200.Chapter 200 Research Objects

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  Chapter 200 Research subject
  Ganouen looked at "Lampard" next to him again in surprise.

  It is true that the feeling this man gave him was slightly different in temperament from the Lampard he had seen before, but this face was undoubtedly Lampard, and the uniform of the Forest Guards looked like it no matter how you looked at it. It's not like something the Elf King Orfield would wear.

  "Bell." The other party calmly responded to Isbel's call.

  "Father, why are you...dressing up as Brother Wang?" Isabel asked hesitantly.

  "In order not to be found by the guards, I am always disturbed by them. I have no way to concentrate on checking the information." Elf King Orfield raised his hand and pointed at the wood carving ring on his hand - made by Patriz. A druid's magic weapon casts spells.

  There was a slight change in his face. Ganouen observed from the sidelines. Offfield and Lampard looked very similar. They both had handsome and upright faces, but they were by no means so similar that they could not be distinguished.

  The reason why he was able to admit his mistake was that Offfield used a magic weapon to adjust his facial features to make his face closer to Lampard. At the same time, he also specially changed himself into the uniform of the Forest Guards.

  The person who wanted to receive him told him with an embarrassed look that His Majesty the King was busy. In fact, it was because His Majesty the King was temporarily missing.

  The real King Offield looks thinner than Lampard, with a slightly gloomy and serious expression, and looks a bit unsmiling, giving him the temperament of a scholar.

  "Your Majesty Offfield?" Ganon tried to ask.

  "I'm sorry to lie to you, True Dragon. I avoided the guards, so I didn't receive news of your arrival at the palace. Otherwise, I would definitely see you right away." Offfield just nodded lightly towards Ganouen, There was no option to shake his hand.

  "Father, you have done something like this again..." Isbel frowned slightly, "In the current situation, it is not safe for you to act alone!" Today, Mu Xia has a

  tense relationship with the empire, and there is suspicion of someone. With Nitrilan's legendary assassin lurking, Orfield, as king, has to think more about his personal safety.

  "If someone really wants to take advantage of me, it will be safer for me to disguise myself like this." Offfield replied calmly, "Thanks to this, I can still meet Mr. Ganoen here by chance, and I can also hear from him. As far as your progress is concerned."

  When Isabel heard this, she opened her eyes wide and patted Ganon's arm, scolding: "Why are you telling him that?"

  "I didn't actually say anything, that's basically all. His Majesty Offfield guessed it himself." Ganouen looked a little embarrassed.

  Isabel's reaction undoubtedly further confirmed Orfield's suspicion.

  "Father, we..." Isabel nervously searched for an explanation.

  "Let's not continue this topic. What father would like to hear about how his daughter is with men?" Offfield's face was a little gloomy.

  Then don't ask. Ganon thought.

  "But it's best not to let your mother know. To be honest, your hiding ability is not that good." Offfield added.

  It's probably too late, Ganon thought.

  Patrizi had obviously seen the clues a long time ago.

  Isbel was a little embarrassed to discuss this topic with her biological father. She tried to change the subject: "Father, what kind of information do you want to check in the library at this time? I see that you have been quite busy recently.

  " At this time, the curator who managed the library came down, holding two books that Ganouen wanted in his hand.

  Seeing Orfield and Isabel standing here, he seemed very calm and saluted them respectively: "Greetings to you, Your Majesty the King, and Your Highness the Princess. Your Majesty, you escaped here again, really Doesn't it matter?"

  Ganon realized that it was not just once or twice that this king had escaped from government affairs and came to the library to engage in academic research.

  Orphide just waved his hand, and the curator understood, handed the book to Ganouen, and then left voluntarily.

  Offfield then answered Isabel's question in a leisurely manner: "What I am studying now is very important."

  When he said this, his eyes were directed towards Ganouen.

  Ganoen suddenly realized that the other party seemed to be waiting for him to ask a question, so he asked: "What are you studying?" "

  It's you, Mr. Ganoen." Offfield said slowly, "This time I see you, you are To study you." "You want to... study dragons?" Ganon was a little confused.

