222.Chapter 222 I am very happy

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  Chapter 222 I am glad
  that Salil reflected on her mistakes.

  In the battle just now, she ignored the female captives who seemed to have been brainwashed and focused on dealing with the red dragon who was the culprit.

  It’s not that she cares about the safety of these poor hostages, but that she proudly believes that these captives are unlikely to have any impact on her battle. Even the vampire whose head looks like he might be an accomplice of the red dragon, she doesn’t pay much attention to. .

  Unexpectedly, all of these girls had some abilities, and enhanced by some of the strange abilities of the red dragon, she was exhausted from dealing with them.

  Now she has learned her lesson and will never underestimate her enemy again.

  She completely unleashed the power of "Judgment Day", not only summoning five holy swords made of light at the same time, but also summoning five glowing angel silhouettes to hold these five holy swords of judgment.

  She summoned five clones of the Holy Light, each of which was at the level of a lower-level angel.

  She wanted to let the clones separate to deal with the others, while she killed the red dragon with a sword.

  The strong light emitted from the wings became slightly dimmer. She could not maintain the "light that cannot be looked directly at" for too long, but it was enough. Her eyes that had just been dazzled by the strong light could not see clearly immediately.

  However, as soon as she took action, Ganouen suddenly rushed toward her regardless of his own safety.

  Salil felt surprised for a moment, and then continued to face the red dragon: "Seeking death!!" The

  "Judgment Day" sword in her hand suddenly added a large circle of golden blades, turning the entire long sword into a mutated sword. It was a giant sword that was as big as a door panel. Salil predicted that this sword strike would be enough to split the dragon's skull.

  At this time, the red dragon suddenly emitted a golden light. Salil felt the breath of holy light coming towards her face. The scales of the red dragon actually glowed with golden light, and they were also covered with a holy armor!
  Ganon opened his eyes and saw Salil's figure clearly. In the state of the Holy Dragon of Light, he was as resistant to strong light as the angels.

  This evil dragon actually knows how to use Holy Light! This damn blasphemer!
  Salil became increasingly angry and swung the giant sword with all her strength. How could an ordinary holy shield or holy armor block the blow of "Judgment Day", the supreme artifact of the Holy Light?
  With the loud sound of metal colliding, "Judgment Day" firmly hit Ganon's front, but failed to cut through the holy armor.

  The power of "protection", the strength of this holy armor is comparable to the sword of "Judgment Day" as the supreme artifact.

  Before Salil could be surprised, Ganon had already bit her and rushed towards the outer wall of the tower with her in his arms.

  The tightly bitten dragon's teeth shattered Salil's already dim holy armor. When the dragon's teeth penetrated her body, Salil wailed loudly, and the angel clone she summoned was also shattered. Then she was killed by Ganon. It hit the outer wall.

  The wall was suddenly knocked down, and Ganon rushed out of the tower with Salil.

  It's so strong...

  Ganon discovered that although Seraph's body is not as good as that of a dragon, it is still far stronger than ordinary creatures. Their bone strength is similar to the holy shield and holy armor summoned by the advanced holy light technique. This bite penetrates it. Muscles and some internal organs were removed, but the bones were not shattered.

  Salil, who was seriously injured, almost lost consciousness, but she still gritted her teeth and waved the "Judgment Day" in her hand again. Ganon released his mouth in time and threw her out. Salil's counterattack was in vain.

  "Can't beat it!" As she fell towards the woods, Salil finally realized that she was reckless.

  If an experienced Seraph were to fight this giant dragon alone with the "Judgment Day", he should still be quite sure of victory even in the face of so many weird abilities.

  But she was not yet fully awakened. She was fighting away in the dragon's lair, and at the same time she was being beaten by the woman captured by the red dragon. She was unable to fight back.

  At least, we must bring back "Judgment Day"! !
  Thinking like this, Salil endured the severe pain and flapped her wings in an attempt to fly.

  A thick vine stretched out from nowhere and entangled Salil's feet. Salil panicked and cut off the vines with her sword, and new vines entangled her wings.

  The surrounding trees began to twist violently, and countless vines stretched towards her like a swarm of snakes.

  How many tricks does this red dragon have! ? Salil broke out in fear, brandishing the holy sword and lighting the vines with holy fire.

  "Calling a large-scale spell, the wrath of nature!" Ganon calmly used "Watcher" to lock Salil's position, and then shouted, "Why don't you do it now?"

  Salil, who had finally broken through, was I was about to fly, but before I thought about the meaning of this sentence, I suddenly felt a pain in my shoulder.

  When she came to her senses, she found a strange-shaped dagger stuck in her shoulder.

  "What?" Salil was shocked, and then found that her body couldn't move.

  She fell straight down and landed on the ground. Before falling to the ground, she looked towards the direction where the dagger was suspected to have struck, and vaguely caught the figure of the attacker.

  A dark elf wearing night clothes.

  The numbness all over her body began to tug at her consciousness. When she fell to the ground, her consciousness completely fell into darkness.

  Ganon came to the place where Salil fell, and Angst was already standing beside Salil.

  "Hey, it would be a foul if you take advantage of this moment to take my artifact." Angost reminded Ganon.

  "I didn't want to take away the 'Disintegration Blade'. I just hope you won't snatch this angel and the sword she brought from me." Ganon replied.

  "This angel and this sword are useless to me. On the contrary, I kind of want to see what you do with her." Angst grinned under the veil.

  "It's really surprising that you came here. I thought you would immediately slip further away to avoid the noise." Ganouen said.

  He found out that Angost was approaching the Endless Tower through the "Watcher". Angost used "Invisibility" on himself, but the "Watcher"'s real vision could still see through her.

  So he deliberately pushed Seraph out of the tower, not only pushing her into the vine trap of "Wrath of Nature", but also pushing her into Angost's attack range. With this legendary assassin's sneak attack ability, even if He can definitely succeed against Seraph.

  "I think so, but I'm also a little worried about Bei Er. I just want to take a look. I can help a little bit in situations that aren't so dangerous." Angst said and touched her head, "It's really strange. "Yes, I still think there is no possibility that Heaven Mountain will take action against you. What's going on with Seraph?" "

  I probably have a clue...but I still have to interrogate her specifically." Ganouen looked at her lying unconscious on the ground. Salil, "Is she still alive?"

  Zhenna's question basically revealed that the crusade against him was the arbitrary act of this Seraph, but the specific causes and consequences had to be pried out from the other party's mouth.

  "With the vitality of an angel, the Holy Light cannot kill her. The 'Disintegration Blade' only temporarily cut off her control of the body, which can be regarded as a paralysis effect, and then part of the Phantom Blade sealed her connection with the Holy Light. Of course, this requires me to keep the artifact running." Angst replied.

  "So, can you please do me a little favor?" Ganon said slowly, staring at Seraph.

  Angst also looked at Seraph lying on the ground, her eyes curled up: "It depends on the situation, I might be happy to help you!"

  (End of Chapter)

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