201. Chapter 201 The Fun Man

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  Chapter 201 The Lezi Man

  Sunset On the outskirts of Forest City, there was a wooden house hidden deep in a dense forest. In the dark basement, the light of an oil lamp flickered.

  Anya looked around. This depressing-looking basement made her feel an inexplicable sense of nostalgia. The layout of this room was obviously based on the aesthetics of dark elves.

  This is Angost's living room, taking into account the living habits and safety of the dark elves.

  As soon as Anya came in, she realized that there were a lot of traps hidden here, and there were more than one escape route. If Angost's hiding place was discovered, the forest guards broke into the house to search, and by the time they found the cellar, Angost would have already been there. Escape, and the cellar will be destroyed and buried as the trap is activated.

  Of course, with Angost's strength, it would be easy to kill a group of forest guards directly.

  "What do you want to drink? I have homemade Golden Viper wine here." Angost sat comfortably on her soft chair as soon as she came back.

  "No, I've stopped drinking." Anya replied with a gloomy expression.

  "You seem to have become boring. From the moment we met, you have always looked like your dead mother. It's been a long time since we, master and disciple, have seen each other. It's been so many years..." Angost tried. Cracked his fingers.

  "I'm not too sad that my mistress is dead, and seeing you is not something to be happy about." Anya's expression did not relax at all.

  "Is this what you should say to the person who finally rescued you?" Angst poured herself a glass of wine calmly.

  "Come on, what is your purpose, Angost?" Anya looked at Angost suspiciously.

  "Do you need any special reason to save my lovely niece?" Angst smiled.

  "The aunt in my impression is not so kind." Anya replied with a serious face.

  Angost is her teacher and her aunt. Because of this relationship, Anya knows Angost very well. Angest is a person who only cares about herself. When the family was in trouble, she abandoned the family without any hesitation and fled the family with her cronies.

  She didn't take Anya away at that time, even though she should have known that Anya also wanted to leave the family.

  Anya could guess what she was thinking. The Night Blade family, which controlled the Dragon's Ascension Nest, wanted to obtain the intelligence gathering ability of the maze. At that time, Angost was the most suitable person to manage the maze. She ran away to prevent the Dragon's Ascension Nest from attacking the maze. If you are still chasing after him, the best thing to do is to leave a replacement to help Dragon Ascension Nest manage the maze.

  Anya was such a substitute. Thanks to Angst's gift, she was successfully "promoted" to become the manager of the labyrinth and served Dolan Sloane for several years.

  Such a bastard took the risk to get her out of Muxia's fortress. He must have a purpose. For this reason, she also exposed her subordinates in Muxia's army.

  "Are you so wary as soon as we met? Shouldn't it be good for our master and disciple to reunite after such a long time and catch up on old times? When my subordinate who was lurking in Muxia's army reported to me that I saw you here, I thought there was something wrong with her brain. I'm not surprised at all that you ran away from the family, but why did you appear in Muxia? Let me guess, it has something to do with the red dragon that recently married Princess Muxia?" Angst pursed her lips and smiled.

  Anya's heart skipped a beat, and Angst's face looked like she was looking for fun.

  "Anya, you must have been caught by that red dragon, right?" Angst smiled maliciously.

  "Tsk!" Anya looked away irritably. She didn't try to lie to excuse her. With Angst's level, ordinary lies would be seen through immediately.

  "That red dragon has been very active recently. He robbed the little princess of the Dragon Spine Empire, asked the elf princess of Mu Xia to marry him, and also attacked the Xihe Principality... By the way, the one above looks like he is still sleeping. The dwarf who looks like a human imp is the missing princess of Beishan Kingdom, right?" Angst counted the information she had in detail, "Great, there are actually dragons that are interested in humanoid creatures in this world. , and you were actually killed by him——"

  "I didn't!" Anya corrected her excitedly immediately, "Why do you look so happy?" When Angost said these words, there was an excited smile on her face, as if Anya was really attracted by Ganouen. That's it, it's something worth celebrating.

