209. Chapter 209 Contract with the Devil

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  Chapter 209 Contract with the Devil
  "Two hundred years ago, at that time I only had the master level. While exploring the ruins, I was cornered by a group of assassins from a rival family. As a last resort, I used the weapons I obtained from the ruins. The magic weapon scroll summoned a demon to help me, and the demon helped me get out of trouble. In return, I signed a contract with her." Angost began to tell in detail.

  "Did you sell your soul?" Ganon asked.

  Demons are the dependent creatures of the Lord of the Abyss. They are naturally born from the abyss and grow by devouring the souls of each other or intelligent creatures. In ancient times, demons directly hunted creatures to strip out their souls and absorb them. As a result, the abyss was hated by many forces. This directly This resulted in a joint attack on the Abyss by other gods, their kin, and their followers.

  In the end, the Lord of the Abyss and the gods reached a contract, and the Abyss was bound by this contract. From then on, the devil could only use the contract to collect the souls of voluntary sacrifices.

  The Devil's Contract came into being. From then on, intelligent creatures who signed a contract with the Devil can call the Devil to serve themselves, and the Devil will also receive corresponding rewards. Usually, the end point of this reward is the soul of the creature voluntarily sacrificed. ——At least he agreed when signing the contract.

  This is common knowledge to almost everyone in mainland China.

  Selling the soul is not always a loss-making thing. Sometimes the devil can fulfill the wish of the contract signer that is beyond his ability, and sometimes it can solve the more serious dilemma for the contractee than having to sacrifice his soul to the devil later.

  If he was going to be killed in the next second, summoning a demon at the cost of his soul didn't seem to be an unacceptable thing.

  "It was considered a sale, but not directly. The condition I signed with the demon at that time was that I would offer her a soul every twenty years. If I failed to offer it, she would take my soul to end the contract. This kind of contract content is actually very common. Because of the constraints of the contract between the Lord of the Abyss and the gods, demons cannot capture the soul of the other party directly by killing someone, so some demons will ask the contractor to kill someone and then offer the soul to themselves. Warlocks can manipulate demons, often in this form." Angost replied.

  Hearing this, Ganon thought of Isis, the demon who served the empire.

  If Fred is the legendary warlock, then this is the method she should have used to conquer the demon Isis.

  "It shouldn't be difficult for you to kill someone every twenty years and sacrifice it to the devil." Ganon said.

  He went to Shaman City and killed more than ten people directly. Just a few days of hunting thieves in the desert was enough for Angst to pay her share for hundreds of years.

  "It took me twenty years to offer one, and it was a contract I signed at a critical moment. Of course, there are additional conditions." Angst smiled bitterly and shook her head, "The owner of each soul offered must be strong enough, at least Be equal to me in terms of realm."

  "This..." Ganon was startled, "In other words, you have to hunt down strong men in the legendary realm now?" "

  Other creatures of the same level can also be used as Instead, vampires, giants, demons, angels, or...dragons, but the difficulty of these will not be lower than killing other legendary powerful men." Angst replied.

  "Have you never considered that you will become a legend?" Ganon asked.

  If Angst stays in the master or transcendent realm, this goal can still be achieved, at least in theory.

  Although the target's strength is similar to mine, as long as we formulate corresponding strategies and make good use of traps and numerical advantages, the success rate is still guaranteed.

  But it gets tricky when both are legends. Just the number of legendary powerhouses is a big problem, not to mention that every legendary powerhouse has basically become a representative of their respective forces. Challenging any one of them is no less than declaring war on a country.

  And hunting down vampire princes, titans, abyss lords, seraphs and ancient dragons of corresponding levels is still a life-threatening job. In front of such monsters, external conditions such as numbers can no longer provide a qualitative advantage. .

  What's more important is that such a risk of life only resulted in twenty years of survival.

  It can be said that when Angost reached the legendary realm, this contract had forced her to a dead end - this devil's contract hid such a trap.

