210.Chapter 210 Book Lovers

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  Chapter 210 Book Fan
  That afternoon, Ganouen stood at the gate of the city, preparing to say goodbye to Moura and Anya.

  After reaching an agreement with Angost, he had to immediately bring Angst and her subordinates to his territory. Patriz hoped that Angost would disappear from Muxia's territory immediately. , a large group of forest guards have gathered outside Sunset Forest City, preparing to send them back to Ganon's territory.

  Ganon had the ability to fly back to his territory directly with Angost, but that was quite unsafe. Angost could sneak attack him at any time, and Patriz was also very worried about this.

  "I'll go back first, and you can finish things as planned. If anything happens, please contact me." Ganon ordered Mo La and Anya in front of him.

  "Do we have to leave now? I feel so insecure when you leave." Mo La pretended to be reluctant and reached out to pull up the other party's clothes.

  She was kidnapped inexplicably once, and then was rescued by Ganouen without any danger. Now Ganouen suddenly wanted to go back, and she had to stay here for ten days and a half, which made her feel a little uneasy. end.

  "Don't do this, isn't it embarrassing?" Anya frowned slightly and said to Mo La.

  Although she had similar thoughts, it was absolutely impossible for her to express such thoughts to Ganouen.

  "Don't worry, no one will kidnap you anymore, and Mu Xia will also strengthen the protection of you." Ganon casually touched Mo La's head, "There is no way to delay the matter here."

  He looked up at the top of the city wall again. Patriz was standing on the city wall, looking down with cold eyes.

  Her Royal Highness the Princess is not looking at her, but at Angost who is surrounded by forest guards not far away. She will personally send Angost away.

  Angst didn't care at all about Patriz's gaze. Surrounded by heavy soldiers, she still let out a big yawn out of boredom.

  Ganon knew very well that it was unrealistic for Angst to stay in Muxia's territory for even one more day.

  It took him a lot of persuasion just to get Patrice to agree to his proposal. If other people in the Muxia Palace had opinions on this, things would become very troublesome.

  Angost may not always be honest here. In order to avoid complications, he must take Angost away immediately.

  He comforted Moura and gave a few more instructions to Anya. Then he raised his face and nodded to Patriz, signaling that it was time to set off.

  At this moment, a sound of hoofbeats came from far away, and Ganon looked up and looked inside the open gate of the city - this sound came from inside the city.

  Then he saw Isabel riding over quickly on the leopard spirit he had summoned.

  In the last few steps, the beast spirit made a leap and landed next to Ganon.

  "Ganoen!" Israel took back her beast spirit and grabbed Ganon's arm. "I want to go back with you too!" "

  Didn't I ask you to stay here first? I might give it a try in a few days. Just came back." Ganon couldn't help but frowned.

  He tentatively informed Isabel that he was going back. At that time, Isabel expressed that she wanted to go together, but Ganouen only replied that he would be back soon. Unexpectedly, Isabel I rushed over here and packed my bags.

  Ganouen guessed that the items in the bag were probably the collections she had purchased. He leaned into Isbell's ear and whispered in her ear: "You are too brave. Your mother wants to personally escort Angest out of the country. How can you still do it?" Dare you take these things with you?"

  "It doesn't matter, as long as you are not discovered." Isabel looked around as she said this, "Besides, I heard that Angost Nightblade is going to go with you. How can I sit still? Where is she?"

  "That's the dark elf with the black veil covering his face." Ganon pointed out to her.

  Isabel soon discovered Angst, who was surrounded by forest guards, and her face suddenly became a little nervous.

  "Do you think it would be a bit hasty for me to ask for an autograph now?" Isbell discussed with Ganouen in a low voice.

  "It's not just careless, it's simply a life-threatening act. Your mother is watching from above." Ganon quickly reminded Isabel to prevent her from forgetting what she had done. Another purpose of her coming here was to meet Angst. After all, she was a fan of Angst's books.

  When she first heard that the kidnapping of Moura and Anya might be related to Angst, she offered to go together to help, but was naturally stopped by Patriz.

  At this time, Angost was also looking at Isabel from a distance. The appearance of this elf princess always made her very creative as a material. In fact, the Anya she wrote was based on Isabel's appearance and Anya's appearance. Created by blending the personalities of.

  Seeing Isabel and Ganon standing together, many thoughts immediately came to Angst's mind.

  It seemed like it was right to go with this red dragon. Just looking at him standing next to the woman he had trained, he felt inspired. Angost became more and more excited as she thought about it.

  "Bell, what are you doing here?" Patriz, who noticed Isabel coming to the city gate, walked down the stairs and stared at her daughter and asked.

  "Queen Mother, I am planning to go back with Ganouen..." Isabel replied softly.

  "You just came back." Patriz frowned, "And this journey is not safe, so just go back to the palace." "

  It's okay, aren't you and Ganouen here? And... ..." Isabel quickly searched for a suitable reason in her heart, "I also want to take this rare opportunity to observe the strong man among the dark elves and gain more knowledge. After all, this is the only legendary assassin in Nitriland. You can't just keep treating me like a flower in the greenhouse, right?"

  "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will always protect her safety." Ganouen tentatively made a promise for Isabel.

  "Well, it's a good thing that you are so motivated." After saying this, Patriz also relaxed, "By the way, what did you put in that package?" This casual question made

  Isbeth He suddenly became nervous: "There are just some daily necessities and jewelry in my room that I am used to. I want to take them over there."

  Patriz looked at Isabel, who had a tense face.

  Finally, Patriz turned around and said, "Let's go then, remember not to let down your guard."

  She gave the order, and the forest guards formed a team and began to "escort" Angst out of the country.

  By the time they arrived at Ganon's territory on the west side of late summer, it was already dusk of the next day.

  "I'm warning you once, Angest, don't set foot in Muxia's territory again, otherwise..." Before leaving, Patriz gave another warning.

  "Okay, your country is not a good place for me to go." Angst looked very indifferent.

  "Be more careful." Patriz ordered Ganon and others before leading the team away.

  "Welcome to my territory." Ganon greeted Angst.

  "Okay, without further ado, let me see how capable you are on your own territory." Angst waved her hand as if it was troublesome.

  "Okay, but before that..." Ganon pointed to Isabel, who was a little embarrassed next to her, "She has something to tell you." "

  What does the princess of Muxia want to say to me?" Angus Te looked at Isabel and said, "If you want to express your 'unique views' on dark elves like your mother, I suggest you keep your mouth shut. I have no patience for people who are weaker than me." "

  No. Yes, I just..." Isabel cautiously took out a book from her package and carefully handed it to Angst, "I hope you can sign this book."

  Angst Sette was stunned on the spot.

  (End of chapter)

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