187. Chapter 187 Crown of Rebirth

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  Chapter 187: Crown of Rebirth

  Isabel, who was facing the imperial troops in another direction, was also using "Watcher" to pay attention to the situation on Patriz's side.

  When she saw Patriz accidentally being struck by Prince Aliu's scythe during the battle, she couldn't help but become nervous.

  Patriz felt her vision began to blur, and she could feel her life draining away rapidly.

  The wound on the arm was actually very shallow, but it was more deadly than a stab in the heart.

  Prince Aliu believed that he had a winning chance. The artifact "Life-Binding Reaper" represented the killing power of the God of Death, that is, the concept of death itself.

  Once the artifact is activated, no matter how powerful the creature is, even if it is only slightly scratched, the concept of death will invade the living body from the wound, causing the body to rapidly die.

  This concept of death is also valid for the undead. The "Life-Binding Reaper" can take back the undead's authority to move in the world of the living and return them to true death.

  Even if the death absolution provided by the "Immortal Skull", which is also an artifact, will be neutralized by the absolute killing power of the "Life-Binding Reaper".

  Powerful power comes with a huge price. If someone who is not qualified uses the "Life-Binding Reaper" forcibly, the body will without exception suffer from varying degrees of hard-to-cure lesions, resulting in a significant reduction in lifespan. If used by the immortal undead, it will consume a lot of energy. Maintaining one's own death energy will cause one to return to death once it is overdrawn.

  But for Prince Aliu, who is a prince-level vampire, the burden of the "Life-Binding Reaper" is completely bearable for him.

  The blood bats flew around Patriz, and then swarmed towards her. Patriz shot arcane arrows that shimmered into the sky, and then split into a rain of arrows and fell.

  However, the movements of the bats were extremely flexible. The seemingly dense arcane arrows only destroyed a small part of the blood bats, and the remaining blood bats broke out and swarmed towards Patriz.

  Patriz was surrounded by transparent fire of life, making it difficult for the blood bats to get close, and the blood bats began to attack her mount.

  The phoenix flapped its wings to drive away the blood bats, but a few bats still managed to get into the gaps in its feathers, blending into its flesh and blood to destroy it.

  The phoenix's skin was immediately torn open, and the wounds were bleeding profusely, staining its feathers red. The vampire's ability caused its blood to drain at an extraordinary speed, and it was difficult to stop it.

  Phoenix let out a mournful cry and almost lost its balance, so it could only circle and make an emergency landing.

  Patriz tried to use a healing spell to draw out her life force to heal Phoenix's injuries, but found that the injuries on her arms began to deteriorate rapidly.

  The entire arm withered and became like a mummy. This change was accelerating towards her whole body, and her own spells could only barely slow down the withering speed of her body.

  Phoenix made an emergency landing and almost fell to the ground. Patriz also lost her balance and rolled to the ground.

  Her face was pale, and the symptoms of withering had spread to the left half of her body, affecting her heart.

  The failure of her heart prevented her from getting up from the ground. The blood bats gathered in the sky and took shape. Prince Aliu carried the artifact and said with a grin: "I wonder what the blood of the Archdruid will taste like?" He was about to rush down to give Pa

  . Therese's final blow, the Endless Tower suddenly lit up with the ring of judgment angels, illuminating the surroundings like daylight. The vampire's eyes were more sensitive to strong light, and Prince Aliu only felt that his vision became blazing white. He sensed the danger and quickly turned his body into a bat and flew away. The raging sky fire blasted out, blocking his path towards Patriz.

  A soul-stirring dragon roar came, and the moment the sky fire subsided, Prince Aliu regrouped on the top of a towering tung tree, standing on it and looking at the flying Ganon.

  "The dragon-slaying boy of the empire actually lost? Whatever." Lucio had already retreated, and the empire's army might have collapsed due to the loss of its commander, but Prince Aliu did not panic because of this, and still had a smile on his face, "Come now It's already too late to save people."

  Mu Xia's princess was already dead, and he could sense that her heartbeat was rapidly becoming weaker. Now he had to face only this giant dragon.

  The strength of the dragon's troops in his territory was a bit beyond his expectation, but as long as he could solve the most difficult part - killing the red dragon, the other problems would naturally be solved.

  The opponent will most likely use the "Immortal Skull" to neutralize the power of the "Life-Binding Reaper", and the rest will depend on their own strength.

  On the contrary, Prince Aliu felt that this was an opportunity to prove that the power of the vampires was not inferior to the dragon.

  When Ganon swooped down, Prince Aliu raised his hand and began to prepare to release the necromancy technique "Evil Haunting".

  He tore a crack leading to the underworld and summoned a large number of evil spirits that had not been completely transformed into the water of the Styx. He wanted to use these evil spirits to possess Ganon's body.

  The evil spirit cannot cause substantial harm to a powerful target like Ganon, but it can disturb his spirit and strengthen his negative emotions, creating suitable attack opportunities for Prince Aliu.

  But at this moment, Prince Aliu suddenly felt an unusual heartbeat behind him, coming from Patriz, who had been completely silent! !
  The sense of crisis gripped Prince Aliu like a giant hand. He immediately stopped casting the spell and jumped down from the treetops. A luminous flying arrow came menacingly and penetrated his shoulder from behind.

  If he had just been slower to dodge, this arcane arrow infused with the fire of life would have penetrated his vital heart.

  The arcane arrow brought burning pain to his wound. Prince Aliu split his body apart, and some of the flying blood bats turned their attention to Patriz on the ground.

  Patriz stood on the ground, holding a long bow and aiming at Prince Aliu.

  Her originally necrotic arm was rejuvenated as if time had been reversed. The decay given by the "Life-Binding Reaper" was pushed back by a strong vitality, and it quickly closed back to the original wound. In the blink of an eye, the wound actually disappeared. heal.

  How can this be? Prince Aliu was shocked.

  The divine artifact has a very high level, and at least the power of a strong person in the legendary realm cannot compete with it. Patriz's life healing technique cannot cure the corruption given by the "Life-Binding Reaper" unless...

  "The artifacts that are exactly opposite each other?" Prince Aliu suddenly felt that fate had really played a big joke on him.

  The flower crown on Patriz's head was shining with light, and more flowers were blooming on it.

  The Crown of Rebirth, an artifact possessing the divinity of the Earth Mother, can restore the wearer's injuries and repair his physical body. Even if the limbs are incomplete, even if the user has just breathed his last breath, as long as the user's soul has not collapsed, as long as he is qualified to exert the power of the artifact, the Crown of Rebirth can bring the wearer back to life!
  (End of chapter)

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