169. Chapter 169 How about we talk about it?

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  Chapter 169: How about we talk?

  Under the night, the death knights rode skeleton horses and ran wildly through the woods.

  "Do you really...have to run away?" Anne Roger poked her head out of the carriage and looked at Raymond uneasily, "Ganoen asked us to stop and said he wanted to talk to us." Halfway through the escape

  . At that time, Ganon used the "communication" function of the Endless Tower to try to contact them.

  They heard Garnorn's voice echoing in their ears, but no one dared to respond.

  "Haha, we heard it too, but don't take any chances at this time. Your Highness, we can't afford to bet on what the dragon will decide. If he packs us up and sells us, we will have no chance of survival at all! "

  Raymond replied in the same tone as usual, but he did not relax his escape rhythm at all.

  All the death knights continued to use soul echoes to drive the skeleton horses at full speed.

  Originally they thought they could settle down in the Red Dragon's territory, but the Empire learned of their movements so quickly and suddenly came to negotiate with Ganon on behalf of Dark Night City. This move really surprised them. .

  They didn't know much about the previous grievances between Ganon and the Empire, but after just a little weighing, they found that this matter was actually not optimistic.

  By handing them over, you can resolve conflicts with the Empire and receive generous rewards. Protecting them means continuing to be enemies of the Empire, and adding a Dark Night City that is allied with the Empire. For such a multiple-choice question, the answer is almost Obvious.

  Although when he handed over the "Immortal Skull", Ganon promised to protect them and made them sign a membership contract.

  But it would only take a minute for this promise to be broken. They could not expect a red dragon to have a sense of honor and a spirit of contract. Real dragons were greedy egoists.

  They knew about the existence of the "Watchers" when they signed the membership contract. Now Ganon must still have control of their location. With the flying speed of the red dragon, it would be too easy to catch up with them.

  Their only chance is to leave the watcher's surveillance range before being caught up, then find a place to hide to avoid the red dragon's search, and then wait for an opportunity to head to the northwest to find a place to stay.

  "I thought I could finally settle down..." Anne Luojie looked regretful.

  "I guess you are reluctant to part with that dragon's blood." Raymond took the opportunity to tease.

  "To be honest, I'm a little reluctant to part with that temple." Gru said.

  "It's a pity that I didn't take two more puffs... But now is not the time to talk about this!" Raymond turned his head again to confirm the situation behind him, "I hope I saw it wrong, there seems to be something in the sky." "No

  , You read that right." Annie also glanced at the night sky, her red pupils clearly reflecting the night scene. Vampires have excellent senses in the dark night, "He is chasing me." "Haha, I'm really unlucky today

  . ." Raymond smiled bitterly from the depths of his soul.

  They could see the red dragon in the sky from here, which meant that the red dragon could see them directly.

  At this distance, it wouldn't take much time for the red dragon to catch up. They might not have a chance to escape from this territory in time.

  "Then Your Highness, although it's a pity that we can only accompany you here, we really can't solve it this time even if you take action." Raymond said suddenly.

  Anne lowered her eyes when she heard this: "I understand..."

  They don't yet understand the full extent of Ganon's power, but they can already tell that this red dragon is probably something that even all of them cannot compete with.

  Prince Aliu's target is her, so Ganon is actually the only one who wants to catch her. Raymond and the others actually have a chance to escape.

  Although the death knights claim to be inseparable from her because of the undead contract, in fact, even without this master to provide magic power, as high-level undead, they can still hunt living creatures and continue to exist.

  There was no need for these death knights to be buried with her, it was time for her to let them go free.

  Just when Annie was about to propose to terminate the undead contract, Raymond drew out his spear: "Listen up, Your Highness, the red dragon should be preparing to capture you alive. When he rushes down and blocks our way, we will launch a direct attack. Charge, you will split and fly away at that moment, and we will buy you time!"

  Other death knights also picked up their weapons.

  "You..." Annie raised her face and opened her eyes in surprise. "Haha, don't say any more disgusting words. After all, we have already promised the city lord!" Raymond laughed boldly, "We have died once, so how can we be afraid of death?" "You

  ... "Anne Luojie blinked twice and said the rest of her words, "Are you so ignorant of yourself?" "

  What did you say?" Raymond was stunned on the spot.

  "You can't even block a dragon's breath, and you don't have any means to hurt the red dragon. He can completely ignore you. How are you going to buy me time?" Anne Luojie looked at Raymond and said, "It's completely impossible. We'll be there."

  "Hey, can you speak based on the atmosphere? Is this what you should say to your subordinates who are prepared to die for you!?" Raymond asked loudly.

  "Although what he said is true..." Gru muttered on the other side of the carriage.

  The team of death knights here all have the ability to control corpses and absorb life, which is enough to compete with the necromancy spells performed by mid-level necromancers.

  Knight Commander Raymond and Adjutant Gru are the best among them. If they join forces, they can even compete with master-level experts.

  But facing a giant dragon, they really couldn't find a way to hurt the opponent without even a dragon-slaying weapon in their hands.

  "It's better to give up. I'll stay and you go. I'll buy you some time." Anne Luojie said slowly.

  "I would really hesitate if you said that..." Raymond seemed to be talking to himself.

  "That's it, there's no time." Annerogie said as she got out of the carriage and stood on the roof of the carriage, looking up at Ganouen.

  At this time, Ganoun had greatly shortened the distance and became larger and larger in Anne's field of vision.

  The death knights exchanged opinions with soul echoes, gradually stopped, and then turned around Anne's carriage.

  "You?" Anne looked around in surprise at the death knights guarding her.

  "I just think that the red dragon may not necessarily use all its abilities to fight us. If we go together, maybe we still have a small chance." Raymond held the spear.

  "The dragon is not without its weaknesses, right?" Gru picked up the mace.

  Anne looked at them, and a faint smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth: "You are really not very smart." "

  This is not your turn, Your Highness." Raymond laughed, raised his spear and shouted, "Come on Red Dragon!"

  This was the first time that their master and servant had a sense of unity and cohesion, which boosted their morale.

  The Endless Tower in the distance suddenly shone with dazzling light. The Ring of Judgment Angel emerged directly above the top of the tower. The blazing pillar of fire surged out, illuminating the surrounding area as bright as day. The light pierced Anne Luojie and others. There was a burning pain.

  The pillar of skyfire blasted past about ten meters directly above Annie and the others, and suddenly landed about a hundred meters in the direction of their original travel. The skyfire turned into a whirlwind and soared into the sky, igniting more than a dozen nearby trees.

  Anellojie and the death knights were all silenced by the battle on the spot.

  Such an attack probably wouldn't even hit the Paladins in the legendary realm. If they were hit head-on, they would be wiped out on the spot.

  They turned to look at the sea of ​​fire behind them, and then turned to look at the approaching red dragon.

  Ganon fell in front of them. He transformed into the form of the Holy Dragon of Light, with dazzling golden light emitting from his whole body.

  The vampire princess and the death knights remained motionless, and no one took the lead.

  "Are you sure you want to fight me?" Ganon asked as he looked at them.

  After a long time, Raymond broke the silence first. "How about... let's talk?"

  (End of chapter)

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