202.Chapter 202 Anya’s hesitation

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  Chapter 202 Anya’s Hesitation:

  Sunset Woodland Fortress, the restaurant where Anya and Moura disappeared.

  Ganouen stood in the dining room and glanced at the remaining food on the table.

  The scene was quite tidy, and there were no traces of fighting at all. Only tableware fell on one side of the seat. It seemed that red wine had been knocked over, staining the tablecloth. The wine glass had been taken away for inspection.

  Judging from the layout of the food, this side should be Mo La's seat, but there was no difference at all on Anya's side. The food only moved a little bit, and it looked like she got up and left temporarily in the middle of the meal.

  After learning that the two were missing, Ganon tried to use the "communication" function of the Endless Tower to contact Mora and Anya, but was unsuccessful.

  On Mora's side, the "communication" seemed to have been successfully activated, but no response was received. It seemed that Mora had lost consciousness.

  As for Anya, "communication" could not be established at all, and it seemed that some force had interfered.

  Ganon also tried to force teleport Anya, but it was also unsuccessful.

  He could feel that the prisoner contract established with Anya still existed, but there was some kind of force that interfered with Anya's prisoner contract.

  "I'm really ashamed. We have no excuse at all." Patriz stood behind Ganouen and said, "In addition to the two of them, a logistics soldier from the fortress also disappeared. She was the one who sent them meals. ."

  "Has the wine that Mora drank been tested?" Ganon asked.

  "We have discovered a powerful potion that can put people into coma. It can also be effective on warriors and large creatures that are resistant to the potion. This potion is often used by the dark elves of Nitrilan." Patriz answered. .

  "Your Highness, who do you think did it?" Ganon asked casually.

  "I may be a bit evasive when I say this, but to take away two living people from this fortress, even an assassin in the extraordinary realm may not be able to do it. It seems that the genius assassin of the Night Blade family really In our country, and also left an spy here for me." Patriz said.

  "Exactly what I thought." Ganon nodded.

  He has also thought of the suspects - he can take Moura and Anya away from the heavily defended fortress quietly, and he also has a way to interfere with the prisoner contract. Not only can the opponent use the legendary assassin level stealth technique, he should also have a The supreme artifact.

  There were only two candidates he could think of, one was Angost Nightblade, and the other was Dolan Sloane, who held the "Invisible Cloak". Dolan Sloane would need to bear huge risks when using that artifact. It was also impossible to sneak all the way into the fortress of Muxia King's City and then kidnap the two of them without leaving any traces of a fight.

  "Also, with all due respect, the dark elf you brought, Anya Nightblade, may also be an accomplice." Patriz added her own inference.

  Ganon didn't reply. He actually had similar thoughts.

  The kidnapper poisoned Mora, but this method should be difficult to work on Anya who has the ability to sense danger, not to mention that it is a poison commonly used by dark elves.

  Judging from the situation at the scene, Anya did not resist at all.

  He knew that Anya and Angost were both blood relatives and masters and apprentices. Although Anya had complained that Angost was a real jerk as a teacher, he was still a little unsure about their actual relationship.

  If Angost came here specially to take Anya away and had the means to invalidate the prisoner contract, Anya would not refuse. She probably wanted to escape from her in her dreams.

  The situation seems to have become troublesome. Since Angost can temporarily seal the "Prisoner Contract", she should be able to learn a lot of information about the Endless Tower from Anya.

  Regardless of what Angost thinks about the Endless Tower, the leakage of this kind of information is still very dangerous.

  Moreover, it is still unknown how the taken away Mora will be dealt with.

  "We are already searching as hard as we can," Patriz said.

  She didn't say comforting words like "please don't worry" or "don't worry" because she knew there was no point in saying this to Ganouen.

