250. Chapter 250 Do you still have humanity?

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  Chapter 250: Do You Still Have Humanity

  ? Ganon came to the corridor of the living area on the fifth floor, and Zhenna was guarding the door of Salil's room.

  The two looked at each other, and Ganouen said nothing, pointing to the room.

  Zhenna shook her head: "The devil's characteristics are still there, and her mood is stable, but she huddled on the bed for half an hour and hasn't moved." The contract signed by Salil

  is a prisoner's contract. They can pass "Watch" "The reporter" saw Saliel's condition.

  The two of them were deeply impressed by Salil's hoarse scream when she first discovered that she had transformed into a demon.

  "It's understandable that it would be completely unimaginable for an angel to find out that he has turned into a demon." Ganon said.

  "But to be honest, I think it's a little strange." Zhenna said suddenly.

  "It's a bit strange for an angel to suddenly be transformed into a demon." Ganon nodded.

  He asked Shi Shi and Angst about this matter, and even contacted the Elf King Orfield through a contract in the middle of the night. Orfield became very interested in this matter, but no one knew what was going on. , this transformation of Saliel is unheard of.

  "Because before, although Salil's appearance turned into a demon, she was not harmed when she was hit by the holy light you released. I persuaded her that maybe she just changed her appearance due to the curse. Try the method of reversing the Fall to see if you can change it back." Zhenna whispered, "But she refused, saying it was meaningless." Ganon was

  also a little surprised when he heard this.

  Normally, if you encounter such a change, you should consider reversal methods.

  Zhenna's guess was also his first reaction. Maybe this was some kind of unknown curse. As long as the curse was lifted, Salil could transform back into an angel.

  But Salil refused without hesitation.

  He realized that the reason why Salil was in despair was probably not just because she had transformed into a demon.

  And Ganon knew that Salil's transformation was not just about appearance.

  After Salil became like this, the repair progress of the Endless Tower increased by 2%.

  Ganon has confirmed with the stone that the temple of the Lord of the Abyss on the third level was activated after Salil's transformation - Salil who signed the contract automatically became the priest here, and she is qualified to serve as the abyss. The priest of the Lord shows that she has become a real devil from the inside.

  "Does she have a clue about her transformation?" Zhenna asked seriously, "I'm wondering if the succubus named Hilmeria used some method to bewitch her?" "Maybe she just learned about it

  . "She learned the truth about herself..." Ganon pondered, "Before she came into contact with the succubus, she had a lot of weirdness. The succubus must have something to do with her, after all, you also saw it..."

  Zhenna also nodded.

  They all saw the face of the succubus Hilmeria, which looked very similar to Salil.

  Succubi have the ability to change their appearance. According to Angost, Hilmeria's appearance is different every time she sees her.

  But this time Ganoen was very sure that the succubus named Hilmeria was using her true appearance, because the clone she created with the Tears of the Mother Goddess also had the same appearance, and even the clone had the innate ability to change her appearance. , will also return to its original shape when killed.

  This appearance is so similar to Salil's, it's hard to say that there is no relationship between them.

  Not to mention, when Salil fell to heaven inexplicably before, it was suspected that the invasion of succubus spirits was triggered.

  Ganon thought for a while and made a decision: "Shall I go in and ask her directly?"

  "I have talked to her several times, but she has refused to open the door." Zhenna said.

  "Never mind her! This is my home." Ganouen opened the door directly under Zhenna's surprised gaze. Salil was curling up on the corner of the bed with her legs in her arms, her forehead on her knees and her head buried.

  When Ganoen came in, she raised her face like a frightened deer.

  "Red Dragon, what are you doing here?" Salil looked at Ganouen in panic.

  Zhenna noticed a flush on her face and frowned suspiciously.

  "I want to talk about what happened today," Ganorn said.

  "I..." Salil's eyes dimmed instantly, "I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to talk about this right now. Can you please let me be quiet?" "

  No." Ganon replied decisively.

  Salil was startled.

  "What time do you think it is now? My lair has just experienced an invasion. Almost everyone, including me, was sneak-attacked by the succubus who signed a contract with Angost, and was hit with an ability, and her target It's obviously you. Such a serious thing happened, how could I not ask the question clearly? I must think about the safety of the territory!" Ganon stared at Salil and said seriously.

  He had to figure out Hilmeria's purpose, and the purpose of Salil.

  No matter how low Salil's condition was, he could not postpone the collection of intelligence to take care of her mood.

  "Then, if I don't want to say it, will you drive me away?" Salil's eyes flickered with uneasiness when she said this.

  Now she really can't go back to Heaven Mountain. After leaving Ganon's territory, she really has nowhere to go, not to mention that the succubus will come back at any time.

  "What a wonderful idea you have! You haven't fulfilled what you should do, not to mention you still have important information." Ganon said calmly.

  "But I really don't want to say it now... I beg you, please leave me alone first..." It was the first time Salil showed weakness to Ganouen. The majesty she showed when she was Seraph was gone. .

  Facing Salil's plea, Ganouen relaxed his expression, and then sighed.

  "Thank you..." Salil thought that Ganon had given up and lowered her head.

  At this time, Ganon turned around and shouted: "Stone, call Isbel and Anya up..."

  "Do you still have humanity?!" Salil couldn't help but raise her face and cursed.

  This red dragon actually used old methods to threaten her at this time.

  "I am a dragon." Ganon spread his hands towards her.

  Salil glared at Ganoen and gritted her teeth angrily: "You are a bastard! I shouldn't expect a red dragon to care about others!!" "

  After you explain the matter, I can care about you." Ganoen En shrugged, "Come on, tell me, I know you must know something, can't you just talk about it?"

  Salil let out a long sigh, Ganouen's tough attitude forced her to give up.

  "Okay, I can tell you, but right now I hope as few people know about this as possible." Salil said and moved her eyes to Zhenna behind Ganouen.

  "Okay." Ganon turned to Zhenna and motioned for her to close the door.

  Zhenna hesitated for a while, and finally closed the door, leaving Ganouen and Salil alone in the room.

  (End of chapter)

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