167. Chapter 167 The devil around the queen

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  Chapter 167 The Demon Around the Queen

  Without any warning, the Dragon Spine Empire sent an envoy to Ganon's territory.

  The envoy did not carry any weapons, just wore formal attire, held a flag and rode towards the Endless Tower.

  She was stopped shortly after entering the woods of Ganorn's territory.

  "People in front, the front is not a place where you can pass at will. Show your identity."

  As the voice sounded, three knights appeared directly in front of her.

  They were three demon statues controlled by stones. They all wore body-covering armor and disguised themselves as tall knights. One of them rode a land dragon, and the remaining two rode war horses. They lined up separately to block the path for the horses to move forward. route.

  The envoy seemed very calm about this, and even smiled: "I am from the Dragon Spine Empire, and I am here on the order of Her Majesty the Great Queen Fred, requesting to meet the lord of this place, the powerful True Dragon Helganorn."

  "Whether I see you or not will be decided by the lord, and you must wait here first." Shitou replied in a business-like, robotic tone.

  "No problem, I will be very patient." The envoy said as he dismounted, handed the horse to the knight who came forward to lead him away, and stood there holding the flag.

  After a while, a huge shadow enveloped the messenger. She raised her face and watched the red dragon's huge figure fall down, almost covering her entire field of vision.

  "It is my honor to meet you, great true dragon. On behalf of Her Majesty Queen Fred, I would like to express my sincere greetings to you..." The envoy immediately saluted respectfully.

  "Stop talking about unnecessary nonsense and answer my question. Tell me, who are you?" Ganon interrupted the other party unceremoniously.

  "I am an envoy personally sent by the Queen of the Dragon Backbone Empire. My name is Isis." The envoy continued.

  "For the last time, what on earth are you?" Ganon repeated the question.

  His tone was very calm, but at the same time as he asked, dragon power surged out of him, and he locked the envoy and began to use the control technique.

  Ganon observed the envoy when she entered the "Watcher" range.

  This envoy did not pose even the slightest threat, but the "Watcher" recognized signs of being enchanted from her body, like an animal messenger controlled by a Druid's spell, but the breath of the spell was more like The spell of the dark elves is even more powerful.

  This technique allows an extra consciousness to attach to the woman's body, controlling the body on behalf of her own consciousness, just like a wizard in the extraordinary realm controls the golem from a distance. The opponent's body is using the technique to control this body. People should be used as string puppets.

  Ganon's dragon power is enough to clear the consciousness of ordinary people on the spot, causing them to surrender to him in extreme panic.

  But faced with the control technique performed by an extremely old red dragon, the envoy did not show any wavering. Instead, he grinned with an evil smile: "You were seen through on the spot. It seems that if you don't tell the truth, you may directly Burn me to ashes on the spot."

  The envoy said and bowed again, bending his waist slightly artificially: "Nice to meet you, distinguished lord, I am Isis, the personal attendant serving Queen Fred. , is a demon from the abyss."

  "Devil..." Ganon looked at Isis more carefully.

  Demons are dependent creatures of the evil god, the Lord of the Abyss. Demons basically live in the abyss and rarely move in this plane. Warlocks who worship the Lord of the Abyss will use their abilities and contracts to summon demons to their location. Face to face to drive yourself.

  Demons sometimes take the initiative to sign contracts with people who do not have a warlock profession, asking the other party to provide services for the other party with their souls as collateral. However, it is said that if they are not warlocks who have been blessed by the abyss, the terms of the contract will be easily distorted by the devil.

  There are strong and weak demons. The most powerful demons can even be compared with Seraphs and Ancient Dragons, while the weak ones are even at the level of ordinary beasts. How powerful demons can be summoned and used depends on the level of the warlock.

  The so-called envoy in front of her is actually a human being possessed by the consciousness of the devil. Isis is freely using this human body through contracts and abyss spells.