  They learned that Angst might have been lurking in Muxia for some time, and they had tried searching, but to no avail. How easy would it be to suddenly find her now?
  Ganon also believed that Angost could not be found by conventional means. Angost suddenly made such a big move, and it was very likely that Angost was no longer prepared to stay in Muxia.

  After thinking about it, he once again tried to call Mora with the "communication" authority.

  The fact that "communication" with Mora can be established means that Mora is at least still alive. She should have been taken hostage and intelligence source by Angst, but the contract on her body has not been sealed like Anya. live.

  Did Anya not tell Angst the information about the contract? Ganon thought this was unlikely.

  He felt that Angst could no longer use the extra power from the artifact to invalidate the contract on Mora.

  If Angst knew that Mora could get in touch with him through "communication" and "teleportation", he would either kill Mora directly or abandon her somewhere. Since Mora is still alive now, the possibility of the latter should be higher, and Mora will wake up sooner or later.

  As long as she regains consciousness and establishes "communication" with him, Ganon can talk to her and sense her general location. At least he can find Mora first.


  This time he tried to call Mora through "communication", and Ganon could vaguely feel a faint breath.
  "Let me ask, is this matter worth considering?" Angst looked at Anya with a look that became a little difficult to understand.

  She thought that as long as she explained her purpose, Anya would immediately nod in agreement.

  But Anya fell into long thought.

  Asking Angost for help may be her only chance to get rid of Ganon.

  However, Angost is really not a person worth relying on.

  With Angost's personality, she would not hesitate to abandon her if necessary.

  Moreover, the prisoner contract on her body still exists, and Angost cannot maintain the phantom blade for her forever.

  If you want to eliminate it, there is only one most reliable way - lure Ganoun over, and then cooperate with Angst to kill him with a divine weapon! !
  As soon as this thought came to her mind, she suddenly felt a chill running down her back.

  Do you really want to do this? As long as he forces him to let her go, that should be enough, right?
  Ganon's face appeared in her mind for no apparent reason.

  Hey, wait a minute, why...were I hesitating just now?

  She suddenly felt confused about herself again. When she was first controlled by Ganouen, if there was a way to kill Ganouen, she would definitely not think too much and start thinking about the feasibility of the plan instead of thinking about whether to do this to Ganouen. .

  Why should I care what happens to that red dragon?
  No, don’t think so much, this plan may not be feasible! Anya tried to calm down.

  Let’s not talk about whether Angost has the ability to kill Ganouen. It’s hard to say whether she is willing to do it.

  From this perspective, even disclosing information to Angst is risky.

  If she reveals information about the Endless Tower, the Contract, etc. to Angost, and Angost chooses to give up on her in the end, she will return to Ganon's control.

  And when Ganon finds out in the future that she has leaked information, it is hard to say how she will be punished.

  Punishment... When she thought of this word, some not-so-good images suddenly flashed through her mind.

  Damn, what am I thinking about at this time? She suddenly wanted to slap herself.

  "Why are you blushing suddenly?" Angost looked at Anya with interest.

  The skin color of dark elves is darker, and it is difficult for other races to see the changes in their faces, but they themselves can distinguish such subtle changes.

  "No..." Anya defended distractedly, but she seemed a little weak.

  "Why, do you think you would be sorry for the red dragon by surrendering to me?" Angst tried to ask.

  "Why do I still feel sorry for him?" Anya's eyes widened, but there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

  "Could it be..." Angst keenly caught the strangeness in Anya's reaction, and her eyes suddenly shone, "You were actually controlled by that red dragon voluntarily?" "

  What the hell are you talking about!?" Anya Suddenly it felt like I had been stepped on.

  At this moment, a small voice suddenly came from the sound transmission pipe connected to the cellar: "Mistress, the dwarf is showing signs of waking up." "Oh? Wait for

  me, I will go up and take a look." Angst After thinking about it, she stood up with a smile and said, "I have some things I want to confirm with her."

  Anya looked at this scene and had a bad premonition in her heart.

  (End of chapter)

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