206. Chapter 206 Patriz and Angst

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  Chapter 206 Patriz and Angost

  "My dear, you are finally here!!"

  Moura immediately became excited when she saw Ganouen's red scales, and she wanted to rush over and hug Ganouen's paws to save her life. After being held in someone's hand and threatened for so many minutes, Ganon's appearance now gave her a great sense of security.

  Anya put her hand on Mo La's shoulder: "Don't act rashly!!"

  She worked very hard to warn the surroundings. The two of them eliminated all of Angost's men, but Angost had disappeared.

  Angest had no time to deal with them and just wanted to escape.

  But now her escape route is blocked, she must still be at the scene, but they can't see each other for the time being.

  Fortunately, Angost had no time to care about them at this time. Her eyes were focused on Ganouen's body, or rather, Ganouen's back.

  An entire wall of the wooden house was destroyed by Ganon on the spot, and Angost was able to see clearly his huge dragon body, and...Patriz standing on his back.

  Princess Patriz of Muxia, how could she be... on the back of the red dragon?

  This Princess of Mu Xia was actually willing to act together with the red dragon who forcibly married her own daughter, and appeared in front of her together, which was really beyond her expectation.

  The vines just now turned out to be summoned by Patriz.

  Could it be...

  some strange delusions suddenly flashed through her mind - although it was quite good material, she probably didn't have time to think about how to use it for creation at the moment, because Patriz suddenly locked she!

  Patriz raised her longbow, aimed at Angst's position and shot a secret arrow!
  Angest is still in a "hidden" state, suppressing her presence to a minimum.

  But Patriz also used natural transformation to enhance her senses to the extreme. In addition to the five senses, she even added some special senses that only animals have. Coupled with the druid's life detection, she could vaguely detect Arriving at Angst who was hiding.

  The arcane arrow traced a shimmering trajectory and pierced Angest. Angost waved her hand, and the phantom blade of the "disintegration blade" suddenly appeared in her hand. The phantom blade with the spell-breaking effect easily cut through the arcane spell. arrow.

  She defused the attack, but it also caused her invisibility to be lifted. Now everyone standing at the scene could clearly see Angost's figure.

  "It would have been better if I had just snatched the invisible cloak away from that useless sister." Angst said with some regret.

  As soon as she saw Angst, Patriz's eyes immediately turned serious.

  She continued to lock Angst with her longbow and fired a second arcane arrow.

  "Stop!" Angost shouted as she slashed away the arcane arrows with her sword, "I don't want to fight you!"

  But Patriz didn't stop, and began to aim at Angost with a series of arcane arrows at extremely fast hand speeds. The arrows, after three shots, even began to split the arcane arrows into a rain of arrows, and also summoned vines from the gaps in the floor to entangle Angost's feet.

  "I told you to stop, Patriz, damn you!!" Angst turned somersaults to dodge a wave of consecutive shots, spinning the phantom blade in her hand and cutting away the arcane arrows that could not be avoided.

  The vines summoned by Patriz entangled her feet, but the next second her feet suddenly lost their physical form and passed through like a phantom.

  Patriz finally stopped shooting, but this was not because she listened to Angst's call for a ceasefire, but because she needed to take a breath after casting such a high-intensity spell.

  "Why don't you do it together?" Patriz said to Ganouen, with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone. If they launched a fierce attack at the same time, Angost might not be able to withstand it.

  "Does this have to lead to a fight?" Ganon looked very calm.

  His perception was actually enough to be vaguely aware of Angst's presence in an alert state, but he did not take action immediately.

  First of all, Angost showed no fighting spirit, and secondly, Mo La and Anya were safe over there. He didn't want to fight a legendary assassin with a lethal artifact unless necessary.

  "I told you not to fight. Doesn't the elf have bad ears or a bad brain, so he can't understand human words?" Angst adjusted her breathing and raised her head to glare at Patriz on the dragon's back.

  "The premise is that dark elves must also be considered 'human beings.'" Patriz's eyes were cold and she did not hide her racial discrimination against the dark elves. "Angst, what are you doing in my country?" "You

  ... Do you know him?" Ganon asked casually.

  "I haven't seen her, but I have heard of her a long time ago, and I think she should be the same." Patriz replied, never taking her eyes away from Angost.

  "Yes, yes, I have admired you for a long time. You are more annoying than I thought, Princess of Mu Xia!" Angst also laughed coldly.

  Can the relationship be so bad just after meeting for the first time? Ganon thought.

  However, considering Angost's illegal entry and long-term illegal stay, Patriz's reaction is natural, not to mention that she hates dark elves extremely, and Angost is a person who can rely on her own strength. Threats to the personal safety of royal family members.

  "Give you a chance and capture her without mercy." Patriz stared at Angst to persuade her to surrender, "You are no match for us!" "

  Haha, you guys. The noble Princess Muxia is actually willing to ride on the back of her red dragon son-in-law. , it’s really interesting, is your relationship so ‘good’?” Angst raised her eyebrows to show her sarcasm.

  "It seems you really don't want to live anymore." Patriz had murderous intent in her eyes.

  "This 'Disintegration Blade' may not be able to easily kill you who can be resurrected, but that dragon may not be spared. If I am forced to risk my life, if you are unlucky, you both may have to be buried with me." Ange Sette played with the artifact for a while, and her eyes became serious.

  "To be honest, I don't really want to fight. Let's talk first." Ganon suddenly said.

  Patriz and Angst both looked at him a little unexpectedly. Compared to the elves and dark elves, logically speaking, the red dragon should be the most warlike one.

  Ganon ignored their reactions: "I heard about you from Anya, Angost." "

  That's really an honor. I'm glad to meet you, Red Dragon Helganon. This is me. "You mean it." Angost put down her weapon temporarily, "You seem to be more sensible than that guy over there." "Just

  call me Ganoen." Ganoen corrected, and then started to ask questions, "You Why did you take my people away?"

  "Oh, your people." Angst repeated the statement with a smile, and then replied, "I just wanted to rescue my cute little niece, but I didn't expect... ..."

  She said, turning her head and glancing at Anya, who suddenly looked a little uneasy.

  "She seems to have given up on you." Angost smiled at Ganouen, "She has been trained by me for the time being. I didn't expect to be trained like this by you. You are very good at it, Red Dragon ."

  (End of chapter)

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