211. Chapter 211 Similarity

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  Chapter 211:
  "Is this a joke? Is it a trap?" Angst subconsciously took a step back. There were not many things in the world that could give her such a reaction.

  But the princess of Mu Xia suddenly took out her book - it was actually the latest one, and asked her to sign it with a coy expression. This kind of thing made her have to suspect that she was dreaming.

  Or maybe the world has gone crazy.

  Then she looked at Ganouen suspiciously: "Did you ask her to do this? I have to admit that your little tricks scared me." "I have no such

  interest. Before I knew her, she was your elder sister. Book lover, she came back with us just to meet you." Ganouen explained calmly, "Aren't you very good at observing words and emotions? Why don't you ask her yourself?"

  Angost looked at Isabel again with some doubts. , the other party was looking at himself with bright eyes.

  The innocent look in the other party's eyes made Angest a little shaken. She was good at interrogation and could not see any trace of lies.

  "Have you really read my book?" Angst tried to ask.

  "Yes, all series!" Isabel nodded vigorously.

  "So, including the book "Dragon's Lair"?" Angst asked.

  "Yes, that was my favorite book before. What I like most now is your new work. It is based on me, right? It makes me feel very immersed in it!" Isabel said with excitement on her face answer.

  Angest still couldn't see any trace of lying, but she was still worried and continued to ask: "So how many dragons are there in "Dragon's Nest"?" "Five."

  Isabel said without thinking. answer.

  "Haha, there are only three in total, one red, black and one green. If you have really seen it, I don't think this is a difficult question to answer." Angst felt that she had caught the other party's flaw.

  "But aren't there also a land dragon and a wyvern? They appear on about pages 135 to 45. You didn't just say it was limited to true dragons." Isabel replied with a wink. .

  Could this story be any more exaggerated? What happened in those ten pages! ?

  Ganon, who was listening on the sidelines, complained in his mind.

  Angost was shocked. She looked at Isabel in surprise: "Have you really read it! Do you even remember the page number?"

  Even she, the author, could not know the work so well.

  "Of course I will remember it after reading it dozens of times. I can even recite some classic passages! The book you wrote has accompanied me in countless sleepless nights. I really, really like you. Works, you are my favorite author!!" Isabel said sincerely.

  Angest finally had to believe it now. She muttered to herself, "There is such a thing," and then covered her mouth.

  "What's your reaction?" Ganon frowned slightly.

  "I wasn't moved at all!" Angst shook her head violently.

  She had been secretly publishing those works in late summer, and her subordinates provided them to underground businessmen, and she was always on guard against anyone spying on her. Of course, she has never met her readers in Late Summer, and this is the first time she has received feedback from book fans.

  "What about it?" Ganon was a little confused.

  "The princess of late summer..." Angost looked at Isabel carefully and suddenly put her hand on her shoulder, "You have a great future. How about being my goddaughter?" "Eh?"

  Isabel I didn't react for a moment.

  "Stop making a fuss. Patriz will kill you if she knows what's going on here. Sign her name quickly. We still have to discuss business." Ganouen reminded calmly.

  "Let me interview you later. I want to hear the details of your life with Ganouen. It will definitely bring me a lot of inspiration!" Angost said happily to Isabel. She signed her name on the book and wrote a message to Isabel,

  "Please do! I'm looking forward to the new book!!" Isabel came to give you a bright look.

  These two guys are so similar... Ganon thought to himself.

  "Your place is so interesting. I came to you at the right time!" Angst nodded with satisfaction to Ganouen.

  "Thank you for your appreciation. My residence is in this direction." Ganon made a "please" gesture. From here, you can already see the endless tower built to a height of nine floors.

  "No need, my people and I will be stationed here for the time being." Angst immediately refused, "We will find a suitable place to live nearby by ourselves. Don't worry, you can find me at any time. I won't It will embarrass you when you explain to Mu Xia." "You are still so wary." Ganouen sighed.

  This is the edge area of ​​the "Watcher" range. Although Angst does not know the existence of the Watcher, she is obviously still wary of it.

  "I am officially a guest at your home. I need to make some mental preparations. This is already your territory. According to the agreement, let me see what you are capable of at your home court first." Angst shook her head. Wag your fingers.

  Ganon didn't reply, he just summoned the authority letter, and then called out the "Ring of Judgment Angel" from the Sun Temple.

  After a delay of several seconds, a dazzling pillar of fire was launched into the sky, so bright that it was difficult to open one's eyes.

