184. Chapter 184 Anne Roger’s air support

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  Chapter 184 Anellojie’s Air Support

  Lucio’s eyes widened slightly under his visor, and then a wave of shame came over him.

  He couldn't refute the words of the red dragon at all. In the moment of the duel just now, he had the opportunity to use his strongest blow to resist the red dragon's breath. It is true that the red dragon could defend against this blow by summoning the holy armor, but also Will consume a precious number of spells.

  But he hesitated, and then chose to dodge, avoiding a head-on confrontation with the red dragon.

  He fought this battle very cautiously. It could be said that he was implementing the tactic of holding back the red dragon first, but there was nothing wrong with saying that he fought timidly.

  He knew that there was still a trace of fear in his heart. The current Ganon was undoubtedly more powerful than the ancient black dragon he risked his life to kill in the past. It could be said to be the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered in his life. .

  Facing an enemy stronger than oneself, fear at the instinctive level is ultimately unavoidable.

  There was a scream in the distance, coming from a wyvern mounted by one of his subordinates.

  The knight is responsible for observing and delivering orders in the array. Once there is an abnormality in his surveillance range, he will order his mount to convey the message with different long blasts.

  The scream signaled a new enemy attack alert.

  Lucio glanced over there and gasped immediately.

  In that direction, a new dragon rose into the night sky.

  With the moonlight, he could vaguely make out that it was an adult green dragon whose scales seemed to have faded a little, and on the back of the green dragon, sat a girl with silver hair.

  Lucio recognized the girl on the spot as Anne Luojie, the daughter of the Lord of the Red Moon City that Prince Aliwu had been looking for.

  Anellojie rode Elmira and began to chase the dragon cavalry.

  While the flying dragon cavalry were avoiding, they launched a counterattack with their own dragon-slaying weapons.

  The modified dragon-hunting crossbows roared one after another like fireworks at a celebration. The crossbow arrows made of mithril alloy easily penetrated the corpse dragon's scales, which were no longer as strong as they were in life. One shot also successfully hit the corpse dragon's eye.

  If it were an ordinary dragon, this would already be considered quite serious damage.

  But Elmira's body was already dead, so adding this little bit of damage would not hurt at all.

  The knights were surprised by the green dragon's dull sense. Annerogie used necromancy to control Elmira to suddenly accelerate towards a knight and spit out a large cloud of gas breath.

  After death, the green dragon can no longer produce its unique poisonous gas, but it spits out miasma with the stench of corpses and the breath of death.

  The stench that was strong enough to make people want to pluck out their noses on the spot made the knight scream. The bipedal wyvern with scavenging habits had no special reaction to the stench, but when it came into contact with the breath, the rich death energy still made it suddenly Became a little weaker.

  The bipedal dragon fell down for a distance and barely fluttered its wings to fly again. The knight's back also became weak, but he lost his balance, screamed and slid down, falling freely downwards.

  "Corpse dragon?" Lucio quickly realized that this green dragon was the same as the bone dragon he was riding. They were both the corpses of giant dragons resurrected by necromancy, but the green dragon still had intact flesh and blood.

  There is little point in attacking the corpse dragon without killing the vampire on its back who is casting necromancy.

  "Die!!" A brave flying dragon knight also discovered this, approached the corpse dragon from the side and rear, dived down from a high place, and aimed at Anne Luojie at close range with a crossbow.

  Anne Luojie's reaction was a bit slow. It wasn't until the ballista exploded that she noticed the movement and turned her face. Before she could turn around, her body was violently penetrated by the ballista, and she was nailed to the dragon's back.

  Before the dragon knight had time to cheer for victory, Anne Luojie's body suddenly split into large pieces and turned into a large swarm of bats that swarmed towards her. The knight flew too close and was surrounded by bats before he could react. She waved her arms desperately to drive them away, but luckily the armor covering her body was enough to stop Anellojie's bat.

  But her mount was not so lucky, as the blood bats swarmed the wyvern, scratching its eye.

  The wyvern flapped its wings in panic, almost throwing its master off.

  At this time, the blood bats gathered directly above the two-legged dragon and transformed into Anne Roger again. The silver-haired vampire girl had a cold face and held a sickle made of blood in her hand.

  With a flash of red light, the head of the flying dragon was chopped off, and a large amount of blood was sucked away by the blood sickle.

  "Damn it!" The knight fell off the back of the flying dragon.

  Another red light flashed, and the blood sickle passed through the gap in her armor, slit her throat, and with gushing blood, the heroic knight fell straight down.

  Annerogie stood directly on the back of the headless wyvern and used necromancy to control the corpse to continue flying.

  "Sure enough, Ganon's blood tastes the best." She murmured to herself and glanced at other targets.

  The remaining dragonriders distanced themselves from her in horror.

  Lucio never imagined that the red dragon could receive reinforcements on the battlefield in the air.

  The formation of the imperial flying troops was completely disrupted. Ganon flapped his wings and circled around Lucio, brewing his breath again, and at the same time began to summon fireballs with the ability of "Fire Shaping".

  Lucio realized that he had no way to rescue his men, and he no longer had the chance to summon troops to help him deal with the red dragon.

  That’s okay too!
  He made up his mind at this moment.

  He poured power into the ring on his hand with his will, and Prince Aliu's blood ring began to absorb Lucio's blood more efficiently, even making his left hand start to become cold.

  The bone dragon was infused with more energy by necromancy, and the will-o'-the-wisp in its eyes grew stronger. Lucio drove it to rush towards Ganon this time.

  "That's cool!" Ganon roared, manipulating the surrounding fireballs to bombard Lucio.

  Lucio leaned down and let the bone dragon raise its head, using the bone dragon's huge skull and broad wings as cover to protect himself.

  Fires surged everywhere, and the fireballs summoned by Ganon exploded on the bone dragon one after another.

  The strong keel blocked the fireball attack. Lucio only felt waves of fire surge around him, and the flames spread by the explosion obscured his sight.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ganon rushed towards him and opened his mouth.

  Releasing a shock wave at this distance will not only knock the bone dragon to pieces, but also cause him to be severely injured on the spot and knock him off the bone dragon's back.

  Lucio didn't see Ganoen's movements, but he still suddenly shot the "God of War's Blow" in Ganoen's direction.

  He predicted Ganon's actions based on intuition and the noises he heard, and counterattacked Ganon while his vision was obscured by flames.

  The timing of his swing of the sword was earlier than Ganon's breath. When the shock wave just spat out from Ganon's mouth, the slash had already reached Ganon's head.

  (End of chapter)

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