185. Chapter 185 Game of the Brave

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  Chapter 185 Game of the Brave
  "His power in charge of guardianship has given us the protection of no harm!"

  Golden light suddenly burst out from Ganoen's body, and Ganoen penetrated the flames through the full field of vision of the "Watcher" The occlusion captured Lucio's slashing motion.

  Judging that he had no time to resist the "God of War's blow" with his breath, he changed his form without hesitation and used the power of "Guardian".

  With the sound of metal clashing, Lucio's slash was blocked by the holy armor.

  Ganoen, who activated "Guardian", flapped his wings and directly hit the bone dragon. In desperation, Lucio controlled the bone dragon to use its claws to grapple Ganoen.

  Even if it dies, the ancient dragon's dragon bone strength can surpass Ganon's dragon scales, but its claws scratched on the holy armor wrapped around Ganon, but it could not leave the slightest trace. Instead, the undead's claws were ignited with heavenly fire. .

  Ganoen crashed into the arms of the bone dragon. It seemed that the ancient black dragon's skeleton was a whole circle bigger than him, but the body that had lost all its flesh and blood and was only a skeleton actually weighed less than half of Ganoen's.

  The bone dragon's hard keel was not broken, but the joints could not withstand such an impact. Coupled with the purifying effect of the holy light, the bone dragon's body became even more fragile.

  Part of its body was suddenly washed away, including the dragon wings on one side that also fell off.

  Lucio jumped away from the dragon's back to avoid Ganon's head-on collision. He ignored that part of the bone dragon's body was still on his slashing path, and directly inspired the power of the giant to swing out an air-breaking slash!

  The slash just passed through the bone dragon's left claw joint, cutting off the bone dragon's left claw, and then fell on Ganoen's wings. Ganoen did not lift the holy armor, and there was another loud sound of metal clashing. Ganoen En still resisted the blow.

  Lucio and the Bone Dragon, which had lost part of its body, fell down. Lucio injected more blood into Prince Aliu's blood ring again, and the Necromancy spell caused the Bone Dragon's body to begin to be repaired again.

  In the blink of an eye, the Bone Dragon's wings were reassembled under the pull of the death energy. The Bone Dragon stretched its wings again and caught Lucio.

  While he was regrouping, Ganon had already swooped down, found a powerful position to aim at Lucio, and gathered his breath again.

  At this time, the dragon claw that had fallen off from the bone dragon suddenly fell over under the traction of necromancy, and grabbed one of his wings - Lucio actually cut off this claw on purpose! !
  The bone dragon's claws did not cause any obvious damage to Ganon's wings, but they caused him to slightly lose his balance in the air, causing the sky fire he sprayed to shift slightly.

  Lucio controlled the bone dragon to spin around to avoid the sky fire, and rose up to face Ganoun, once again accumulating the "God of War's Strike".

  Ganon suddenly stopped breathing and instead released flames from the gaps in his scales.

  In the form of the holy dragon, he released blazing white heavenly fire from all over his body. A huge white fireball expanded with him as the center, with a radius of nearly thirty meters. At this moment, he seemed to have directly turned into a small sun! !
  The dragon claws on his wings fell apart under the purification of the sky fire. Lucio realized at this moment that the bone dragon would undoubtedly be severely damaged if it broke into the realm of the sky fire.

  He suddenly roared, causing the bone dragon to stop abruptly, but he did not slow down. Instead, he jumped high from the dragon's back. Steam exploded from his back, and the thrusters ran at full speed, using the reverse thrust of the steam to accelerate him. Enter this new sun! !

  This almost crazy self-destructive action greatly surprised Ganon and created a unique offensive opportunity for Lucio.

  The fireproof layer of the steam armor and the red dragon scales inside protected Lucio from a considerable part of the high temperature corrosion. However, the burning pain quickly enveloped him. At this moment, he recalled the pain of being hit directly by the ring of judgment angel. .

  This pain also completely aroused his ferocity. He gritted his teeth and unleashed the "God of War's Blow" on Ganon while superimposing the power of the giant.

  The holy armor shone again on Ganon's body, and he withstood Lucio's full blow.

  Lucio had obviously expected this result. When he swung his sword, he suddenly turned around, overclocked the thruster again, and used the explosive thrust to make himself fall rapidly, out of the range of the sky fire.

  Lucio landed on the bone dragon's back, enduring the severe pain and looked up at Ganouen. After these two rounds, his whole body was burned, and he consumed only three spells that he could cast. He also used a large amount of blood to provide the bone dragon with necromancy energy, and the bone dragon also lost one of its claws.

  The steam armor also began to make strange noises. It was originally a trial product. He also overloaded the explosive propulsion device during the battle. It would not be surprising for this thing to explode anytime now.

  Ganon, on the other hand, remained unscathed.

  But for Lucio, that was enough.

  The red dragon continuously summons the holy armor to protect itself. The overall duration is almost the same as the previous battle combined. Lucio was quite certain that he had almost exhausted the red dragon's invincible ability - this was a necessary condition for him to kill the red dragon.

  Lucio adjusted his breathing and tried to regroup. He expected that the red dragon's breath would take a few breaths to recover, and the invincible holy light protection had been consumed, so he would not immediately close the distance and launch an attack.

  But Ganon didn't hesitate at all, and charged at him again.

  Lucio was surprised and actually laughed. At this moment, he felt the red dragon's strong fighting intention against him - this red dragon was prepared to risk his life to let him die here completely.

  Just as he wanted to avenge his past humiliation, Ganon also wanted to avenge his last attack.

  This red dragon is the most powerful dragon he has ever seen in his life, and it is also the opponent who deserves his respect the most.

  "Come on!!" Lucio roared, once again sacrificing his life force to the blood ring.

  His body was already in critical condition after being burned by heavenly fire and successive sacrifices. This last sacrifice pushed his condition past the critical point of life-threatening danger.

  Power spurted out from the depths of his body, and he launched his trump card "Jedi Counterattack".

  At the same time, he superimposed the power of giants on himself. Although it was too late to charge up the God of War's blow, the red dragon also had no time to recover the ability to release fire.

  With the blessing of "Jedi Counterattack", as long as the attack of the Sky Sword can hit the vital point, it can also reverse the situation!
  The bone dragon and Ganoen flew towards each other head-on. The golden light on Ganoen's body began to converge and began to transform.

  Lucio realized that his guess was correct. The red dragon had exhausted its absolute defense ability. He guessed that the opponent would change into the form used first. In that form, the red dragon's reaction speed and physical strength would be greatly improved. .

  This is a fight that tests skills, just like two knights riding against each other. The one who strikes faster can knock the opponent off his horse.

  In the last collision, the bone dragon was smashed into pieces by Ganon. It should have converged its wings and spun around to avoid it. But this time, Lucio made the bone dragon take the initiative to face Ganoen, and at the same time, he raised the tail of the bone dragon and fired his hook towards the tail.

  The moment the bone dragon collided with Ganon, it swung its tail, and with Lucio on the hook, he threw it towards Ganon's abdomen.

  Once again, part of the bone dragon was knocked apart by Ganoun, but the remaining part was used to hold Ganoun tightly. Lucio sacrificed his bone dragon mount to gain a favorable attack position!

  Lucio aimed at Ganoen's abdomen and slashed with all his strength. The flying blade of the Sky Sword, powered by the Jedi's counterattack and the power of the giant, cut off the dragon scales and cut Ganoen's abdomen. The dragon's blood suddenly flowed. gush out.

  (End of chapter)

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