some excitement!" The young blue dragon became interested.

  "Shut up, the sect leader was just testing us, don't be stupid enough to be a guinea pig!" the adult blue dragon ordered.

  "Then let's find some places to hang out, preferably a settlement. I'm very interested now!" The young blue dragon said as he flapped his wings and flew to other directions.

  (End of chapter)

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