207.Chapter 207 A compromise approach

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  Chapter 207 A compromise approach

  "What are you talking about?" Angst's statement made Ganon look a little confused.

  "Stop thinking about Angst, I really don't like him." Anya was already a little tired of explaining this matter.

  "Did you leak my escape route?" Angost still disapproved, "I don't understand your temper yet? You actually gave up following me and continued to succumb to this red dragon. You don't have any powerful skills. I can't help turning you into this."

  "I refuse to go with you because you are so unreliable. You should find the reason from yourself! A red dragon is much more reliable than you!" Anya Stare at each other.

  "How can an ordinary red dragon be more reliable than me? You choose to rely on him precisely because he is not ordinary to you, isn't it?" Angst looked at Anya with a smile, "When he appeared, you Do you feel relieved?"

  "It, that's not the case." Anya hurriedly denied.

  "You should deny it louder." Angost enjoyed teasing Anya.

  Patriz also saw the clues from Anya's expression, recalling her reaction when Ganouen spoke for her before, she softly "hummed".

  Why do I feel a chill behind my back? Ganon thought.

  "I really want to know what kind of training you went through to become like this." Angst said, turning her face back to Ganouen, "Tell me about it, Ganouen." "Don't do it in front of me

  . Talk about this kind of topic, Angst." Patriz interjected coldly, "The only thing you should do now is to surrender." "

  Don't run away, Your Highness, you should also listen carefully to what this red dragon is. How to train people, maybe your daughter has also tasted it." Angost chuckled.

  A trace of anger flashed in Patriz's eyes. At this moment, Mo La, who was not far away, subconsciously muttered after hearing these words: "Does she still need training?" As soon as these words came out, they

  immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

  "Pretend I didn't say it!!" Mo La, realizing that she had missed the mark just now, quickly waved her hand.

  "Tell me carefully!!"

  This time Patriz and Angost said in unison, but Patriz's voice was stern, while Angost was full of interest.

  "Okay, let's talk about how to end this matter. This is the most important thing right now." Ganon tried to bring the topic back.

  "The ending is very simple. If you let me go, I will leave Muxia and go to the Federation of Elements. I will never set foot on Muxia's land again. Everyone will be in peace." Angost spread her hands, "That was my original plan. It just happened that Anya wanted to take her away. Since she doesn't want to, forget it."

  "Do you treat this place as a garden? You have been lurking in my country for so many years. I can't let you off easily just for being a spy. Let me go!" Patriz obviously didn't want to let Angst go easily.

  "If I have to say it, most countries are like gardens to me, even your palace." Angst shrugged nonchalantly, "First of all, I have left the Night Blade family. I am here. For so many years, I have never betrayed the intelligence I obtained to your enemies. Do you dare to say that you have uncovered all the spies who really threaten your country, from Nitrilan and from the Empire?" "But you have been discovered

  . , you are so arrogant that you robbed people in the fortress, so we let you go easily?" Patriz still did not put down the longbow in her hand.

  "Those who are at the top should know how to weigh the pros and cons. Being too aggressive will do no good to anyone. Think carefully, Princess Mu Xia, is it really worth risking your life to catch me? Mu Xia's current situation is so dangerous, you are going to die. But something big happened!" Angst narrowed her eyes.

  "The question is, can you believe what you said? If you say there is no harm to us, then we won't. You said you would leave Mu Xia obediently, but will you really leave like this? Maybe as soon as you are out of control, you will return to Mu Xia? "Patriz stared at Angst with cold eyes.

  "I'm telling the truth, but I know you won't believe it. OK, I can understand. If you say you believe me, I will suspect that you are planning to deceive." Angost smiled, and she smiled a little. have no choice.

  She was really planning to leave Muxia, and she didn't intend to conflict with Muxia. For Patriz, if that was the case, letting Angst leave Muxia would be the best way to serve the country's interests. But based on their respective positions, they couldn't trust each other. It was clear that going to war was objectively harmful to both sides, but neither of them could put down their weapons, and neither of them could make concessions.

  "There is no room for discussion between you, why don't you let me get involved?" Ganon suddenly said.

  Angst and Patriz turned their attention to him.

  "What do you propose?" Angost looked at Ganouen with interest.

  "Angst, what you want is to leave Muxia and live a life of concealment, right?" Ganon confirmed with the other party.

  "Yes, that's right. I just want to avoid all conflicts and live a good life. Mu Xia is not peaceful now. The Empire people don't know when they will attack the royal capital, but they have noticed that I am living in seclusion here, so I am ready Go to the Federation of Elements." Angst replied.

  Her statement that "the Imperials attacked the Royal Capital" earned Patriz a vicious look, but she remained nonchalant.

  "As long as it can be guaranteed that Angost will not return to Muxia, you should be able to accept it, right, Her Royal Highness?" Ganon confirmed to Patriz again.

  "What are you planning?" Patriz was a little confused.

  "How about this, Angost, how about you come to my territory?" Ganon suggested to Angost.

  These words made everyone present widen their eyes.

  Patriz wanted to express her opinion, but after thinking for a moment, she finally remained silent.

  Angst was also stunned for a moment, and then deliberately put on a coy look: "I didn't expect you to have thoughts about me, and to be so direct. But I'm sorry, I am really interested in how you train women, but It doesn't mean that I want to participate personally, and you may not be able to train me."

  Angst is very interested in creating restricted works with alien themes, and is often indulged in various fantasies. However, unlike readers like Isbell, she is only addicted to fantasies and creating such plots. , and has no intention of participating in it.

  "I just invited you to stay at my place." Ganon only thought that the other party was joking and corrected him calmly, "This way you have a place to go. I will monitor that you will not return to Muxia. Muxia should also be here. It's more acceptable, isn't it?"

  "Your place is not very peaceful. It was attacked not long ago." Angst's expression became serious.

  "Don't worry, I am capable of defending my territory. With your sense of smell, you will leave as soon as you notice any trouble. I won't expect you to do anything." Ganon said.

  "The problem is that I don't believe in elves, but that doesn't mean I have reason to believe in a red dragon. I don't like being watched either." Angost spread her hands.

  "That's better than fighting us here. In the last battle, we defeated the Empire's Knight King and killed a vampire prince holding an artifact. Believe me, you have little chance of winning." When Ganon said

  this His tone was light and calm, but Angst felt that everything he said was taken for granted.

  This red dragon might be stronger than she imagined, surpassing ordinary ancient dragons... and even reaching the level of ancient dragons.

  "But you seem a bit suspicious like this, Red Dragon. Since you know that I will not work as a free mercenary for you, and you said that I have no interest in me, then you coaxed an assassin who may pose a fatal threat to you into your What’s the purpose of going to the territory?” The smile in Angst’s eyes faded.

  She keenly felt that Ganouen had some kind of intention against her.

  "Then let me tell you straight, I want the artifact 'Disintegration Blade' in your hand." Ganon said while staring at the dagger in Angost's hand.

  (End of chapter)

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