251. Chapter 251 Instinct is at work

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  Chapter 251 Instinct at work
  "Are you the daughter of that succubus?" After listening to Salil's story, Ganon and Salil confirmed.

  This statement made Salil sigh a little irritably: "That's what she said."

  Ganouen fell into deep thought. It is theoretically impossible for angels and demons to produce offspring. In the final analysis, their mutual energy attributes, It is destined that the two will be difficult to combine. The chaotic energy of the abyss will cause harm to angels, and the holy light brought by angels will do the same to demons.

  But if there are tears of the mother goddess that control the "reproduction" of living things, maybe this impossibility can be made possible.

  "It seems that you have accepted this statement?" Ganon looked at Salil.

  He himself was inclined to believe this statement. The extremely similar appearance of Salil and Hilmeria, as well as the images that happened to Salil, all confirmed Salil's peculiar bloodline.

  But with Salil's arrogant temperament, Ganouen thought that her first reaction would be to deny it by all means. At least, she shouldn't accept it so quickly.

  However, after just one contact with Hilmeria, Salil turned into a frost-beaten eggplant and was completely frustrated.

  "What else can I do if I don't accept it? I have already turned into a demon myself, not to mention that now..." Salil glanced at Ganouen and stopped suddenly.

  "You now?" Ganon asked.

  "Nothing!!" Salil turned away irritably and took a deep breath to adjust her breathing.

  After a while, she spoke again: "Besides, there are fragments like that in my memory."

  "Your memory?" Ganouen asked.

  "She used dreams to awaken my previous memories..." Salil touched her forehead and said with a distressed look, "The memory hatched in that huge egg, I have seen that demon before!" "Are you sure

  ? Is that your memory?" Ganon asked.

  "Who else could it be if it wasn't mine? The hypnotism of a succubus can't fabricate memories." Salil shook her head in frustration, "I was born a succubus, but I just disguised myself as an angel, haha "It's ridiculous, right?"

  "It's probably wrong to pretend that you are an angel. Your power as an angel is real, and you also have the blood of an angel. Logically speaking, if you admit that you are a succubus, then you should still be an angel. Or neither," Ganon corrected.

  "You have a terrible way of comforting people," Salil replied irritably.

  "I'm not comforting you, I'm just reminding you." Ganon replied.

  "This is not a question of logic. You have no way of understanding how I feel now! I have been the highest-level Seraph since I can remember, but I am still alive now, but suddenly I know that I am actually a succubus! Can you imagine? When you wake up, you suddenly find yourself transformed into another race?" Salil raised her voice.

  I know this damn well! Ganon thought.

  "If you wake up and find yourself transformed into an ordinary human being, you won't be able to bear it." After venting his emotions, Salil muttered again in frustration.

  "Honestly, I think it's nothing..." Ganon shrugged.

  Salil frowned and looked at Ganouen, her eyes full of suspicion.

  She heard that true dragons were probably creatures with ridiculously high self-esteem, and it would be extremely humiliating for them to become weak creatures.

  "Look at me walking around in the tower in human form all day long. Do you think I care about this?" Ganon spread his hands, "So what if I transform into other creatures? Do I still have to live as usual?"

  Sally Er carefully observed Ganouen's eyes, and from the look in his eyes that didn't avoid him at all, she realized that he really thought so.

  "What if it turns into a cockroach?" Salil asked a little unconvinced.

  "You have to raise the issue, right?" Ganon raised an eyebrow, "Okay, that's a bit bad, but at least you are not in that bad situation now. At least the succubus is also a kind of intelligent high-level demon, you can You can think, talk, and do all kinds of things you want to do... By the way, are you hungry now? Do you want to get something for you to eat?"

  Ganouen still remembers that Salil likes food, so maybe let her eat it. Something to help calm her down.

  But when Salil heard the word "eat", her eyes suddenly stared at Ganouen and she swallowed.

  The sweet smell of prey emanating from Ganon's body constantly attracted her.

  She came back to her senses after a moment, and immediately became excited: "How could the situation not be so bad? I have now become a succubus, the most despicable type of demon that relies on flattery to survive. I just look at you now and I feel like ——"

  She got stuck again mid-sentence.

  "You?" Ganon waited for her to finish.

  "No! Nothing!!" Salil covered her face and took a long breath to calm down, "How about you..."

  Get out - just as Salil was about to say this, another thought came to her mind. A voice rang out: "Don't let him go, you obviously want him to stay."

  "Let him go quickly, there will be problems!" Another voice rang out.

  In fact, ever since she met Ganon, the succubus instinct in her body had begun to stir.

  "Salil?" Seeing Salil's hesitant expression, Ganon called out.

