188. Chapter 188 The Princess Riding a Dragon

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  Chapter 188 The Princess Riding the Dragon

  Isabel let out a sigh of relief in the distance. Although she knew that her mother had a divine weapon, she still couldn't help but feel frightened when she saw Patrice being brought to the point of death. , for fear that her mother would not be able to use the power of the artifact to save herself for some reason.

  Ganouen also knew this information, and he immediately saw Patriz's purpose.

  When she was first hit by the "Life-Binding Reaper", Patriz could actually use the "Crown of Rebirth" to heal her own injuries, but she deliberately delayed it until she was near death in order to make Prince Aliu relax his vigilance. Look for opportunities to fight back.

  Although the arrow that had just been infused with the fire of life failed to hit Prince Aliu's vitals, it did cause him considerable damage.

  Prince Aliu obviously felt that he had become much weaker. He caused some of the blood bats to fly downward, towards his subordinates who were fighting with other elves.

  There is a duke-level dependent created by Prince Aliu himself, who is his adjutant. Because making dependents will slightly weaken one's own strength, higher-level vampires do not actually create large numbers of dependents.

  The family member immediately understood Prince Aliu's intentions and summoned a group of blood bats from his own flesh and blood to follow Prince Aliu's blood bats and merge with them.

  He gave part of his stored blood to Prince Aliu. Vampires of their level could repair most of the damage as long as they got blood. The other vampires that Prince Aliu brought with him were actually his blood reserves.

  At this time, Ganon had already swooped down and transformed himself into the form of the guardian dragon of life.

  He opened his mouth to spit out the fire of life, and at the same time used flame shaping to create a large number of fireballs of the fire of life that bombarded downwards.

  The troops led by Prince Aliu are all undead. This form of fire of life can cause serious damage to them, and at the same time it can provide healing for the elves, so there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring teammates.

  The ghouls struggled and rolled in the flames, the death knights fled in all directions to avoid the continuous fire of life, and many of the bats separated by Prince Aliu were also involved in the attack.

  Patriz fired another wave of arrows. Prince Aliu was unable to withstand the joint attack of Ganouen and Patriz, causing all the bats to climb straight up and stay away from Patriz's range.

  Patriz turned to look at her mount Phoenix. At this time, the Phoenix was already dying due to blood loss, and it would take a lot of effort to heal it.

  Patriz began to activate Life Detection and prepared to summon another flying mount from the army. Elf druids can tame a variety of creatures. In addition to the phoenix as her own exclusive mount, the Druid army she led actually There is also a group of Pegasus.

  But at this time, Ganon did not chase after Prince Aliu who was rising into the air. Instead, he swooped in her direction and extended his claws.

  Patriz was stunned for a moment, then realized and understood the red dragon's intention.

  She put away her long bow and jumped up with all her strength, transforming into a hawk in the air, flying towards Ganon who was approaching, landing lightly on his back and transforming back again.

  For Patriz, there are few creatures that can surpass the dragon in terms of flying combat ability. It is naturally better to let Ganon carry her than those ordinary flying mounts.

  For Ganon, Patriz on his back can serve as a long-range firepower point to cover him, and can also provide support with Druid spells.

  The most important thing is that he has consumed a lot of power in the battle with Lucio. The safest way now is to rely on Patriz's "Crown of Rebirth" to resist the artifact in the hands of Prince Aliu.

  Ganouen and Patriz had some grudges over certain things, but they still had a tacit understanding of combat efficiency. It was obviously most appropriate for the princess to ride on the back of a dragon and fight the vampire prince. "Is this a life form blessed by the goddess of life? The legend about the tower is indeed true." Patriz immediately realized that Ganon's current form was related to the druid.

  "Give me some treatment first. I was injured in the battle just now!" Ganon asked Patrice unceremoniously.

  In order to deal with Lucio as soon as possible, he deliberately adopted a radical style of play and used his "immortal" power to resist the disembowelment damage.

  Although the wound has been re-sewed back by Anne Luojie, it is still a serious injury after returning to the living state, and the pain that was blocked in the state of the undead dragon has also returned, which is enough to affect him in the future. The play of combat.

  "It's very laborious to treat a body as big as yours." Patriz responded very coldly, but she still put her hand on Ganouen's back and used life healing to speed up the recovery of Ganouen's injuries.

  Ganon felt that the pain in his abdomen subsided a little, and then he flapped his wings and chased Prince Aliu in the sky.

  The bat swarm suddenly dispersed and divided into several waves heading in different directions.

  Every blood bat is part of Prince Aliu's body, but only one bat is transformed from Prince Aliu's heart. That can be said to be Prince Aliu's true body, which may become the "Life-Binding Reaper" of the spirit body. Also attached to the body.

  It doesn't make much sense to attack parts other than the main body. It can only slightly weaken Prince Aliu, but the prince can still replenish it through the blood supply from his subordinates.

  "Is there a way to identify them?" Ganon asked subconsciously, paying careful attention to the movements of several waves of bats.

  "Life perception has no effect on the undead. It's better to use a range attack to force him out!" Patriz gave a suggestion.

  Ganon thought for a moment and came up with an idea, and began to call up the druid spells in the tower.

  The sixth floor of the Endless Tower lit up the magic circle, and then a huge arcane arrow was shot directly above Ganon. It bloomed like fireworks and turned into shimmering raindrops.

  The Rain of Life Blessing, a large-scale Druid healing technique, the vegetation bathed in the rain began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under the action of the light rain, the elves felt that their bodies began to fill with strength, and their wounds gradually healed.

  But when these raindrops fell on the undead, they immediately had a violent corrosive reaction like ordinary creatures coming into contact with strong acid.

  This reaction was also seen in Prince Aliu's splintered bat colony.

  A considerable number of blood bats were injured and fell after being continuously showered with the rain of life.

  A spell of this strength should not have caused enough damage to Prince Aliu in his normal form, but in order to avoid intensive attacks, he deliberately split himself apart, but instead made himself vulnerable when dealing with area attacks.

  A part of the blood bats rushed towards Ganon's tail and condensed into shape, turning into half of Prince Aliu's face and an arm.

  He had no choice. Although he had not found an offensive opportunity that he was sure of, he could only take action in advance!
  (End of chapter)

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