  "Then tell me, what is your relationship with that red dragon? You don't want to say that you came to Muxia with him voluntarily, right?" Angst asked with a smile, "Let me guess. , what will happen if I pull out the phantom blade of the 'Disintegration Blade' on you now?"

  Anya glanced at the phantom dagger stuck in her arm and was speechless.

  Of course she couldn't have come to the elves' territory voluntarily. The only reasonable explanation was that the red dragon forced her to come.

  From Angost's point of view, this red dragon can force her like this, and naturally it can also make other more excessive demands. Anya herself is also aware of how feeble her excuse of "nothing was done to her" seems to be. .

  Angest naturally also thought that Anya would not give in to others casually. She would be controlled by a red dragon. It was most likely that she was under a contract spell and could not get rid of it.

  So when taking her away, Angost took out a duplicate phantom blade from the artifact "Disintegration Blade" she carried and stabbed it into Anya's arm.

  As an artifact, the "Disintegration Blade" actually consists of two parts. Its body is a strange-shaped dagger that can act on entities. The other part is the phantom blade that can be summoned when holding the artifact itself. This phantom blade can act on spells in a targeted manner, invalidating the directed spells.

  The phantom blade stabbed on Anya's arm temporarily sealed the prisoner contract on Anya. While the phantom blade was in effect, Anya was not restricted by the prisoner contract and temporarily cut off her connection with the Endless Tower.

  Otherwise, due to the restrictions of the prisoner contract, Anya would have no right to choose to go with Angst, and she could be found by Ganon at any time using the "communication" authority and forcibly summoned back using "teleportation".

  But even as a supreme artifact, no matter how high the "Disintegration Blade" is, it can only have the same function as the Endless Tower. It cannot eradicate the prisoner contract. The contract always exists. Once the phantom blade leaves Anya's body, the contract will come into effect again. .

  "Are you here just to laugh at me? I already know what you were writing all day long, and you bastard actually used my name to write that damn cult novel! Now you think I'm being manipulated by a red dragon You feel happy, don't you?" Anya finally couldn't help it anymore, glared at Angst and cursed.

  In the past, Anya didn't know when Angost was writing back and forth in her notes, but now Anya looks back and realizes that the carefree teacher in front of her has always been a fun-loving person with a bad personality.

  "Don't be excited, don't be excited. To be honest, the plot of that novel is just my personal delusion and imagination. I am indeed very interested in what happened between you and the red dragon, but I have never prayed for such a thing to happen." An Gerst smiled nonchalantly and said, "I'm really here to save you, Anya." "

  You left me there when you abandoned the family, and now you say you want to save me? Stop kidding me." Anya was already a little impatient. .

  "The situation is different now. After all, you have also left the family. I was just thinking that since I happened to meet you, I might as well let you follow me from now on. I am about to leave Muxia to find a new hiding place, and I need to recruit some more people around me. Angest said seriously, staring at Anya.

  "Are you leaving Mu Xia?" Anya was a little surprised.

  "I don't know when Mu Xia will be attacked by the empire again, and I heard some rumors recently that the princess seems to have discovered my existence... By the way, does this matter have something to do with you?" Angst He asked, looking at Anya.

  "You published the novel here using your real name, and you even left your own fucking signature. You are so high-profile and now you blame me for exposing you?" Anya replied angrily.

  "It really has something to do with you. But forget it, all in all, this place is no longer suitable for me to stay. I am going to the Elemental Federation. Come with me, Anya, help me manage my people, so that I can Take some time off." Angst invited Anya.

  "The contract on me is not that easy to resolve..." Anya looked hesitant.

  "A contract can be found in the Federation of Elements. You will come with me, right? I still have many topics I want to talk to you about." Angost smiled at Anya while holding the wine glass.

  (End of chapter)

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