183. Chapter 183 As timid as a mouse

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  Chapter 183:
  Facing the menacing Ganoen, Lucio began to use the ring on his finger to drive the bone dragon he was riding.

  There was a trace of pain on his finger, and fang-like spikes sprouted from the inside of the ring made by Prince Aliu, which began to suck Lucio's blood. At the same time, he performed necromancy on him, injecting power into the bones of the ancient black dragon.

  I saw the will-o'-the-wisps shining in the bone dragon's eye sockets, and its movements became extremely flexible and agile.

  It flapped its wings to accelerate, and at the same time, it swerved its body in a sharp direction, avoiding the trajectory of Ganon's charge, and quickly distanced itself.

  Lucio did not intend to confront Ganon head-on. His combat strategy was to hold Ganon back here until Prince Aliu broke through the dragon's nest and removed the hidden danger of the ruins releasing large-scale spells. Then he and Aliu could Together the princes deal with the red dragon.

  At this time, he was not aware that Prince Aliwu's advance had been blocked by the elite troops of Mu Xia led by Patriz.

  But even if he implements this combat policy, he doesn't actually have to be so cautious. With his usual style, he can attack more aggressively.

  He had to admit that he actually felt as much oppression and terror from this red dragon as he did when he faced the ancient black dragon on the spot.

  Different from the last battle, this time the red dragon's strength is evenly matched with his... No, it may even be above him. A small mistake could lead to fatal consequences, which forced him to be cautious.

  Ganon also noticed Lucio's abnormality.

  Lucio's judgment was correct. Before the war started, he used "Watchman" to assess the threat level of Lucio and Prince Aliu.

  Lucio put on a brand new steam armor and got a bone dragon mount. His overall combat power has increased significantly compared to the last time he saw it.

  But Ganon's growth has been even more dramatic. His current growth level has reached the stage of an extremely old red dragon. Coupled with the power of blessing, his overall strength has surpassed that of ordinary ancient dragons.

  Whether it is Lucio or Prince Aliu, their auras are orange in the "Watcher's" assessment. Ganon can have the upper hand in a head-to-head confrontation with any of them, and with the tower's magic support, even A certain degree of suppression can be achieved.

  Only a small part of Prince Aliu's body was entangled with a little red aura. That was the artifact carried by Prince Aliu. That artifact could still pose a slight threat to Ganoen, so Ganoen gave it to Patri. Here to deal with it.

  While avoiding Ganon, Lucio moved closer to his formation, intending to lead Ganon into the encirclement of the Dragon Riders.

  Ganon easily controlled the surrounding formations through the watchers, and instead of pursuing Lucio fiercely, he flew to the outside of the flying dragon array.

  He brewed a breath and suddenly opened his mouth.

  The flying dragon cavalry within his shooting range subconsciously tensed up their bodies and paid serious attention to the fire that might come out of the red dragon's mouth.

  Even if it is a compressed fireball, they can catch the breath trajectory in time from a certain distance, and then use their flying skills to dodge it.

  However, the red dragon just opened its mouth and made a sound similar to the roar of artillery, but no one caught the firelight emerging, and no fireball was ejected.

  After a moment's delay, a flying dragon cavalry suddenly felt a strong wind blowing towards him, and the air in front of him seemed to be suddenly distorted.

  Then a shock wave hit him, and with the sound of explosion, he and his mount seemed to be hit in the front by a transparent cannonball, and their internal organs suddenly shifted.

  He was knocked away by the shock wave, and a large number of bones were broken, making his body look like a broken branch. The wyvern's neck was also broken, and its entire head was blown to pieces.

  Watching his comrades fall, a flying dragon knight around him screamed in fear, and the others were also shocked, because the red dragon's breath was beyond his knowledge - it was completely transparent, but it had an energy no less powerful than flames. power.

  After transforming into the form of a dragon of strife, Ganon's breath turned into a shock wave like an explosive air wave.

  The shock wave is difficult to catch with the naked eye, and he can also compress the shock wave into a cannonball like launching a dragon fire bomb. This is undoubtedly more threatening than the flame breath to the knights who intend to dodge the breath based on the ballistic trajectory.

  He flew towards those knights and continued to spit out compressed shock waves. Two more knights were shot down. The remaining knights couldn't help but become frightened and scattered one after another, causing the formation to collapse.

  Lucio was not idle at this time. While Ganon was attacking his men, he ordered the bone dragon to rush towards Ganon at full speed from the side.

  He didn't spend any extra time to get around to the blind spot of Ganoen's vision. From the previous battle, he had vaguely noticed that Ganoen had some kind of perception ability similar to omnidirectional vision.

  When the distance was close enough, he jumped off the dragon's back, and the back of the steam armor suddenly roared like an explosion, exploding a large cloud of steam.

  The powerful propulsion caused him to suddenly accelerate in the air, turning into a cannonball and rushing towards Ganon.

  Such an impact would be heavy on his body and extremely dangerous. The mechanic who modified his armor had warned that this propulsion device had not been developed yet. He was fighting with a bomb strapped to his body. Once the propeller went out of control, it would explode. , maybe it can directly blow off one of his arms.

  But he insisted on modifying the armor to this point in order to gain the ability to accelerate in the air beyond the dragon.

  Even if the red dragon has a full range of vision, as long as his speed exceeds the opponent's expectations, he will have a chance to catch the opponent off guard.

  The dragon's reaction speed is its weak point. If this accelerated surprise attack prevents the red dragon from having time to use the holy armor, it may be possible to directly rely on this move to determine the outcome!
  He used the "power of giants" to strengthen his body, and at the same time charged up enough power on his sword, preparing to swing the sword to strike the "god of war's blow".

  At the critical moment, Ganouen suddenly and nimbly flipped his body in the air and pointed the dragon's head at Lucio!

  This surprised Lucio. Based on his experience in slaying dragons, this reaction speed was obviously not what a giant dragon should have.

  He didn't know that Ganon, under the blessing of the God of War, not only had new types of breath, but also had greatly improved senses, reaction speed, physical strength and strength. Today's Ganon's reaction speed is not as fast as before. Under this legendary warrior!

  About ten meters away, Ganon opened his mouth and breathed out, preparing to exchange blows with Lucio's full strength, but Lucio actually hesitated for a moment at this moment.

  In the end, he did not swing the sword, but started the propulsion device again. With the second burst of steam, his route towards Ganon suddenly deflected, barely avoiding the spit of Ganon. Shockwave.

  The bone dragon caught the fallen Lucio again. He looked at Ganouen alertly, but found that Ganouen did not launch a pursuit, but just overlooked him from a distance.

  Then Ganon spoke:

  "When did you change your job to an assassin who only dares to attack sneakily, the Knight King of the Empire? You are as timid as a mouse, but you are worthy of being called a dragon-slaying hero!?" (End of this chapter


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