249. Chapter 249 A piece of meat without a soul

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  Chapter 249 Soulless Meat

  A few minutes later, Ganouen sat in the restaurant and stared at Angst: "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation!"

  He was basically convinced that the succubus It must be the abyss lord who signed the contract with Angost, otherwise there is no way to explain the sudden invasion of the devil.

  Judging from the fact that Angost did not act together with the succubus, she probably did not collude with him. But there are no absolutes in anything, and he can't take Angst lightly.

  "I swear, I really didn't collude with that devil. I didn't summon her, she teleported here on her own initiative!" Faced with the red dragon's accusation, Angest raised her hands helplessly, "I signed a contract with her. In two hundred years, this is the first time she has taken the initiative to find me before the rent collection deadline is up. This time, her target is actually not me."

  Ganouen narrowed his eyes, and he also knew that the succubus's main target must be Sasha Lil.

  After all, Salil has now transformed into a succubus.

  "Why can't we notice her?" Ganon asked.

  This was the first time someone had penetrated so deeply into his tower. Looking back on this incident, it was quite scary.

  The succubus was transported directly to the tower through Angost's contract, rather than invading from the borders of the Watch, which would explain her sudden appearance in the tower.

  But the problem is that when the succubus appears next to Angst, the "Watcher" should have noticed it directly, and he should have woken up at that time.

  Moreover, there was not just one invading succubus, but several.

  "I didn't realize it because of the contract. The succubus, Hilmeria and I can't be enemies with each other. I can't hurt her, and my danger detection ability is ineffective against her. Of course, in violation of She can't hurt me before the contract is signed." Angost shrugged, "As for you, you must have been hypnotized by her."

  "Hypnosis?" Ganouen frowned.

  "That is the innate ability of the succubus, which can make the target sleep. Hilmeria is already an abyss lord that surpasses the legendary powerhouse. Her hypnosis can cover an area. She should have turned it on when she invaded here. Large-scale hypnosis. If you are awake, Hilmeria's hypnosis should not be able to make you fall asleep. The problem is that you were sleeping at the time, and her hypnosis deepened your sleep." An Gerst explained.

  "I can testify, my lord. I noticed the invasion immediately and tried to wake you and others, but you did not wake up." The stone golem made a voice behind Ganon.

  "Is this natural ability too strong? Wouldn't this give her a chance to kill us all?" Ganon was a little scared after hearing this.

  "No, the succubus's hypnosis has limitations. It must paralyze the target's spirit. The succubus who uses hypnosis must establish a spiritual connection with the target. During this process, if she shows any intention to attack, she will be directly noticed by the target. , the hypnosis will be broken. That is to say, hypnosis and attack cannot be carried out at the same time, but the problem is that the succubus can take the opportunity to charm the target. If the charm is successful, she can absorb the life and soul of the target with the consent of the other party." Angus Special said.

  "Then why are there so many succubus invasions? Did she summon them?" Ganon asked.

  It can be explained that the succubus named Hilmeria can successfully infiltrate through contract and area hypnosis, but it is difficult to understand the other succubi.

  Hilmeria invaded Salil's room, and other succubi sneaked into his, Mora, Anya, and Isabel's rooms respectively. Jeanne was not invaded, but Anellojie's side, because there was something wrong Guarded by mesmerized death knights, the succubus was held back.

  After Ganon woke up and launched the "War Song", "Watcher" showed that everyone who woke up killed the succubus on the spot.

  This is actually very abnormal. From Ganon's point of view, the charm cast by the demon in the dream was very strong. It could compete with the legendary powerful demon. Even he almost fell into the trap, but he woke up. The succubus who was by his side was so weak that he killed him with just one breath.

  "I'm not sure about this. Logically speaking, it would take a long time for her to cast spells to open the gate of the abyss that allows so many demons to pass through. But after she invaded, she bound me with a contract and went to the fifth floor. So If she has to use area hypnosis for a short period of time, it shouldn't be possible." Angst shook her head.

  It sounds like we can only investigate those invading succubi.

  Ganon activated "Watcher" to confirm that all the members in the tower, except Salil and Zhenna who stayed on the fifth floor, had gathered in the hall at his call, and the succubi who had been dealt with had also gathered in the hall. The stone was moved to the hall and placed.

  "Let's go down and take a look." Ganon took Angst downstairs.

  Moradu was standing against the wall in the hall near the stairs, seeming to be talking in a low voice. When they saw Ganouen, they all had embarrassed looks on their faces, and then they all looked away.

  "What's wrong with you?" Ganon noticed that their reaction was a little unnatural.

  "Nothing." Anya coughed dryly and replied.

  Ganon was feeling confused when he suddenly noticed something, lowered his head and moved closer to Mora.

  "Wow!!" Mora was startled, and her face suddenly turned red. "W-what are you doing all of a sudden?" "

  There is still blood on your neck." Ganouen pointed at his neck as a reminder.