  "It's interesting. Is that tower a miracle?" Angost guessed with interest.
  "There are many things that can be done here. If we can seize the home field advantage, the devil you mentioned may not be There is no way to solve it." Ganon said and put back the spell to avoid wasting the stored magic power.

  "No wonder you have such confidence. However, we only have one chance to take action. If you fail to kill her or force her to terminate the contract after I summon her, she will have the opportunity to take her away directly on the grounds that I am trying to break the contract. My soul. This matter can be discussed in the long term, we still have ten years." Angst said.

  "Actually, I've always wanted to ask, are you really unable to do anything about the contract? Didn't you temporarily invalidate Anya's contract for a period of time?" Ganon asked.

  The contract level of the Endless Tower is very high and can even cover the domination contract attached to the secondary artifact "Slave Master's Ring" used by Anya in the past. However, Angst can use the spell-breaking ability of the "Disintegration Blade" phantom blade to temporarily seal it. .

  No matter how powerful that succubus is, the contract it arranges cannot be more powerful than the contract of the Endless Tower.

  "Yes, just use this artifact. I can even use it to forcibly remove the contract." Angst played with the "disintegration blade".

  "Then why not do that?" Ganon asked.

  "Because the devil's contract is deeply bound to the soul, if it is forcibly removed with the disintegrating blade, it will inevitably cause serious damage to my soul. In the worst case, it may directly turn me into a useless person, so this It can be used as a final solution. I can also temporarily invalidate the contract, but then I will not be able to use the phantom blade, and I am not sure that I can kill the demon in this situation." Angost replied.

  "If you give the artifact to me first, maybe I can find a better way to solve this matter." Ganon said.

  "Do you really think I will give it to you if you say that?" Angst laughed.

  "I'm not lying to you. In my tower, you can extract the power from the artifact by sacrificing it." Ganon revealed a little bit of information.

  "Endless Tower?" Angst suddenly frowned.

  "You know?" Ganon was not surprised.

  Both Elf King Orphide and Princess Patriz have a certain understanding of the Endless Tower. Angst is also considered to be of the same generation as them. She once ran the most powerful intelligence agency in Nitriland and has some relevant knowledge. The information seemed normal, and Ganon only revealed it to the other party with such little expectation.

  "Anya is here with you, so you must have heard of the 'Dragon's Lair', right?" Angst suddenly asked an unrelated topic.

  "I have been in contact with one of them, a blue dragon who manages the Order of the Dragon. She serves as the messenger of the Dragon Ascension Nest to convey orders to the Night Blade family." Ganon replied.

  "Your tower has probably not been exposed to them yet," Angst asked.

  "The envoy knew about the existence of this tower, but she did not reveal it to Dragon Ascension Lair." Ganon said.

  "That's really something to be thankful for. In fact, I heard about the Endless Tower when I was inquiring about information at the 'Dragon Ascension Lair'." Angst replied.

  "What did you say?" Ganon was surprised.

  "The center of the Dragon's Ascension Lair is the lair of the Blue Dragon King Grendel. He lives deep in the salt mine. He ordered the slaves of the Dragon Order to continue to dig deeper into the minerals. Then they dug out a ruins, and one was buried. The ancient town in that town, the murals in that town, recorded the miracles dedicated to the seven main gods. That miracle should have existed in the center of the town, but..." Angost paused as she spoke, " That miracle has mysteriously disappeared, along with the foundation."

  Ganon was shocked and fell into deep thought. Could it be that the Endless Tower was originally located in the center of the ruins occupied by the Dragon Ascension Nest, somewhere? Was he transferred to this place in an era?
  Patriz once mentioned that the powerful men summoned by the gods in the elven empire went to the north of the continent, which was consistent with the location of the Dragon's Ascension Nest described by Dolan Sloane.

  "Has the Blue Dragon King been looking for this ruins?" Ganon tried to ask.

  "If he knew that such a miracle existed, he would definitely be interested. The messenger you mentioned is also a dragon. Real dragons have no real loyalty at all. He should be targeting the Blue Dragon King out of selfish motives. You are very lucky to hide it." Angost replied matter-of-factly, "However, I'm afraid this luck will not last long. Your fame has spread further and further, and this time you defeated the empire. , the Imperial people will probably think of ways to further spread your existence."

  "Spread my story?" Ganon was startled.

  "Of course, in order to attract other interested forces to deal with you, if it were me, I would definitely spread your notoriety to all places. The more famous a dragon is, the easier it is to be targeted." Angost spread her hands, " I advise you to make more preparations as soon as possible, Red Dragon."

  (End of this chapter)

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