168. Chapter 168 The Olive Branch of the Empire

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  Chapter 168 The Olive Branch of the Empire
  Ganouen’s guess was verified in an instant. The demon in front of him came mainly for the escapees from Red Moon City.

  He vaguely thought of this possibility from the beginning, and before flying over to check the situation, he sent Anellojie back to the Endless Tower.

  "What does the empire's pursuit of a vampire have to do with me?" Ganon asked.

  "Noble true dragon, you asked me to tell you the true purpose of my visit, but you have to hide it at this time. It's so boring." The smile on Isis's face became a little distorted again, and she even raised her head a little rudely. Pointing at Ganon, "Then let me reveal a little more. In fact, we are quite well-informed, but don't worry, we have definitely not penetrated your territory." Isis's meaning was very clear, basically

  directly It was admitted that the empire's intelligence infiltration in late summer had found out the whereabouts of the escapees from Red Moon City, and they had determined that Anne Luojie had arrived in this territory.

  This made Ganouen have a question: "A fleeing vampire, is it really that important to you? Are you even willing to reconcile with me for this?" "Please don't misunderstand, there are many reasons for reconciling with you

  . Considering the interests of the parties, we propose it to you at this time because we just happened to find such an excellent opportunity. It is the same for you. We are willing to provide you with generous rewards, and at the same time, it is also to compensate for the offense we have caused you in the past. , and what you have to do is very simple, which is to hand over all those exiles to us."

  Isis said in the devil's unique persuasive tone.

  "Being able to serve as an opportunity is enough to show her importance. What exactly do you want her to do?" Ganon asked.

  When he killed Archduke Dipu, the Empire did not start a conversation with him. Now because Anne Luojie was transferred to his territory, he took this as an opportunity to send an envoy to him. This at least shows that this vampire is more important to Queen Fred than the murder of the Grand Duke of Xihe Principality. Portion.

  "I'm sorry about this. I can't tell you. It's not that I don't want to, but Her Majesty the Queen didn't let me know. What I can reveal to you quietly is that only our Queen is willing to pay a high price for this matter. , now you can put a price on this matter." Isis spread her hands.

  Ganon realized that the one who was really bidding for Anellojie behind the scenes was probably not Fred, but Prince Aliu who was hunting down other vampire princes.

  Prince Aliu may also want not only the blood that Van Helsing left for Anne Luojie, but also the artifact "The Immortal Skull".

  Ganon didn't know what this blood prince wanted to do, but he could imagine that he was very eager for it and was willing to pay a high price to the empire for this, so the empire would offer him a reward for Anne Luojie's whereabouts.

  "All you want is this vampire? Does your queen still want to use me for something? Why not make it clearer?" Ganon asked again.

  "Are you worried about something?" Isis looked into Ganon's eyes and asked, "Do you think we will use you to deal with Mu Xia and the Elemental Federation? Or do you think we will ask you to return the former princess? Please Don't worry for now, Her Majesty the Queen has no such considerations at the moment."

  "I'll be honest, I don't think highly of your Majesty the Queen. She doesn't seem to be a trustworthy person." Ganon stared at Isis, "You too, devil."

  "Haha, I can understand. Rather, you are right. We devils are all profit-oriented, and my current master is similar. I think there is nothing wrong with this. As a Red Dragon, aren't you the same? For you, shouldn't the most suitable choice be to use each other with the empire?" Isis said seriously.

  "Using each other?" Ganouen narrowed his eyes.

  "You should be able to tell that the Dragon Backbone Empire is preparing for expansion. This little fight with Mu Xia is just the first step. Now you have the opportunity to ride on this trend and gain a larger territory and more territory. Wealth, more powerful power. Don't be held back by the covenant with Mu Xia. If you stand on the weak side, you will only wait to be eaten. Only by sharing the table with the strong can you be qualified to become the take-all party." With a smile, Isis began to persuade again.

  "Is this why you do things for the empire?" Ganon looked at the demon.

  "I'm not so arrogant that I think I can take it all, I just think it's profitable. I think dragons and demons are similar in some things... I don't mean to offend you. I also think it's like me. Demons cannot be compared with you." Isis began to try to compliment Ganon again. Ganon could see that this demon was targeting the dragon's characteristics and using the words she was good at to persuade, but this kind of words was not very attractive to him.

  The demon Isis didn't know that the soul hidden in this red dragon's body was fundamentally different from other giant dragons.

  "I understand what you mean. This matter is indeed worthy of consideration." Ganon responded.

  "It sounds like you're not going to make up your mind right away?" Isis asked tentatively.

  "You want to force me to make a decision?" Ganon glanced at Isis coldly.

  "Of course not, but I think with your wisdom you must have considered it. This is not something that should be considered for too long." Isis said respectfully, "At this time tomorrow, I will come to visit you again, okay?" "

  I I don't like being pushed." Ganouen deliberately showed an unhappy expression.

  "Then the third day, is that okay?" Isis asked tentatively.

  "Let's do it like this." Ganon realized that if he extended it any longer, the other party would probably directly assume that he planned to refuse, which would not achieve the effect of delaying time.

  He needs time to confirm some things.

  "Thank you for your patience. I will take my leave then and hope you will make a wise decision." Isis saluted solemnly.

  Ganon nodded, fluttered his wings and took off. Isis looked up and watched him ascend into the night. Then she took back her horse from the golem knight who appeared later, and rode away from Ganon's territory.

  Ganon flew in the direction of the Endless Tower, and suddenly heard the sound of stones. The butler golem took the initiative to contact him using the "communication" function of the tower:
  "My lord, what's wrong, just now, Miss Anne Roger and those death knights suddenly left the tower without giving any reason, got on their horses and ran directly to the northwest."

  Ganoen Hearing this, he sighed. He knew that the conversation between him and Isis just now had been heard by those people.

  When facing Isis, the "Watcher" kept showing a bat with a distinctive aura hanging upside down on a nearby tree - it was a part of Anne's body that was split using her own abilities.

  He guessed that Annie and the death knights would be shaken by the content of this conversation.

  But he didn't expect that they wouldn't even wait for him to fall asleep before running away. He had planned to return to the tower and talk to them face to face.

  He flapped his wings to gain altitude and accelerated towards the northwest.

  (End of chapter)

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