221. Chapter 221 Seraph is not a stepping stone

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  Chapter 221: Seraph is not just a stepping stone
  . There was a loud bang. The shock wave spat out from Ganouen's mouth hit the holy shield summoned by Salil, causing cracks in the holy shield, but it failed to shatter the holy shield.

  Can barely prevent it!

  Salil judged that she was concentrating on defense, which seemed to be enough to block the red dragon's full breath.

  Judging that the red dragon had entered the breath adjustment stage, Salil activated "Judgment Day" and flapped her wings to charge, with several light-forged holy swords of judgment flying around her.

  Normally she would not be able to defeat the dragon in close combat, but with the indestructible "Judgment Day" in hand, she could easily cut through the dragon's scales and summon a large sword array to inflict huge damage to the opponent.

  A large group of blood bats summoned by Annie suddenly surged in from one side and surrounded her. The blood bats burrowed towards all the exposed skin of her body, trying to blend into her flesh and destroy it.

  "Get away!!" Salil ordered the lightsaber flying around her to fight back, causing her wings to burst into holy light.

  The strong sunlight immediately scorched the blood bats nearby, causing them to turn into blood mist and dissipate.

  As soon as she got rid of the blood bat swarm, the light-forged giant sword summoned by Zhenna and the arcane arrows shot by Isabel came one after another. Salil hurriedly spun in the air to avoid the arcane arrows shot in a straight line, and swung her sword with the wave. He used "Judgment Day" to fight with the giant sword, and chopped the holy light giant sword summoned by Zhenna into pieces on the spot.

  While she was struggling to cope, Ganon took the opportunity to issue an order: "Calling a large-scale spell, the blessing of the God of War!" A

  magic circle appeared under the seal of the God of War on the ninth floor. At the same time, everyone present followed The weapons in the hands of everyone who signed the contract in the tower have been greatly strengthened, and each has been given the effect of the "God of War's Strike" at the master level.

  Mora added another "God of War's Blow" to the battle ax, and then aimed at Salil and threw the battle ax hard.

  As soon as Salil made a dodge action, she was surprised to find that the spinning battle ax turned like a flexible bird. The God of War's blessing also strengthened the concept of long-range weapons, and the blessed weapon was thrown out It can actually track the target to a certain extent within the range.

  Realizing that she couldn't dodge, she used "Judgment Day" to block in desperation.

  The whirling battle ax hit the sword of "Judgment Day" heavily, and the two stacks of "War God's Blow" made this blow hit an extraordinary level, amplifying the slashing effect of the battle ax.

  Salil felt like she was hit by a giant swinging a battle ax as big as a door panel, which shocked both of her arms to numbness. The indestructible "Judgment Day" resisted the blow, but her strength was not enough to completely Resistance, the defensive posture collapsed, and she was shot down.

  The blood bats swarmed towards her landing point and gathered into a pool of sticky blood. A large number of blood thorns grew out of the pool of blood.

  In desperation, Salil summoned a pair of holy armor to cover her whole body, blocking the blood thorns entangled in her body. She wielded Judgment Day to chop off the blood thorns, trying to break free.

  At this time, a group of blood bats gathered directly above her, and Anellojie appeared, holding a huge blood sickle in her hand.

  The mist-like undead are wrapped around the blood scythe. The necromancy spell "Reaper's Harvest" adds the aura of death to weapons made of bones or flesh. As long as it hurts the target, it can inject death energy into the target's body, even if it does not kill directly. Killing the target can also make the target weak.

  She spun down, and the blood scythe drew a bright red arc and struck Salil hard on the shoulder. Death energy exploded on the blade, resisting the holy light, but only slashed a line on Salil's holy armor. crack.

  In terms of realm, Annerogie, who is still one step away from being promoted to prince, is still not as good as Seraph Salil.

  The angry Salil was about to strike back with her sword when a shadow flashed past and penetrated into the cracks of Salil's holy armor in the blink of an eye.

  The excruciating pain made Salil cry out, and Anya was locked on her in the shadows in the corner of the hall. Anya has been "hiding" outside Salil's sight, waiting for opportunities. At the critical moment, she threw the dagger, and also added "Shadow Assault" and "Weak Point Break", and the nihilistic dagger penetrated The cracks in her holy armor rematerialized after piercing into her flesh.

  This stab was just a superficial wound to her, but it caused her unbearable pain. Even if the assassin's "weak spot break" did not cause serious damage, it would cause pain far beyond the actual damage, thereby destroying the enemy's spirit.

  At this moment, Ganon suddenly fluttered his wings and flew up, looking down at Salil.

  Salil looked up and saw the red dragon's eyes, but they were not the eyes shining like lava, but a pair of gray and turbid eyes.

  She was surprised to find that the appearance of the red dragon had changed. Its scales seemed to have faded and were covered with a gray texture, and its body was surrounded by misty undead.

  The moment she looked at Ganon, she felt as if the blood all over her body began to freeze, and her body's heat was rapidly lost.

  "I am death, the grave of all things, your end!" Ganon read this hymn in his heart.

  After dedicating Prince Aliu's "Life-Binding Reaper" to the temple of the God of Death, Ganon gained an additional power to control "death".

  He can release this energy on a wide scale, releasing a realm of death in which all vitality will be weakened. Creatures with weaker vitality may die on the spot if they enter this realm.

  He can also lock on an object with the target of "harvest". At this time, the claws, teeth, horns, and scales on Ganon's body all have a "decay" effect. A scratch may add a decay curse to the target. , starting from the wound and spreading to the whole body.

  But now, one of his gazes even has the effect of killing living beings. The power is not as strong as direct damage, but it is enough to make Salil weak.

  The light of the holy armor on Salil quickly dimmed.

  Taking advantage of the moment when Sariel was distracted by the death gaze, Ganon opened his mouth and breathed out.

  The miasma with the breath of death immediately covered Salil, and the breath of death quickly eroded Salil's holy armor.

  Salil felt her life draining away rapidly, and the fear of death suddenly gripped her tightly.

  She tried her best to open her wings and used all her strength to focus the holy light on her wings.

  The wings suddenly emitted an extremely strong light, illuminating the entire floor in pale white, and all the shadows faded under the extreme bright light.

  The wings of Seraph emit "light that cannot be looked directly at" that can blind people. At the same time, everyone who is illuminated by the strong light feels the burning pain like heavenly fire.

  Ganon also had to close his eyes. The light that could not be seen directly dispersed the misty undead spirit on his body, and the sky fire began to burn on his scales.

  "How could the Holy Seraph be bullied by creatures like you from the lower world?" Salil gritted her teeth and injected power into the "Judgment Day" in her hand, "Now it's your turn to pay the price!!" (End of Chapter


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