Chapter 19 The Breath of the Dragon

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  Chapter 19 The Dragon's Breath

  Breath is the dragon's most practical weapon.

  In this world, there are real dragons in five colors: red, blue, green, black and white. Different types of dragons have different breaths, and the breath of the red dragon is the most classic flame.

  Li Yuan opened his mouth and spit the brewing flame into the air, and a dazzling cone-shaped pillar of fire suddenly appeared on the mountain peak.

  The range and distance are slightly improved than before, and the duration is also longer.

  But overall the growth is not obvious.

  Just so-so... Li Yuan made a mental evaluation.

  However, it is good news that the repair of the Endless Tower will allow him to grow as a dragon. Although real dragons will naturally become stronger as they age, this process is extremely slow.

  Helganorn lived for over a hundred years and was only just coming of age.

  It will take almost a hundred years for him to grow to the prime of life, and it will take even more thousands of years to reach the level of an ancient dragon.

  Considering that the empire may continue to send dragon-slaying knights, whether he can survive for more than a month is a question.

  Repairing the Endless Tower can be regarded as a shortcut for him to rapidly increase his strength. In addition, he is also curious about the effect of the "blessing" authority.

  Let's study it carefully when we get back.

  Li Yuan jumped along the cliff, spread his wings and soared upward.

  But he did not fly in the direction of the tower immediately, but flew to the grassland in the northwest.

  While standing on the mountain peak, with the help of the red dragon's super long sight range, he saw a group of antelopes gathering to drink water by the river in the distance.

  The red dragon's hunting instinct suddenly came to him, and he decided to try hunting.

  With his current appetite, the horses brought by the knights could not last for several days. If he had the chance, he would still have to think more about food.

  He quickly approached the sky above the antelope herd, trying hard to restrain his dragon's power and lowering his height while circling.

  The key to hunting is to close the distance between him and his prey to about twenty meters. At this distance, his breath can make the prey have nowhere to hide.

  Flying allows him to easily approach prey on the ground, but its huge size and the smell it emits make it easy for him to be detected in advance.

  If you use transformation to reduce your size, the probability of being discovered will also be reduced, but the distance and power of your breath will also be reduced. It can be said that you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

  When the distance finally narrowed to within a hundred meters, Li Yuan saw a few antelopes raising their heads keenly.

  Antelopes are very sensitive creatures. Although the reflection of the red dragon on the sparkling water does not look very clear, the antelopes are still aware of the danger.

  The harvest of this hunting was probably only one, Li Yuan judged based on the experience inherited from Helganorn.

  An antelope is nothing more than a snack to him in dragon form.

  Most of the time, this is the case. The prey will find him in advance before entering the range of the breath and flee. He can only choose to chase in one direction and then catch one or two, which greatly limits his hunting efficiency.

  At this moment, an instinctive impulse came up for no reason - he suddenly wanted to use his breath directly at this distance.

  The current distance is more than fifty meters. Normally, it would be difficult for his breath to cause effective damage within a sufficient range at this distance.

  However, his body acted reflexively before his consciousness, and the breath that had been brewing surged into the dragon's throat.

  This time, he did not open his mouth immediately, but held his breath, causing the breath to gather in his throat, and his throat bulged slightly.

  By the time he reacted, he had exerted all his strength, opened his mouth and spat out the compressed breath forcefully.

  A round fireball shot out of his mouth like a cannonball, leaving a blazing red trajectory and hitting the middle of the antelope herd.

  The fireball made a loud noise when it hit the ground, and the compressed flames exploded instantly, producing an effect similar to the explosion of a dynamite barrel.

  Li Yuan saw several antelopes being lifted up by the explosion. This "bombing" from an altitude of fifty meters away caught the group of antelopes off guard.

  The surviving antelopes dispersed in a hurry, and Li Yuan slowly descended from the sky. The first thing he did was to sweep the ignited grass with his tail to extinguish the flames.

  Of course, he doesn't want his hunting territory to cause fires due to his breath, causing a sudden decrease in prey.

  Then Li Yuan counted the prey on the ground. Four died on the spot, and one was struggling not far away - far exceeding Helganorn's usual hunting performance.

  He turned to the surface of the water, took a few deep breaths, and then brewed and exhaled again as before, letting it condense in his throat, and then blew it out in one breath.

  The fireball ejected from his mouth again and hit the water in the distance. The explosion stirred up a spray of water more than ten meters high, and several fish that had been affected floated up.

  He suddenly mastered this new way of controlling his breath. Instead of blowing out the flames like he usually blows, he compressed the flames into fireballs and sprayed them far away in one breath.

  The compressed fireball can also produce an explosive effect when impacted. The range and destructive power have been significantly improved, but accordingly, the preparation time required for breathing will be slightly longer.

  It turns out that this is where he has grown the most - his accuracy in controlling his breath has improved a lot.

  Let's call this move "Dragon Flame Bullet"! He mentally named the move.

  Normally, a dragon would not be so bored as to give such a weird name to his innate ability. This damn taste comes purely from his consciousness as a human being.

  Li Yuan was in a good mood as he truly felt that his strength had improved.

  It seems that repairing the Endless Tower to grow his power as a true dragon would be a good way.

  He picked up two antelopes and threw them on his back, then took another one in his mouth, grabbed one on each front paw, flapped his wings and flew up, all the way back to the Endless Tower.

  When he landed outside the gate of the Endless Tower, he saw the land dragon he had subdued yesterday standing at the door. He raised his head and barked at him twice. At the same time, he lowered his body and swung his tail back and forth. In front of Lu Xinglong, a killed deer was lying.

  This is obviously the prey it caught during its patrol. It is asking for credit from its owner, Li Yuan. This is a habit it developed after being domesticated by humans.

  But when Li Yuan landed and piled the five antelopes he had captured on the ground, Lu Xinglong's tail stopped wagging.

  It looked at its prey, then at Li Yuan's prey, then looked up at the red dragon as its master, and then said nothing.

  It was a little shocked by its master's overwhelming hunting ability.

  "You can eat what you catch yourself." Li Yuan said to Lu Xinglong.

  After Lu Xinglong signed the prisoner contract, he was only allowed to move within the surveillance range of the [Watcher]. Li Yuan did not want Lu Xinglong, who was once the mount of an imperial knight, to be witnessed by outsiders.

  After Zhenna started to power the Endless Tower, the range of [Watcher] also increased to a radius of 1.5 kilometers.

  The prey that the territorial land dragon could catch was basically just enough to feed itself. Li Yuan actually didn't expect it to provide much additional food to the Endless Tower.

  "Welcome home, my Lord, congratulations on your return with a full load." Shitou, who sensed his master's return, walked out of the door to greet him, "I will take good care of these prey. Breakfast has just been prepared. Miss Zhenna is already waiting in the restaurant. Please move over. Let's go to the dining table."

  "Yeah." Li Yuan turned into a human form and looked up at the tower that was bound to him.

  For the first time, he formally regarded himself as the master of this place in his heart. Accompanied by the butler, he strutted through the door and returned to his own tower.

   Because the author is lazy, the basic framework of dragons in this work is directly borrowed from the five-color dragon. However, the author really does not know DND that well, so the details are original. You can just treat it as the author and do not use any version of the DND template to apply it to this work. Dragon type, avoid psychological gap.

  (End of chapter)

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