223. Chapter 223 The show is about to begin

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  Chapter 223 The show is about to take place in
  Heaven Mountain and the Glory Temple.

  The honor guard composed of angels lined up neatly in two rows, and the six seraphs leading the Heavenly Mountain stood on both sides of the altar enshrining the original holy fire.

  Salil half-knelt in front of the altar with her head lowered with a pious look on her face, trying hard to suppress her excitement and avoid being overjoyed and ruining this solemn promotion ceremony.

  Her promotion ceremony.

  "Salil!" A solemn voice came from the holy fire.

  The light particles floating in the church suddenly gathered together and turned into a huge light ball directly above the holy fire. Then three pairs of wings stretched out from the light ball. The light of the light ball suddenly increased by several points, as if it had grown wings. sun.

  Ella, the archangel of Paradise Mountain, is the only survivor of the first batch of Seraphs created by the Sun God.

  The first batch of seraphs had no human form and were composed of pure light and sky fire. When they gathered together to form, ordinary creatures could not even look directly at their true bodies, and their eyes would be blinded if they looked at them for a few more times.

  For various reasons, the first generation Seraphs died one after another, leaving only Ella. The rest of the current Seraphs were all promoted from lower-level angels in human form based on merit. They inherited divine power from the original Holy Fire and gained powers close to those of the first generation. Seraph's power, but only close.

  After the gods left, Ella followed the oracle left by the Sun God and led the Heavenly Mountain. He is the leader of the Council of the Blazing Sky and the king of the angels.

  When he spoke, all the angels knelt down and listened respectfully to the Archangel's declaration.

  "You heroically slayed the evil dragon that brought trouble to the world, established the prestige of the Holy Light, made the world re-understand the greatness of the Supreme Light, and allowed the faith of the Holy Light to lead the world again. This achievement is worthy of your official promotion to A member of the Blazing Sky Council, we will lead the Heavenly Mountain together with us!" Ella declared solemnly.

  After hearing this, Salil almost raised her lips with joy, but fortunately she controlled her expression in time and replied with the reserve and seriousness that an angel should have: "Yes, this is my honor——"

  Before she finished her words, Ella suddenly said again: "...That's how it should be." "

  Eh?" Salil raised her face in confusion, and suddenly realized that the whole scene had changed.

  The angels did not kneel respectfully in the church, but were fully armed, led by Seraph, and surrounded her kneeling in front of the altar, glaring at her.

  Archangel Ella was emitting a dazzling light that even angels would find dazzling. Countless holy swords of judgment surrounded him, and the blades of each sword were pointed at Salil.

  "It's a pity that you didn't do it." Ella said coldly, "Not only that, you also let the holy relic of the Supreme Light 'Judgment Day' fall into the hands of the evil dragon. You forgot your own A crime? Think of it quickly!"

  Salil gasped in shock, and at the same time all the memories revived in her mind - the memory of her being defeated by the red dragon.

  "No..." Despair suddenly gripped Salil.

  "You despised the laws of heaven, stole the sacred objects, and went to the lower world without permission. You lost your identity as an angel to an evil dragon and brought shame to the Holy Light. You desecrated the sacred objects and the Holy Light! You are the shame of heaven. !!I hereby officially declare that you have been expelled from heaven!!" Ella's cold voice continued, "You will bear the most severe punishment!!!" "No, no!

  Archangel, please... "As soon as Salil stretched out her hand to plead, she was horrified to find that the power of the Holy Light was fading from her body.

  At the same time, two of the three pairs of wings on her back began to wither. Not only that, the remaining pair of wings also began to be dyed black. Her long hair also gradually lost its light and became as black as ink. Her eyes The golden glow also faded, turning into a dull purple.

  She fell to heaven! !
  Salil screamed in horror, and then she felt like she was empty. The church and the angels suddenly disappeared, and she fell rapidly from the air.

  She tried to flap her wings, but found that she couldn't fly. The scene around her kept changing. Countless scenes were shown of her sneaking into the Holy Land to steal artifacts, and the memories of her being defeated by the dragon, which made her regretful.

  Without warning, she suddenly fell into darkness and fell heavily to the ground.

  When she supported her heavy body, she saw a golden sword inserted not far away.

  "Judgment Day!!" Salil felt a burst of surprise and immediately got up and rushed towards the left holy sword. A dragon claw slammed between her and the holy sword, blocking her way.

  Salil looked up and saw the red dragon looking down at her, with an evil smile on his face: "Your sword is very good, it is mine now." "Give it back to me!!" Salil roared

  , She raised her hand to summon the Blade of Judgment, but found that the Holy Light did not respond to her.

  She had become a fallen angel and lost the blessing of the Holy Light. How could she win this red dragon like this, not to mention that she had never beaten the opponent when she was in perfect condition.

  "Don't worry, the show is about to begin." The red dragon grinned again and raised a paw.

  Six ropes were tied to the tips of his claws, and five figures appeared on the other end of the ropes.

  Salil took a closer look and found that they were the five girls who had besieged her with the red dragon before. The rope in the red dragon's hand was connected to the collars around their necks. Their eyes were empty and dim, as if they were lost. soul.

  There is also an empty collar at the other end of the rope. It is open and suspended in mid-air, swimming back and forth, as if it is looking for its target.

  Suddenly, the collar seemed to notice Salil and rushed towards Salil.

  "Don't come over!!" Realizing that the collar was about to be fastened around her neck, Sally suddenly felt a chill.

  How could she forget? This evil dragon has a low-level interest in catching girls of all races to satisfy his desires. What will happen if she falls into the hands of this guy...

  Salil turns around and runs away, with the collar chasing after her. .

  Suddenly, she felt a pain in her chest, and then she felt that her body had lost consciousness, as if she had turned to stone and could no longer move.

  A blurry figure slowly appeared in front of her eyes, and she could vaguely see that it was a masked dark elf.

  Salil suddenly remembered that it was this dark elf who used a weird dagger to sneak attack her and knock her down from the sky. But this time, she stabbed herself in the chest with a dagger.

  Unable to move, she could only look at the dark elf. In a daze, the dark elf's figure became more blurry, and then suddenly changed its appearance, growing a pair of horns and wings.

  "Devil!?" Salil was shocked.

  In this outline, she could make out the shape of a demon.

  Somehow, she felt a familiar aura from this demon. She tried hard to identify the other person's face. She was clearly close at hand, but the face seemed to be hidden in the mist, and she couldn't see it clearly.

  The demon suddenly raised his hand and slapped her.

  There was a "pop" sound, and Salil woke up from her dream.

  "Finally woke up." Angst stood in front of Salil and put down her hand.

  "It's you!" Salil recognized the other party as the dark elf who attacked her last, and realized that everything just now was a dream, and immediately gritted her teeth at Angst.

  "Don't worry, little angel, the show is about to begin." Angst said slowly.

  (End of chapter)

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