165. Chapter 165 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

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  Chapter 165 The upper beam is crooked and the lower beam is crooked.

  The eighth floor of the Endless Tower.

  "You will live here from now on. Going inside is the living area. The butler golem will show you the way. If you have any needs, you can always ask." Ganon led the death knights into the temple hall.

  At this time, he was holding Anellojie with one hand and pointing to the inside of the temple with one hand.

  The golem controlled by the stone is holding the artifact "The Immortal Skull" and walking towards the activated Death Talisman.

  The mural of the God of Death depicts the God of Death in a cloak. The God of Death in the mural lowers his head so that no one can see his face. He looks very tired, leaning on a scythe to harvest souls and sitting on a rock piled with bones, surrounded by ghosts and spirits. composed of the River Styx.

  The death knights didn't seem to have any thoughts about the temple, and they didn't even have much interest in the living environment introduced by Ganon.

  "We don't have any requirements, Lord. In fact, even if you let us go out in the open air, it doesn't matter to us. After all, we don't need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. We don't have any needs at all." Raymond said in a relaxed tone. .

  "Sounds like a good living." Ganon commented.

  "Isn't that right? In terms of cost alone, the undead can be said to be the most cost-effective labor force and combat power. In fact, as death knights, we are more pure-minded and less greedy than the self-proclaimed incorruptible paladins of the Papal State. Much more."

  Ganon felt a hint of pride from Raymond's narrative.

  "Is there really no demand?" Ganon confirmed.

  "No! We have cut off all desires after losing our bodies." Raymond paused as he spoke and pointed to Anne in Ganouen's arms. "You absolutely don't have to worry that we will be as incapable of self-control as Your Highness. She is a Exception."

  At this time, Anellojie was wrapping her arms around Ganouen's neck, sucking blood directly from his neck.

  Naturally, her teeth could not bite the dragon scales. The wound was opened by Ganouen himself with the tip of his claws. The wound was very shallow and the amount of bleeding was not much, and it stopped quickly.

  Anellojie, who found that she couldn't suck the blood, licked the wound with some dissatisfaction and muttered: "A little more." "I've

  sucked it twice already, so that's about it. Ingesting too much dragon blood in a short period of time, even if Even a vampire wouldn't be able to hold on." Ganon did not agree easily.

  But Anello, who was already addicted, had no intention of restraining herself. When Ganon rejected her, an idea suddenly came to her mind. She opened her mouth and stabbed the wound opened by Ganon with her fangs.

  "Don't do this little trick." Ganon noticed that Annie wanted to secretly let out a little more blood, and was about to take Annie down.

  At this time, Anellojie tried to use "blood-sucking hypnosis" on Ganouen.

  Vampires with noble blood can cast blood-sucking hypnosis on the target they bite, temporarily relaxing or even paralyzing the target. Duke-level Anne Roger can even create a certain charm effect, making the target feel a sense of willingness deep in their soul. The mental urge to be sucked by one's own blood.

  She is now trying to charm Ganon. An adult dragon will not be affected by her charm for too long. She just wants Ganon to be willing to suck her for a while longer.

  Ganon noticed the impact on his spirit, and just sighed, and then summoned the blessing of the Sun God to transform himself into the form of the Holy Dragon of Light.

  Then, his body glowed, and the next second Anellojie screamed and jumped off him: "It's so hot!!" Ganouen quickly transformed back into

  form and looked down at Anello who was sitting on the ground. Jie, said seriously: "Be obedient to me and don't be willful. If you take too much dragon blood at one time, you will be the one who feels uncomfortable." "I...I understand, I'm sorry." Annie lowered her head weakly

  . Go, she had a long-lost feeling of being admonished by her father in front of Ganon. "What a powerful Holy Light Technique. We can feel the burning even when we are standing here. Your Highness, please be more reserved and don't be carried away by desire and expose this ugly appearance. This appearance makes it really difficult for us to raise our heads and admit that there is Such a master." Raymond also took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

  "Okay, my lord, the transfer of divinity has been completed." Shitou interrupted at this time.

  Ganon turned around and saw that after receiving the priest's blessing and absorbing a portion of the power of the artifact, the Death God's Seal had been activated.

  The Death God's seal was a dull and lifeless gray, and even after absorbing divinity, it did not emit light like other divine seals.

  There was just a vague mist that began to float around the divine seal. Ganouen discovered that this mist seemed to be composed of spiritual bodies, like a wandering soul, that would float around the divine seal on its own.

  The death knights collectively froze, then all turned their heads to stare at the divine seal.

  "What's wrong with you?" Ganon noticed that the reactions of these death knights were not quite right.

  The death knights who had always been respectful to him did not reply to his words this time. Instead, they gathered towards the divine seal little by little, and then moved faster and faster, and finally swarmed around the divine seal.

  "Oh my God, this is exactly the same as the 'Water of the Styx'!!" Raymond leaned over and took a deep breath of the mist floating around the divine seal.

  "Oh, it's been a long time since I felt like I was about to ascend to heaven!" "

  I thought I would never have the chance to return to Netherworld Lake!"

  "Don't squeeze, let me take another breath! This is so good!"

  Other Deaths The knights also rushed to absorb the spiritual mist emitted by the divine seal.

  "What's wrong with them all of a sudden?" Ganon asked Anellojie when he saw that these death knights were in a daze and couldn't talk.

  "Sucking spiritual bodies will make high-level undead feel happy. Many undead will become addicted to it and then try to hunt the souls of the living. But in the kingdom of death, they only need to absorb the water of the Styx in the Netherworld Lake. I didn't expect you to have something similar to the Gate of the Underworld here." Anne Luojie replied.

  "I understand, these guys are also addicted, right?" Ganon understood.

  The seal of the God of Death seems to be the same as the gate to the underworld, which will leak out the Styx water composed of undead. This is an excellent nutrition for undead creatures. It not only provides them with the death energy to drive their bodies, but also Give them a unique sense of spiritual joy.

  "It's embarrassing. I really don't want to admit that these people are the knights left by my father to protect me." Anne Luojie shook her head.

  The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Ganon thought.

  This vampire master is almost the same as these death knights.

  Ganoun didn't care about these death knights. The divine seal itself had no entity. No matter how noisy these death knights were, they could not threaten the safety of the divine seal.

  He mentally confirmed the contents of the permission letter, then turned to Anne Luojie: "Ignore them, you come with me for a walk."

  (End of Chapter)

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