208.Chapter 208 Angest’s Conditions

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  Chapter 208 Angost's Conditions

  "You are very honest." Angost held up the "Disintegration Blade" and turned it around in her hand, "What? You want to steal it?"

  Ganon said to the artifact in her hand She was not surprised at all that she was interested. There was no need to explain the attraction of this artifact to real dragons. It was a treasure worth risking their lives.

  "Of course I hope there is a lower-risk way to solve it. If there is any way to make both sides accept it, that would be the best," Ganouen said.

  "That's easy to say. What if you plan to lure me into a trap and then rob me?" Angst said.

  "I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can lure a legendary assassin into a trap. If I want to do it..." Ganon said, suddenly unleashing the dragon's power with all his strength, "I can do it now!" In "War Song

  " "With the blessing of blessing, the intensity of his dragon's power increased to a higher level. He concentrated the dragon's power on Angest alone, forming the effect of domination.

  With Angost's willpower, she would not be overwhelmed by his dragon power, but the pressure she felt was still real.

  This dragon seems to be a little more powerful than expected... Angost felt that it was in trouble.

  At this moment, she clearly realized that the red dragon's refusal to fight her was just out of a weighing of interests, not fear.

  She glanced at Patriz. Patriz had no objections to Ganoen's proposal. When Ganoen issued a threat, she naturally entered a war-like state and was ready to cooperate.

  It can be seen that Ganoen is on an equal footing with Patriz in terms of status. It is best to consider Ganoen's strength to be on par with Patriz, who holds the divine weapon.

  Although she emphasized time and time again that she could threaten the opponent's life by taking action, Angst knew that no matter what, this was all based on the premise that she would fight the opponent here. In fact, she still cherished her life.

  If it continues like this, Mu Xia's army will probably arrive, and by then she may have even less choice.

  In fact, for her, the conditions for exchanging this "disintegration blade" are not impossible - of course, the premise is that the red dragon can do it.

  "Okay, I don't want to risk my life on such a meaningless thing. If you want the artifact, it's not that we can't talk about it, but on this condition..." Angst tapped her chin with her finger and thought for a moment. , "It can only be discussed between the two of us."

  "Does that mean going to my territory?" Ganon confirmed with her.

  "No, just negotiate the terms here. If you think it's okay, I'll go. If we can't negotiate, I don't think there's any need to bother." Angst stared at Ganouen and said.

  "Then you said it only takes two people to talk, do you mean..." Ganon noticed Angost's intention.

  "Let Patriz leave here first until I can no longer feel her breath." Angst said.

  "You have a beautiful idea." Patriz immediately refused, "When I leave, you will be ready to oil the soles of your feet, right?"

  Without Patriz using her keen perception to keep an eye on Angst, Ann The chance of Gerst escaping will undoubtedly be greatly increased. She only needs to leave Ganon's sight for a moment, and she can use the concealment spell to eliminate her own presence and hide her figure and traces.

  "If we don't even have this foundation of trust, then there's nothing to talk about. The transaction I'm going to talk about involves some of my personal secrets. There is a possibility that Ganouen could trade with me, but I have no reason to leak it. Here you go." Angst pointed at Patriz and said.

  Ganon thought seriously.

  "You don't really believe her excuses, do you?" Patriz persuaded Ganouen, "Don't be stupid, the dark elves are not trustworthy, just do it. I just want to capture the person, and the artifact will be yours!" "

  Anya ." Ganon suddenly called out. "What are you doing?" Anya didn't expect to be called, so she was a little caught off guard.

  "Based on what you know about her, do you think this was an excuse for her to run away on the spot?" Ganon asked.

  "Let me judge?" Anya was a little surprised.

  "Oh, do you trust Anya's judgment? Is it because you have a contract to bind her?" Angost asked with interest.

  "I still have some trust in her outside of the contract." Ganon replied.

  Anya finally chose to side with him on this matter, which was a little bit beyond his expectation.

  "Who cares about the same thing..." Anya muttered, thought for a moment, and answered, "Angst usually wouldn't use such a lame excuse. She should have planned to negotiate terms with you. It's okay to negotiate. It's easy to talk, but if the negotiation doesn't go well, I'm afraid she will still wait for an opportunity to slip away. If necessary... she may even find an opportunity to kill you. She is confident in seeing through whether you are lying." "Haha, you are still my student

  . Understand me." Angst snapped her fingers.

  Ganouen thought about it again and made a judgment: "Her Royal Highness, let me talk to her alone." "

  Just because you agree doesn't mean I have to agree, it's too rash." Patriz refused.

  "Let me be your guarantee. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility - chase her to the ends of the earth." Ganon said seriously, "She can't kill me either." As he said that, he ordered the wall of fire surrounding

  him Partially extinguished.

  Patriz sighed irritably. If Ganouen didn't cooperate, it would be difficult for her to catch Angost by herself. Of course, she can also force a war, and Ganon will have to help when the time comes, but Angost is risking her life, and the risk is indeed not small. It would be completely uneconomical to cause some trouble with Ganon.

  "I hope you remember what you said." After speaking, Patriz took off from the dragon's back, jumped lightly onto a towering zelkova tree, and then bounced between the trees. Her figure soon disappeared among the dense leaves. between.

  "Until I can no longer feel it!" Angst reminded loudly.

  "You should leave first, too." Ganon reminded Moura and Anya, but his eyes never left Angost.

  "You..." Anya hesitated.

  "Be careful and be more attentive!!" Mo La loudly said what Anya was going to say, then pulled Anya and walked out.

  After everyone else had left, Angst smiled at Ganouen and said, "I would like to thank you for your trust." "

  If you lied to me, I would be determined to hunt you down and solve this case." It’s done. Save time, tell me the conditions, how can you be willing to hand over the artifact to me." Ganon went straight to the point.

  "I want you to help me kill a demon." Angost's answer was concise and concise.

  "You are the top assassin yourself, right?" Ganon was deeply puzzled.

  Angst shook her head: "I can't kill that demon, no matter how powerful I am, it's useless. Because I signed a contract with her two hundred years ago." (End of


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