  "Haha, how could I have the chance to think about so much when I was about to die? Besides, I didn't show any extraordinary talent at the time." Angst smiled a little self-deprecatingly, "But after signing the contract After that, I found that my strength improved much faster than before. I guess the contract had some kind of impact on me and improved my talents. In addition, I had to hunt that demon for ten years. Killing powerful enough targets and honing my assassin skills on the line of life and death also greatly accelerated my level of improvement, and I actually became a legend." Hearing this, Ganouen couldn't help but have a question

  . : "You must have been a legend for more than twenty years. During this period, have you successfully completed the goals of the contract?" "

  No, after becoming a legend, I hit a wall on this matter. Initially, I planned to lead the team to kill We had an encounter with an ancient dragon that lived in the Xiyue Mountains of the North Mountains. As a result, there was an error in the intelligence that time. What we encountered was a very powerful ancient dragon. My team was almost completely wiped out, and my most capable lieutenant died. I myself I almost didn't escape. I haven't had this idea since then." When Angost recalled this incident, she was still a little sad.

  "Then how do you survive until now?" Ganon asked.

  Logically speaking, if the soul is not handed over according to the contract, the devil will definitely take away Angost's soul. Angost itself has become a legend. Her soul blessed by the God of Destruction has extremely powerful power, which can affect the devil. It is said that as the final reward of the settlement contract, it is completely sufficient. "I didn't kill the ancient dragon, but I didn't get nothing. In that operation, I successfully stole an artifact from the dragon's lair..."

  Angost said here for a moment. It caught Ganon's attention: "Artifact?"

  "Haha, you are indeed interested." Angst had already expected his reaction. "I was negotiating with that demon at that time. I originally wanted to use that artifact in exchange for my soul and let the contract end, but At the end of the negotiation, she only agreed to grant me a grace period of one hundred years. I finally breathed a sigh of relief during this hundred years, but it's a pity that there are less than ten years left before the next expiration." "What did you give that devil

  ? Artifact?" Ganon asked.

  "After my appraisal, it is a Druid artifact, and it is of a very high level. Even if I use it, I have to bear a certain price. It looks like an amber oval gem, with many black shadows swimming inside. , you can try asking Patriz, maybe she knows better." Angst herself didn't seem to have much interest in the artifact that had been given away.

  Ganon thought quickly. He could allow a demon to temporarily give up the soul of a legendary powerhouse for a hundred years, and Angost, who had reached the legendary realm, would also have to bear the price... Angost stole it from the dragon's nest. What was handed over to that demon might be the supreme artifact of the Earth Mother Goddess, just like the "Edict of Dominance" and the "Crown of Rebirth" held by Patriz.

  Help Angost settle this matter, and maybe you can snatch this artifact from the devil and get two artifacts at once!
  "Is that demon very strong?" Ganon asked.

  "The soul I dedicated to her should allow her to reach the same level as the legendary warlock. Not to mention that she must have grown through other means. The upper limit of the great devil is as ridiculously high as that of a dragon. Considering her With the artifact in your hand, you'd better treat her as an enemy at the level of a Taikoo dragon." Angst looked at Ganoun, "After listening to this, do you have any ideas?" "I think you can give it a try

  . If we take good countermeasures, I think there is still a good chance." Ganon took her gaze, "Of course, the premise is that you are willing to cooperate." It is quite difficult to go into the abyss to

  find a specific abyss lord-level demon. But if Angost had a way to summon her within the range of the Endless Tower, Ganon felt there was still a chance of winning.

  Angst observed carefully and saw no signs of lying—this dragon, at least subjectively, really had the intention to conclude this deal.

  "You look very confident. Do you have a pretty good trump card?" Angst asked tentatively.

  She could tell that Ganon's power was different from that of ordinary true dragons. In addition, the other party's temperament was obviously very different from ordinary true dragons.

  Maybe she could actually talk to this dragon.

  "Come to my territory and I'll tell you. You asked Patrice to leave and I did. Now you want to know what cards I have in my hand. It's your turn to show your sincerity." Ganouen said seriously. .

  "Okay, that's fair." Angst just thought about it for a moment before agreeing. "I happen to be a little curious about the situation over there." "What are you curious about?" Ganon asked

  . .

  "Of course it's your relationship with those princesses. Hahaha, I really want to know how you train them." Angost raised the corner of her mouth under the veil.

  "As expected of the author of the "Anya" series." Ganon sighed.

  "Oh? You actually know this secret?" Angst was a little surprised.

  "I also know that your latest work follows current events and uses me as material. Am I right?" Ganon stared at Angst. "The legendary assassin of the Night Blade family actually has such a Interested."

  "Perhaps I was influenced by that demon." Angst shrugged.

  "Can this also be blamed on the devil?" Ganon felt that Angst was simply shirking responsibility.

  "Maybe, after all..." Angst paused, "The one who signed the contract with me is a succubus."

  (End of this chapter)

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