  "No, it's not you as a dragon, but you as the Lord of the Endless Tower. I'm studying the Endless Tower you own." King Offfield said seriously.

  Ganon immediately became alert after hearing this: "With all due respect, Your Majesty, what is the purpose of your research on this?" The

  Endless Tower is bound to his life, and it is also the basis for his current foothold in this world. Anyone who is inquiring into the Endless Tower The information in the tower is risky for him.

  Orfield told him his purpose face to face. The possibility of hostility was low, but there was still the possibility of the information being leaked.

  "You are Mu Xia's ally and my daughter's husband. Of course I have reason to know your details. And based on my preliminary research, I found that there are scattered records of the Endless Tower in history. This tower may be related to It is related to the departure of the gods, and now that it has reappeared, this may mean that something big is going to happen... something big enough to affect the entire world." Orfield stared at Ganoun and said, "Aren't you curious?" Something big

  . occur?

  Many recent events flashed through Ganon's mind: the empire's external expansion, the emergence of Dragon Ascension's Lair, the mysterious enemy Baphomet who existed in the memories stored in the Endless Tower... There were indeed many things worthy of his concern

  . , but the first question he wants to ask now is: "Why do you ask that?"

  Orfield asked him this, obviously assuming that he did not know the meaning of the existence of the Endless Tower.

  "According to the results of my various interpretations, the Endless Tower had an owner. It seemed to be a woman, and she was not a real dragon. And according to the results of our investigation, Mr. Gannon, or I should call you Helganorn, You should be just a red dragon who is no more than a hundred years old. If I guessed correctly, you should have been chosen as the master of the Endless Tower by chance. From a certain moment on, the logic of your actions has changed a lot. At the same time, you gained tremendous power, which should have happened after you were selected as the tower master." Offfield said calmly.

  Ganon re-examined Orfield in front of him. This king who seemed to have some scholarly temperament seemed to be more powerful than he imagined.

  "Mr. Ganon, I hope you can assist me in my research. If you provide me with clues, I can provide you with research results. Together, we can explore the mystery of the Endless Tower and the significance of your being chosen as the tower master." Orfield revealed his purpose.

  Ganon thought for a long time and shook his head.

  "Aren't you willing?" Offfield looked a little disappointed, but he didn't seem surprised by the answer.

  "It's not that I'm unwilling, but I'm worried. Your Majesty Offfield, you may not have any special ideas, but the information I provided you and your research results cannot be guaranteed to be known to others in this country." Ganoen explained.

  "That's true." Offfield also agreed with this statement.

  Mu Xia is quite weak in intelligence work. Not only has it been infiltrated by the Empire and Nitrilan, but now people from the Federation of Elements are also operating in Mu Xia, not to mention the legendary assassin who is suspected of lurking in Mu Xia.

  "But there is a way." Ganon thought for a while, "Would you like to visit my territory once?"

  If Orfield can be made to sign a modified member contract, then he can use "communication" in the future. Permission to communicate with Orfield in a relatively safe manner.

  "I have to think about this carefully. Some things are not up to me." Offfield replied.

  "I think this is a feasible reason to attend Bell's wedding." Ganon suggested.

  Isabel looked at Ganouen with wide eyes.

  "It depends on what Liz wants." Offfield touched his chin. He seemed more inclined to leave such matters to his wife.

  At this moment, a guard hurriedly rushed into the library, followed by the curator who tried to stop him but failed.

  When he saw Offfield, the guard was shocked and saluted hurriedly: "See Your Majesty!"

  "What's the matter with you?" Offfield did not blame the other party and asked the question in a leisurely manner.

  "Are you here to find me?" Ganon asked. The guards probably didn't know that Offfield was here. All they could find out was that he was taken to the library.

  "Yes, it is urgent. Please forgive me for being rude..." the guard gasped, "Just now, Mr. Ganouen, the two guests you brought disappeared in the fortress!!" (End of this chapter


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