186. Chapter 186 Gate of the Abyss

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  Chapter 186 The Gate of the Abyss
  is over!
  Lucio, who was falling downwards, was convinced that his slash had damaged the red dragon's organs. The red dragon had been severely injured. Although he did not die on the spot, he had lost the ability to fight. He continued to fly reluctantly. If he exercised at high intensity in the air, The internal organs are likely to flow out along the wound, not to mention that the pain of disembowelment will continue to linger.

  Lucio activated a certain function of the armor, and the speed of his fall suddenly slowed down significantly. This bought him some time. He let out a war cry, and a bipedal flying dragon as a reserve mount flew from a distance and picked him up. .

  Then he immediately rode the bipedal flying dragon into the air and rushed towards the red dragon. He wanted to take advantage of the "Jedi Counterattack" still being in effect to swing the last "God of War's Blow" at the red dragon and kill it completely. .

  But the moment he raised his head, he suddenly froze.

  He saw Ganoun swooping down towards him without caring about his serious injuries after beating the bone dragon to pieces with his wings.

  At this moment Ganon had completely changed his appearance, but it was not the form of the dragon of strife that Lucio had expected.

  His scales faded to gray-white, the mist of death surrounded him, and even his eyes became extremely cloudy. The wound opened by Lucio was torn apart by this big movement, but not much blood came out, only An unknown organ, whether it was intestines or something else, was dragged out of the wound - this zombie-like appearance was very similar to the corpse dragon controlled by the vampire Anne Roger.

  "All things die, but death is eternal."

  When he dived towards Lucio before, Ganon did not transform into a dragon of strife. Instead, he took the "immortality" blessing from the God of Death and transformed into the form of a undead dragon. .

  In this form, his body became an undead driven by death energy. Not only did he lose his sense of pain, but most of the damage he received no longer affected the body's skills.

  After receiving the blessing of "immortality", even if his head is cut off, he can temporarily forgive death and let his body continue to move. As for the disembowelment, it can only be regarded as a flesh wound.

  At this moment Lucio realized the outcome of this battle.

  The breath of death spat out by Ganon opened his mouth and swallowed Lucio and the flying dragon all at once.

  Lucio hadn't had time to fully charge "God of War's Strike", so in desperation he could only swing his sword to strike out the attack in advance.

  However, at this moment, he felt that his body was like a bucket with a hole in it, and all the strength he had accumulated drained away.

  His body was already in critical condition, and the breath of death destroyed the remaining vitality in his body, ending the effect of "Jedi's Counterattack" prematurely.

  This blow actually failed to hurt Ganouen at all.

  The two-legged flying dragon also weakened rapidly in the breath of death and fell on the spot.

  Lucio also fell downwards, his body was cold, and his eyes were filled with black mist.

  He lost to Ganon again, this time extremely completely.

  But he still gritted his teeth and did not give up, waiting for his fall and his death. If Prince Aliu noticed it in time and transformed him into a death knight before the red dragon completely destroyed his body, he would still be able to survive. Can continue to fight.

  "I'm sorry, Fred," he said softly.

  Without warning, a voice said: "No, I haven't allowed you to die yet."

  Lucio's eyes widened in shock.

  This is... Fred's voice!
  The sound echoed in his mind, extremely deep, like the roar of a bell or the echo from the abyss.

  Ganon was about to chase Lucio's fallen body when he suddenly saw something incredible.

  A jet-black energy suddenly wrapped around Lucio, and then a jet-black "door" appeared directly below Lucio, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted with the emergence of the doorway.

  The doorway seemed to be alive, swallowing Lucio in one gulp, and then disappeared.

  Lucio felt like he had fallen into a strange space, with broken earth and a gray sky. Black flames were burning everywhere. Low-level demons with bat wings were flying around him, but they did not dare to approach him.

  The next moment, another door appeared in the direction of his fall, sucking him in.

  He fell on an altar arranged underground, gasping for air, and no longer had the strength to get up. "What a critical moment, Lucio."

  A familiar voice came from the side, this time close at hand.

  Lucio turned around with difficulty and saw Fred in fine clothes. Fred stared at him and held a strange black key in his hand.

  "Fred?" Lucio looked at Fred in surprise.

  He was aware that Fred was secretly studying the power of warlocks.

  But he never thought that Fred would be able to use such a level of artifact.

  "Fortunately, I let you sign the affiliation contract early, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to use the 'Gate of the Abyss' to rescue you." Fred said, playing with the black key in his hand.

  At the same time, in the Endless Tower, Ganon also noticed the means by which Lucio was rescued.

  It's an artifact... and it's probably related to the Abyss.

  The "Watcher" recognized the spell just now - Gate of the Abyss, which can open the passage between this plane and the abyss, summon a large number of demons, and can also use the characteristics of the Gate of Abyss to distort space, using the abyss as a transit to achieve similar results The effect of space teleportation.

  I am afraid that it is the warlock who summoned the demon Isis, a warlock who has reached an extraordinary level and may even be a legend. Perhaps...it is Queen Fred herself.

  But Ganon had no time to think too deeply now, and the battle was not over yet after Lucio's defeat.

  "Ganoen, are you okay!"

  Elmira, the corpse dragon, flew over and brought Anello Jie closer.

  Twenty percent of the flying dragon cavalry had been killed by Anellojie, and the rest dispersed when Lucio was defeated and began to retreat consciously.

  Annie, who noticed Ganouen's injury, came over, although Ganouen felt that most of the other party's concern was for his value as a "breadbasket".

  "Help me repair it." Ganon asked Anellojie.

  Without saying much, Anellojie manipulated the corpse dragon to approach the wound on Ganon's abdomen, and raised her hand to release countless bloodshot eyes.

  These blood threads rushed to Ganon's wound, and he began to suture and repair it.

  Necromancy is a spell that manipulates corpses. Naturally, there are ways to repair dead bodies. Ganon in this form now has the characteristics of the undead. This kind of necromancy can work on Ganon and repair his body again. whole.

  After repairing it, the injury will not be that serious. When he transforms back into the form of a living being, he can solve it with the vitality of the real dragon and some healing spells.

  Before the repair was completed, he flapped his wings and accelerated.

  "Wait a minute, it's not finished yet..." Annie wanted to stop him.

  "No time." Ganon said, turning on the watcher to find the location of Prince Aliu.

  He wants to complete the emergency response on the battlefield as soon as possible and then deal with the next important target.

  Then Ganon saw in the picture, the blood bat rising into the sky, chasing Patriz riding the phoenix.

  Patriz's face turned pale, and there was a gray-white rotten wound on her arm.

  "It's over, Princess of Mu Xia. Those who are harvested by the scythe of death have no chance to survive. Count down your life!" Prince Aliu's laughter came from around him.

  (End of chapter)

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