212. Chapter 212 Seraph

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  Chapter 212: Seraph

  Heaven Mountain.

  The angel Saliel sat on the lookout, watching the sun sink below the clouds in the west.

  Another day that never changes. She thought to herself.

  Paradise Mountain is located directly above the Papal State in the middle of the continent, suspended thousands of miles in the sky, floating on the sea of ​​clouds like an iceberg floating on the sea.

  Different from the ever-changing ground, the scenery here remains unchanged. Looking far away from here, it is basically the same sea of ​​clouds. The weather is only sunny. The sun rises from the east every day, bringing blessings and grace to every angel. West falls.

  The lives of angels are as regular as the rising and setting sun every day. They protect the original holy fire, record celestial phenomena, collect reports from the Papal State from the gate of heaven, and monitor the trends in the world. Angels are only sent when necessary. Carry out a mission of justice.

  The human world... Salil began to daydream about the world below again.

  "Salil." A majestic voice came from behind her.

  Upon hearing this, Salil quickly stood up and turned around to salute: "Archangel Michael!"

  The seraph, who was taller than Salil, was suspended behind her, his expression as cold as a sculpture.

  "Archangel, have you received a reply to the proposal I submitted?" Salil asked nervously and with a bit of expectation.

  She submitted a proposal to the Blazing Sky Council before, for which she waited for two days.

  In recent days, reports from the Papal States have shown that the world's faith in the Holy Religion is declining.

  The most glorious era of the Holy Light Faith once covered more than 90% of human countries. The powerful Dragon's Back Empire of that era also regarded the Holy Religion as the state religion and was named a Holy Empire by the Papal State.

  However, after several dynasty changes, the Holy Religion has long lost its status today. Even though many countries still respect the Holy Religion according to tradition, after the departure of the gods, emerging religions began to challenge traditional beliefs.

  To make matters worse, a queen of the Dragon Backbone Empire began to implement a new policy after she ascended the throne a year ago. Not only did she cancel the preferential treatment for the Holy Religion, but she also began to interact with the Kingdom of Death, which was considered a heresy by the Holy Religion. This undoubtedly greatly affected the faith of the world. wind direction.

  At the same time, some evil forces are still active, and the forces of the abyss continue to move and develop in the world. In the past two hundred years, the abyss has added an abyss lord.

  Seeing these reports, Salil felt a little heavy, but at the same time she also felt a little excited. She saw an opportunity, an opportunity for herself to go to the human world to change the status quo.

  She submitted a proposal to her superiors, voluntarily asking Ying to go down to earth to show the miracles of Heavenly Mountain, assist the Papal State in eradicating a powerful evil force, and once again establish the prestige of Heavenly Mountain in the lower world - in fact, some reports from the Papal State In it, there is also a subtle expression of the hope that Tiantianshan will take action.

  Because of the oracle left by the Sun God, Heavenly Mountain is not allowed to interfere with things in the lower world unless necessary. Whether it is necessary or not will be decided by the Seraph Council led by the Archangel.

  In the past two days, Salil has been looking forward to having her proposal approved.

  She had never been to the netherworld.

  "The Archangel has reviewed your proposal, and after discussing it with us, we unanimously decided to reject your proposal." Mikael replied in a mechanical voice.

  "Why?" Salil raised her face in shock.

  "The crisis you mentioned is, in the final analysis, nothing more than a power struggle between countries in the lower world. It has been like this for thousands of years. There is nothing to make a fuss about. More or less faith in the world will not affect the brilliance of the holy fire." Mikael replied . "However, we cannot just watch the world's faith in the Supreme Light disappear. We must take precautions in everything. We should take advantage of the crisis when it first appears..." Salil argued with reason.

  "Salil, are you questioning the decision of the Blazing Sky Council?" Mikael interrupted her with a mechanical voice.

  Salil stopped and lowered her head again with some reluctance: "I don't dare, I just want to add something."

  "Your thoughts have been conveyed, and this is the opinion of the Blazing Heaven Council. As the executors of the will of the Supreme Light, as the fingers of the Sun God, as joints, and as gears, we should abandon personal emotions and devote ourselves to the mission. You Have you forgotten?" Mikael began to reprimand Salil, but his voice was not harsh at all, and he just expressed it mechanically.

  "I understand." Salil responded with some disappointment.

  "You are a rare miracle born from the holy fire, a natural Seraph. The Seraph Council has always placed high hopes on you. It's a pity that there were a few impurities mixed in when you were born, which makes you prone to distracting thoughts. You should understand, Those thoughts you have come from these distracting thoughts, and you should overcome them," Mikael continued.

  "I..." Salil wanted to refute a little bit, but in the end, all that came out of her mouth was a respectful response, "I understand." Since she was born with self-

  awareness, Salil found that she and Other angels are different.

  First of all, she was born with six wings and possessed the status of the highest-level Seraph without being promoted. She only had to wait for her awakening to become one of the few Seraphs.

  In addition, she found that her emotions seemed to be richer and more impulsive than other angels, which was regarded as a flaw by other angels. They believed that Salil was unfortunately not enchanted by the Holy Fire when she was born in the Sky Fire. After the refining is completed, some impurities have not been removed.

  Angels uphold order, and most angels live like machines, performing tasks assigned by the Blazing Heaven Council day after day, and are proud of their ability to abandon inferior emotions and devote themselves to the operation of Heavenly Mountain with absolute calmness.

  Salil has never dared to express her true opinions about this kind of life to others - she has always felt that this mechanical life makes her a little breathless.

  "We are looking forward to your awakening, and then the Blazing Sky Council will accept you as one of us. Don't let us down." After speaking, Mikael spread his wings and prepared to leave.

  "I will follow your teachings." Salil hid her regret in her heart.

  After Mikael left, Salil let out a long sigh.

  I thought that this time, I could finally go to the lower world to have a look...

  Why was it rejected? It is obvious that the faith of the Holy Light has been challenged like never before. The faith of the world will not affect the Holy Light to some extent, but the power of those heretics will It will continue to breed in the human world and then challenge Heaven Mountain.

  I'm obviously right, why don't you understand?
  Salil felt a little suffocated at the thought of continuing this same gear-like life.

  "Just prove to them that you are right!" A voice sounded from the bottom of my heart.

  no! She tried to suppress her restless selfish desires, but the voice became more intense:

  "Take action, find the evil hidden in the lower world and eradicate it, establish the prestige of the Holy Light, don't be afraid, the right thing will eventually be recognized!" "Damn

  ... ..." She sat down and hugged her knees in frustration, "What should I do?"

  (End of Chapter)

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