  Salil looked at him, calmed down, and lowered her eyes: "What should I do in the future? I can't go back to Heaven Mountain." Looking back now, she finally

  understood why the Blazing Sky Council treated her With that kind of attitude, I also understand why I am different from other angels. The two voices that linger in her heart are probably due to the different instincts brought about by her two contradictory bloodlines.

  I am afraid that the Blazing Sky Council has long known about her life experience and is wary of it.

  And she impulsively took away the holy sword "Judgment Day" and did not make any merit for Heaven Mountain. This was enough for the Blazing Sky Council to consider her dangerous.

  Salil didn't think she would be forgiven if she returned to her angelic form and returned with "Judgment Day".

  What's more, she has no intention of continuing to stay in Paradise Mountain with such a contradictory identity. In fact, it is not that good there. "Then do you want to go to the abyss?" Ganon asked casually.

  "What!?" Salil immediately frowned in resistance.

  "Sylmeria's purpose should be to take you away, although I'm not sure why she took you away. But with your current strength, you should actually be able to survive independently in the abyss." Ganouen said seriously. said.

  In the recognition of the "Watcher", Sariel, who transformed into a succubus, is actually no weaker than when she was a Seraph - she is a great demon who can be compared with a Seraph, and can even survive in the abyss. Take your place and become a lord.

  Ganon speculated that as a hybrid of angels and demons made by artifacts, Salil may have the ability to transform her own magical properties. The power of the Holy Light of Seraph was transformed into the power of the abyss after the awakening of her bloodline. Chaos magic.

  "I don't want to die!" Salil replied firmly.

  "Then why don't you just stay here with me?" Ganon said without hesitation.

  "What did you say?" Salil opened her mouth wide and was stunned.

  "I said you have nowhere to go, why don't you just stay here, just like them?" Ganon said.

  Letting Salil stay in the Endless Tower would undoubtedly be of huge benefit to him.

  Salil can not only serve as the priest of the Temple of the Lord of the Abyss, but she is also a legendary level powerhouse. Winning her to become a member of the tower can greatly enhance the combat power of the territory.

  But Salil now has an extra understanding - like them? Doesn't that mean...

  She thought of the close relationship between other people and Ganouen, and countless scenes flashed through her mind. Her face suddenly started to feel hot, and even her toes involuntarily dug into the sheets.

  The restlessness originating from instinct began to become uncontrollable.

  "You, you said this..." Salil looked at Ganouen with flashing eyes, "Are you serious?" "

  Yes." Ganouen simply responded.

  Salil's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her breathing suddenly became rapid.

  This red dragon proposed to her at this time? What did he think?

  But Salil found that she didn't resist it, and even... became inexplicably excited.

  "What's wrong with you?" Ganon noticed something was wrong with Salil, and moved closer to observe her face carefully.

  "Don't..." Salil subconsciously stretched out her hand to push Ganouen, but when she touched the opponent's body, her hand suddenly lost strength.

  By some strange coincidence, her hand landed on Ganouen's shoulder.

  Salil stood up and stared at Ganon closely.

  "I knew you had bad intentions when you came here to find me!" She said through gritted teeth.

  "Then you condemned me and flirted with me at the same time?" Ganouen raised his eyebrows. He had already realized that Salil's succubus instinct was at work.

  "Don't speak." Salil stared at Ganouen's face.

  "Come on Salil!! Come on!!" The inner voice of the succubus kept shouting under the influence of many conditions, completely suppressing the other voice.

  It would be nice to just be a little satisfied, and this was also to allow herself to return to normal as soon as possible... She had already started to think of excuses for herself in her mind.

  Salil's face moved closer and closer, her eyes becoming more and more confused.

  But at the last moment, the remaining sanity tightened like a string, grabbing her in time.

  "No..." Salil woke up a little and subconsciously wanted to distance herself.

  But this time Ganouen couldn't bear it any longer and suddenly hugged her and pressed his lips against hers.

  Salil trembled all over, and her tense rationality broke on the spot.

  She kissed the other person passionately, and at the same time, she instinctively activated the succubus' "life-draining kiss" and began to absorb the other person's life force.

  Ganon could also feel it, but he didn't care. This level of absorption was nothing to him.

  After a few seconds, Salil, whose desire was filled, came to her senses completely. She pushed Ganouan away and glared at him: "You!" "

  You took the initiative in the first half. Isn't it a bit too much to put all the responsibility on me now?" ?" Ganon smiled.

  "Well..." Salil was speechless for a moment.

  At this moment, she felt that she was really crazy, and she actually followed the red dragon in a fit of enthusiasm...

  But this strong sense of betrayal did not make her feel very disgusted.

  "So are you satisfied?" A cold voice came from the side, freezing Salil's thinking.

  Ganon turned his face, and Salil also turned around tremblingly.

  The door was opened at some point, and Zhenna stood at the door holding the handle with a cold face.

  (End of chapter)

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