273. Chapter 273 Beginner Tutor

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  Chapter 273:
  The reaction of the entry-level tutor Dolan Siloni immediately caught Ganon's attention: "Do you know her?"

  Dolan Siloni reacted outright when she heard this, even though she was separated by the golem. He couldn't see the other person's face during the conversation, but Ganouen could still feel the other person's surprise.

  If she hadn't been deeply impressed by this name, Dolan Sloane, who had always been calm and calm, would never have reacted like this.

  Dolan Siloni obviously realized that her attitude had exposed the information, and the golem fell into silence.

  "You really know her." Ganouen had already concluded.

  "Tell me first, where did you know this name?" Dolan Sloney repeated.

  "Through the introduction of Master Mu Xia, I learned that she seemed to have a good understanding of ancient texts. I wanted to ask her to translate some of the things I found in the ruins. But when I sent someone to the Elemental Federation to inquire, I learned that she had gone to the Great Desert. She went to explore the ruins. I was wondering if she might have come to the territory of Dragon Ascension Nest and come into contact with you?" Ganon said casually, only revealing part of the truth.

  "So that's it." Dorancelone calmed down.

  "So she really had contact with Dragon Ascension's Nest? Was she killed by you?" Ganon asked.

  Dolan Siloni was silent for another moment, as if she thought about it, and then replied: "No, she is still alive, but we don't know where she went." "

  She encountered the forces of Dragon Ascension Nest, and she actually She wasn't killed and wasn't detained by you? How did you know her name?" Ganon was a little doubtful of Dorancelone's statement.

  Amanda is just an extraordinary mage. She doesn’t have any sub-artifact-level artifacts by her side. At most, she can only deal with an adult dragon. Based on the information Angost has dug up, she has not been found to possess similar weapons. treasure.

  With the number and overall combat power of the dragons in Dragon Ascension's Lair, it is difficult to imagine that an extraordinary mage could escape without incident.

  Moreover, Dolan Sloane knew Amanda's name, so she must have communicated with her to a certain extent. Judging from her reaction to the name, this exchange seems not to be superficial.

  "She was just lucky to be discovered by the Fenglong Order first. At that time, the people of the Order were planning to use alarm bells to call out the dragons deep in the territory. In order to save her life, she proposed a deal. She was willing to use some spell scrolls In exchange for my freedom. I had not yet taken over the sect and was being trained by the sect. The elders responsible for managing the sect made the decision to let the mage teach me spells." Dolan Siloni explained slowly.

  "She taught you your spells?" Ganon asked.

  Dolan Siloni's spellcasting level has reached the level of an extraordinary peak mage. This may be due to the talent brought by her half-dragon blood, but without a teacher, it is indeed difficult to enter this door.

  Dragons are natural carriers of power, and almost all dragons have a considerable degree of spellcasting talent.

  However, there are actually not many dragons who are proficient in magic. This is because dragons do not have any blessings from the main gods, nor can they obtain god-given professions. They can only learn the corresponding magic directly the day after tomorrow.

  "Not entirely, she was my introductory teacher, but my subsequent development basically relied on me collecting spells from everywhere and constantly studying and improving." Dolan Siloni answered briefly.

  "According to what you said earlier, you finally released her?" Ganon confirmed with the other party.

  "Well, the cult abided by their agreement and let her go after she completed the introductory instruction. They have never had contact with her again." Dolan Siloni replied.

  "How's your relationship with her?" Ganouen asked.

  "Relationship? We have nothing to do with each other. The half-elf was only forced to teach to complete the task. I studied under her for two months and learned some entry-level spells. That's all." Dolan Siloni said in a cold tone. answer.

  that is it?

  Ganon recalled Dolan Sloane's blurted reaction when Amanda Ax Hill was mentioned, and she always felt that this matter was not that simple.

  But he did not choose to delve further into this matter, but asked tentatively: "Do you have any clues about her whereabouts? If you can help me find her, I don't mind paying accordingly. "

  Dolan Silonie was silent for a while before she spoke: "That was all a long time ago. It has been several decades. It is impossible for me to know where she is still. Maybe she is dead."

