166. Chapter 166 The Resurrected Green Dragon

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  Chapter 166: The Resurrected Green Dragon

  A few minutes later, Ganon took Anelloje into the air from the top of the tower.

  "It's amazing!" Anne Luojie couldn't help but sigh.

  Vampires can transform into bats and fly, but they can't fly as high or as fast, so when Ganouen took her to climb hundreds of meters at once, soaring in the night with the full moon, she still felt the pain. A thrilling freshness.

  This reaction has been experienced by almost every girl Ganon has ever carried.

  But it wasn't just this that made Anne so emotional.

  While transforming into a dragon, Ganon tried the blessing he had just received:
  "All things are mortal, but death is eternal."

  The hymn of the God of Death represents the power of "immortality"!
  Ganon's form changed, and the scales all over his body turned into a lifeless gray-white color. Even his pupils seemed to be covered with a layer of white and became turbid, although he could still see clearly with both eyes. Chu, I can even see some more invisible things than before.

  He discovered that occasionally he could see dots of bright lights like will-o'-the-wisps on the ground, which were fragments of some spiritual bodies. The souls of those dead creatures would basically dissipate on the spot with the death of their bodies, but there would still be some fragments left. Wander around the place of death for a while.

  His vital signs were so low that they almost disappeared, like a corpse, but the strength of his body did not diminish at all.

  Death energy that cannot be caught by the naked eye emanates from the gaps in his scales, covering him like a cloak. This energy can wither vegetation.

  If Zhenna and others were sitting on him, he would definitely not be able to use this form. Being exposed to this kind of death energy, living creatures would quickly weaken.

  But as an undead, Anne Luojie felt very comfortable sitting on his back, as if she were sitting by the Netherworld Lake and absorbing the water of the Styx.

  Ganon took Annie and flew all the way to the burial ground surrounded by woods.

  The lush woods gradually became barren near the burial site, until there was no grass growing.

  The land here is gray-white, like the ashes of a wildfire.

  When Ganon landed here, Annie immediately felt that there was an atmosphere similar to that of Netherworld Lake.

  She also sensed that there were corpses buried under the earth that could be affected by necromancy, and one of the corpses had a very prominent aura.

  "Where is this?" she asked Ganouen.

  "This is a land blessed by the power of the God of Death. It is a place where Death Cult believers hold sacrifices and funerals. They bury corpses here. The corpses buried here can be preserved for a long time without decay, but they can also be manipulated with necromancy. The degree of corruption," Ganon explained.

  "This is not just about preserving the body..." Annerogie said.

  She could feel that there were still some undead spirits preserved in the boneyard.

  Generally speaking, the spirit and body of a creature are integrated. When the body dies, the soul will also die and enter the underworld, becoming a pure spirit body and integrating into the River Styx. Only a few fragments wander out of the body for a while and then dissipate.

  Only by using necromancy to forcibly bind the soul can the dead spirit whose body has passed away continue to remain in the world.

  But this bone burial ground can preserve the dead souls, allowing them to sleep underneath and not dissipate directly.

  She was too lazy to explain this to Ganouen in detail, but now that Ganouen had spiritual vision, he could see it himself.

  "These can all be used as materials for necromancy." Ganon said and looked at Annerogie. "You know how to use necromancy to manipulate corpses, right?" "Well, you want me to try it?"

  Annerogie ask.

  "Yes." Ganon replied.

  "I feel a little troublesome. If I could drink a little blood..." Annie muttered.

  "..." Ganon didn't speak, just stared at Annie with his eyes that glowed with lava.

  He locked on Annie and released a little bit of dragon power. Now he has fully grown to an extremely old stage. He can control dragon power very finely and freely, applying dragon power to a single target to achieve some kind of short-term " Domination" spell-like effect.

  As a duke-level Anne, it was not so easy for her to be directly controlled by Longwei, but Ganouen's gaze still made her clearly feel the pressure. Her expression stiffened, and she glanced at Ganouen and did not dare to look at him again.

  If it weren't for the vampire's inability to sweat, she would be covered in cold sweat. "I understand." Anne Luojie did not dare to mention the matter of blood anymore. She obediently stretched out her hand towards the burial ground and used necromancy.

  After a few seconds of lag, the gray-white soil surface of the burial ground began to tremble, and then withered hands burst out of the ground like sprouts.

  Zombies and skeletons crawled out of the soil one after another, their eyes shining with a faint light.

  These zombies lined up neatly in front of Ganouen and Anellojie. The movements of these zombies were more agile than Ganouen imagined.

  Basically, there are some fragments of the undead left in their bodies, which allows them to retain a little bit of consciousness.

  Although far inferior to a death knight with a complete personality, the performance of these zombies has far surpassed the corpses collected by most necromancers from mass graves. For Anne Luojie, these zombies have a certain basic ability to act independently. , very easy to control.

  In addition to these zombies, there are also some wandering souls who have lost their corpses to cling to. They maintain vague and pale human shapes floating slowly in the air.

  Ganouen didn't care about these zombies. He lowered his head and approached Anne Luojie: "Try to wake up that big guy. You should be able to do it." "It must be very

  tiring to control that..." Anne was a little reluctant , but there is no other way.

  She began to use a lot of magic power and began to drive the unusual corpse.

  A huge bulge suddenly formed in the burial ground, like a small hill rising from the ground.

  Then the gray-white grave soil shook off from the hill like quicksand, revealing gray-green scales.

  A huge head was raised, and as the pair of somewhat broken wings stretched out, the corpse finally revealed its full appearance.

  The green dragon that once occupied the Breeze Forest, Elmira, has now been reawakened in the form of a corpse dragon.

  Her originally emerald green scales seemed to have faded and completely lost their luster, turning into a dull gray-green. Her eyes were as turbid as Ganon's in the state of an undead dragon, but they only shone like will-o'-the-wisps.

  "Hel... Ganon..." She actually recognized Ganon and made a mechanical voice without any emotion, so she couldn't hear any resentment.

  "Is she still conscious?" Ganon asked Anellojie.

  "It's just a fragment of consciousness that can be easily controlled," Anne said.

  Elmira's soul has passed away, leaving only a few fragments of consciousness, without a complete personality and thinking ability, and is basically still completely controlled by necromancy.

  Moreover, it is easier to control this way. Even if Annie does not control it accurately, she can rely on this fragment of consciousness to execute some simple instructions independently, just like a doll that can move by itself.

  "Very good." Looking at the undead army arrayed in front of him, Ganon felt very satisfied.

  Relying on necromancy and the corpses in the boneyard, he suddenly expanded a sizable legion, which undoubtedly greatly strengthened the security of the Endless Tower.

  "Can I go back and rest? I want to sleep..." Anne Luojie started to feel sleepy again.

  "Okay, let's just let the body go back and call it a day." Ganon decided to try here first today.

  Annie took control of the corpse and dug a hole to bury herself. Ganon spread her wings and let Annie return to her back.

  He was about to take off when he suddenly noticed someone breaking into the "Watcher" range from another direction.

  As the scope of the "Watchers" expands, there are more and more cases where people are accidentally noticed passing by the territory.

  Ganon didn't pay much attention to it, but he still opened the watcher's screen to check it out.

  Then, he saw a well-dressed woman riding a tall horse and holding a flag in her hand heading towards the Endless Tower.

  When he saw that flag, Ganouen couldn't help but be stunned.

  That is the flag of the Dragon Spine Empire.

  (End of chapter)

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