  "Ah haha, that's it..." Mo La smiled dryly and rubbed her neck with her hand.

  "Shitou, get a towel for Mo La." Ganon ordered and looked at Anya and Mo La carefully, frowning slightly, "You look a little strange, are you injured?" "No!!" Mo La waved her hands repeatedly


  "We're fine, don't worry about us, just do what you need to do." Anya said pretending to be calm. "Perhaps the invasion of the succubi has some lingering effects. Let's ask her what she dreamed about later." Angst said suddenly.

  "Absolutely not!" Mo La immediately denied loudly.

  "Idiot!" Anya cursed in a low voice at Mo La. Such a big reaction would definitely attract Angost's attention.

  Sure enough, Angost immediately came over like a hyena that smelled the smell of meat, "It feels very interesting, tell me about it in detail." Ganon turned his attention to the other side,

  Isbe Er and Anellojie stood there, and the succubi who had been dealt with were also spread side by side not far away.

  A total of five succubi were eliminated. One was burned until it was charred, one was drained of blood and turned into a mummy, and one corpse only had a fatal wound on the neck. It died neatly. The most tragic one was solved by Mo La. On the other end, she was cut in half by the spinning battle ax that she threw with great force, and her internal organs were spilled out.

  From the traces on these succubi, you can basically tell who solved them.

  Then the last one...

  "What's going on?" Ganon looked at Isabel.

  "I helped you capture him alive." Isabel proudly puffed out her chest.

  Ganon looked at the last succubus lying on the ground.

  She was indeed still alive. Isabel probably subdued her when she woke up and tied her up. The binding method was quite unique, similar to tortoise shell binding. This was the first time Ganouen had seen such a thing in reality. The complicated rope art greatly highlights the complex and graceful curves of the succubus' body.

  In addition, she also put a blindfold on the succubus and stuffed a mouth ball into it.

  Ganon didn't make any unnecessary complaints about this. It can be said that it is normal for Isbell to do such a thing.

  "Good job." Ganon praised, "Now I can do a good interrogation and get some information." When he just

  woke up, out of a sense of crisis, he killed the succubus who invaded his room. - To be honest, he didn't expect that a succubus who could cast that level of charm would be so weak at the time. In fact, it was the best choice to keep him alive to collect information.

  "No way, Ganon." Anne Roger said lazily, "This succubus has no soul."

  Ganon looked surprised.

  "A complete higher creature is a combination of spirit and flesh, and necromancy can separate this combination. But she only has flesh on her body, no spirit. In other words, she is just a piece of meat that acts on instinct." Anne Luojie told Ganouen explain.

  "It seems like this." Isabel also agreed, then removed the succubus's eye patch and mouth ball, pulled the succubus to kneel in front of Ganouen, and showed it to Ganouen.

  The succubus' eyes were dull and her expression was confused. She raised her head to face Ganouen's gaze, showing only a trace of confusion.

  A moment later, she suddenly stared straight at Ganouen and giggled, then a strange light flashed in her eyes.

  Ganon frowned slightly. He could feel that the succubus was trying to interfere with his spirit with charm, but this charm was too weak and had no effect on him at all.

  And he noticed that the face of this succubus looked exactly like Hilmeria who appeared in Salil's room.

  He reached out and pushed the other person's face, forcing him to look away.

  The succubus, whose charm was interrupted, said "Ahhh" twice, and tried to look at Ganon again before casting its charm.

  "She wants to suck your essence. She doesn't have any intelligence, but she seems to still retain the ability and instinct of a succubus." Isabel said.

  Ganon thought for a while and went to check the remaining corpses.

  The faces of the corpses that were burnt by him and sucked by Anne's blood were hard to identify, but the faces of the two succubi that Anya and Moura had dealt with were still intact. He casually wiped away the blood on the faces of the two corpses and found that they He also has the face of Hilmeria.

  "Is it a clone created by the Tears of the Mother Goddess?" Ganon thought of Patriz and the special ability of the Tears of the Mother Goddess that he had mentioned.

  It seems that these are clones made by Hilmeria using artifacts. The clones are physically clones of Hilmeria. They do not have Hilmeria's power or even their souls, but Hilmeria Ya seems to be able to use them as a medium to cast dream-infiltration and charm spells on multiple targets at the same time through some means.

  At this point, he finally figured out Hilmeria's method of sneaking into his territory. To a certain extent, it was luck that this succubus was able to sneak in. Angost happened to be in the tower on the day she took action. She used the contract to teleport in, and used hypnosis to prevent him from waking up immediately, thus inadvertently bypassing the surveillance of the "Watcher".

  The remaining question is her purpose - Salil is Hilmeria's purpose, and there must be some kind of secret hidden in her.

  "Stone, get rid of the body and throw the captured alive into the dungeon." After Ganon said that, he turned and went upstairs, preparing to go to the fifth floor to see Salil's condition.

  (End of chapter)

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