  "Okay, it doesn't matter if I can't find it." Ganon responded, but he was a little concerned about Dorancelone's silence before answering.

  If Dolan Sloane really didn't know, she should be able to give the answer without thinking.

  The silence before seemed to be thinking, either she knew, but hesitated and finally chose not to say anything, or she didn't know and was just hesitant to try to defraud him of the promised reward-the latter possibility, Ga Norn felt that the current Dolan Siloni did not have such courage. The reward you can get from deceiving him in this kind of matter is limited, but the revenge from him due to this kind of deception is something that Dorancelone may not be able to bear.

  Not only did Dolan Sloane know a lot about Amanda, but she was also deliberately concealing her whereabouts - Ganouen initially came to this conclusion.

  Originally, Ganouen didn't have much obsession with finding Amanda. He just happened to know such a person, so he just took a look.

  The content of Amanda's research is unknown, and Ganorn can also allow King Offfield to continue investigating the Endless Tower.

  But if Amanda has not only come into contact with the Fenglong Cult, but also has a relatively large connection with Dolan Siloni, Ganon will have to take the search for this figure seriously, because the other party should have some control over the Fenglong Cult. Information about the regiment and Dragon Ascension Nest.

  Ganon did not immediately try to find a breakthrough in the information from Dolan Siloni. Doran Siloni already seemed a little resistant to revealing this information. No matter how much he asked, he could not find out the reason. There was only a demon in front of him. Like, it's impossible for him to capture a golem and torture it.

  At this point, a large group of bats suddenly swarmed over from the direction of the Endless Tower and swooped down towards the two of them.

  "What is that?" Dolan Siloni discovered the blood bat and was a little nervous, but not panicked. She had never seen the blood race with her own eyes, but what she had left here was just a demon statue, not to mention that this was Ga Within Norn's territory.

  Before Ganoen could reply, the blood bats gathered on Ganoen's dragon head to look like Anellojie.

  "Ganoen, I'm hungry!" Annie lay directly on top of Ganon's head and said feebly, as if she had been hungry for a long time.

  But Ganon knew very well that this girl basically looked like this when she woke up.

  "How about you occasionally do something other than eating and sleeping?" Ganon looked up, "For example, go to the boneyard to practice your necromancy? It seems that this will also help you absorb the source blood." "

  ... ..." Anellojie was silent.

  "Don't even bother to say 'what trouble'."

  Ganouen found that after Anne's narcolepsy was relieved, she became more and more undisciplined - in his territory, Anne Roger's life seemed to be a bit too much. Feeling more comfortable.

  "What's going on with that doll?" Anne pointed to Dolan Sloane's golem.

  "Don't change the subject," Ganorn said.

  "Vampire?" Dolan Siloni was a little surprised. Combined with the half-dragon that the believers she sent before saw, she suddenly realized something, "Ganoen, my intelligence network has collected a lot of rumors about you... ..."

  "Rumors? Are they true or false? Whatever you think." Ganouen knew that Dolan Siloni was mentioning the increasing number of women he was "collecting" around him. In the rumors from the outside world, he had already He became a dragon that snatched women everywhere.

  "Don't you mind even vampires?" Dolan Sloane looked at Anne above Ganon's head.

  "What's wrong with vampires? I think vampires are great." Ganon retorted without hesitation.

  Anne still had no expression on her face after hearing this, but she reached out and touched Ganouen's horns, seeming a little happy.

  "You really don't care about things like race." Dolan Sloni commented.

  "You care too much." Ganon replied.

  "I'm not the only one who cares about it, so I can't help it." Dolan Siloni said to herself, "But it's good for you to be like this. It's relatively safe..." "Safe? What do you mean?

  " Ganon didn't understand.

  "That's it for today. I'll come back to visit another day." Doranceloni did not answer his question and simply chose to leave.

  (End of chapter)

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