  Ganon didn't need to be too worried about the demon in front of him. He was just surprised that there was a demon working for Fred beside her. Ganon could guess the reason for letting the demon serve as the envoy. This demon can possess and manipulate humans, and can also deal with his dragon power. It is perfect for her to deal with a giant dragon.

  "You don't have to be so wary of me. Not to mention that I am just possessed now. Even my true form cannot win you over. After all, you have even lost a battle to the King of Knights, who is so powerful as the empire." Shisi smiled and put a high hat on Ganon, "This time, we are adhering to the principle of friendly negotiation to talk to you."

  Ganon heard the other party's purpose of deliberately mentioning Lucio, and Isis was After proving to him that she is really Queen Fred, the people around her can know some secrets of the empire.

  It seems that there really is a demon around Queen Fred. If she doesn't have a relatively powerful warlock under her, it is Queen Fred herself who holds a warlock profession.

  After all, a person who created a military and technological revolution in his own country should not be stupid enough to summon a demon without qualifications. There are countless warning fables in this world about demons using contracts to eat people clean.

  "It's really interesting. When I didn't do anything to you, the empire attacked my territory twice. Now that I've killed so many people, you want to negotiate with me amicably?" Ganon was sarcastic. Di replied.

  "We must admit that we have misjudged you before, and you have now shown such strength that we have to consider re-examining our relationship. Her Majesty the Queen believes that continued hostility between the Empire and you is not beneficial to the development of both parties." Isis said calmly.

  "To make a long story short, what do you want to do?" Ganon asked seriously.

  "To put it simply, Her Majesty the Queen hopes to sign a non-aggression peace treaty with you so that the past grudges can be wiped out, so that you can establish some contacts with the empire in the future." Isis explained the purpose of her visit to Ganon.

  A bit suddenly - this was Ganon's first thought.

  In his mind, the possibility of the empire trying to put down the dispute with him existed. Rather, from his point of view, doing so was a wise choice, because he really had no reason to continue to be an enemy of the empire. It's all the empire that's provoking him.

  But for the other party to formally take this action, there must be a decisive factor to promote it.

  If the empire had offered him an olive branch just after the war between the empire and Mu Xia ended, or not long after he attacked the Principality of Xihe, he would understand the other party's considerations.

  In the case of the former, it may be that he wanted to win him over to his side considering his strategic value between Mu Xia and the Empire. In the case of the latter, it may be that his assassination of Archduke Dipu showed his intention to target the national leader. He is a threat, so I want to stabilize him first to prevent him from suddenly launching sabotage actions against the empire and damaging the empire's ongoing plans.

  But at this time, it seems a little subtle.

  If there were any recent events that would cause the Empire to suddenly change its attitude, it would be the Empire's actions in the Kingdom of Death, and...

  Ganon's mind immediately pictured Anne Roger and the gang of death knights.

  The possibility of the empire's intelligence network penetrating into his territory is low, but if the empire has a way to detect intelligence on the Muxia border in time, it is still possible to learn that the escapees from Red Moon City came to Muxia.

  He guessed that the empire's intelligence work was not bad. When they first met, he noticed that Isis said his name as a dragon.

  "I'm not interested in being an enemy of the empire, provided you don't intend to cheat." Ganon said.

  "That's really the best..." Isis showed a knowing smile.

  Before she could finish speaking, Ganouen interrupted her: "So, if you have any further purpose, it's best to make it clear as soon as possible. I don't like to spend too long wrangling at the negotiation table, as that will kill me." I have

  a lot of patience." Isis showed a little surprise, and then returned to her smile: "You are more perceptive than we thought. Well, we do consider starting some more cooperation with you on the basis of mutual non-aggression. further cooperation."

  "Pick the key points." Ganon emphasized.

  "Okay, first of all... maybe you already have a clue about this matter." A secretive smile appeared on Isis's face, "We are offering a bounty to a vampire."

  (End of Chapter)

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