164. Chapter 164 I want them all

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  Chapter 164: I Want It All
  When Ganon said that word, the death knights present were startled at the same time. Even Anne Roger, who had always seemed a little confused, showed a moment of astonishment in her eyes.

  But Anne quickly restrained her reaction as if nothing had happened, and the death knights who had no problem with their expressions did not reveal any flaws.

  "I'm really sorry, Lord. Forgive me for being stupid. What artifact are you talking about?" Raymond asked cautiously.

  "No need to pretend to be stupid, I know you are carrying a divine weapon." Ganon said straightforwardly, "In your previous narrative, Anne Roger was cursed during her lifetime and was in a dormant state for a long time. After receiving the first embrace, The curse has not been lifted but has been alleviated. This shows that this curse has a certain relationship with the beginning, and this curse is very powerful and almost irreversible. The caster himself cannot lift it. The curse should be cast by a very high-level artifact. ?"

  If the vampire prince who died at the hands of Van Helsing cursed Anne with an artifact, normally the artifact would have fallen into Van Helsing's hands after Van Helsing killed the vampire prince.

  Van Helsing would not let the artifact change hands easily. After all, if the curse was imposed by the artifact, then testing methods to deal with the curse would have to rely on this artifact.

  When the city was broken, Van Helsing even gave up his own life and asked the death knights to escort Annerogie away. It was inevitable that they would also take the artifact with them.

  "Your guess is correct. His Highness's curse is indeed related to the artifact. Unfortunately, due to some accidents, we failed to take the artifact out of the city. Now the artifact should have fallen into the hands of Prince Aliwu." Raymond answered.

  "I can understand that you are hiding it from me, but unfortunately, I have actually seen it." Ganon stared closely at the will-o'-the-wisp light emitting from Raymond's helmet and raised his finger, "Then let me put it another way, I I want your skull in exchange."

  "The lord is really good at joking..." Raymond laughed.

  "It would be rude to keep pretending to be stupid." Ganon said with a serious expression, "It's a bit weird for you to hide the artifact in this way, but it can indeed deceive some people."

  The death knights suddenly fell silent.

  The dim light of the will-o'-the-wisp flashed rapidly between them, and they kept exchanging opinions in secret, discussing how to deal with it.

  Anne Luojie could also hear the discussion echoed in the soul. After a long time, she let go of Ganouen expressionlessly, came to Raymond's side, and asked Ganouen: "How did you see it?" "

  This It’s not important,” Ganorn said.

  "Okay, okay." Upon seeing this, Raymond could only give up. He took off his helmet first, revealing his head without any flesh and blood, only a skeleton.

  Then he directly took off the skull and gave it to Anne Luojie.

  The dim light in Raymond's eyes did not follow the skull's eye sockets, but turned into a will-o'-the-wisp suspended just above his neck bone.

  This time, Ganon saw the skull directly with his own eyes and became more convinced of his judgment.

  His treasure appraisal intuition told him that this skull concealed a huge value at the level of an artifact - no less valuable than the previous supreme artifacts.

  As early as when using "Watcher" to view these death knights, "Watcher" saw the outline of the death knight through the armor. At that time, he noticed something strange on Raymond's head. Not only did "Watcher" not His head and body identify as one individual, and the skull part also taps into his intuitive sense of treasure.

  The body of a death knight is just a skeleton. Whether the skeleton is complete or not does not actually have a big impact. For them, the skeleton is just a container for clinging to the undead. It doesn't matter even if it is broken, pieced together, or even not their own corpse at all, as long as it is maintained It is enough for their caster to successfully attach the soul to the container.

  The artifact they carried was a skull, so the death knight actually abandoned the skull and attached the artifact to it as a disguise.

  Anne Luojie, who has the level of an extraordinary necromancer, should be able to use this artifact. On the one hand, they are unwilling to hand over this trump card easily, and on the other hand, they are also worried that others will have evil thoughts towards them because of the artifact. "What are your plans, Mr. Ganouen?" Anne Roger asked holding the artifact.

  No matter how lazy she was to think or was obsessed with Ganon's blood, she still had to make the right judgment at the critical moment.

  The greed of the dragon clan is known to the world. The red dragon in front of him saw through this artifact and might actually snatch it away at any time.

  "Let's just make a simple deal. If you hand over the artifact to me, I will recognize you as a member of this place and include you under my protection. At the same time, I can provide you with my blood for a long time and help you fuse the source blood. How about that?" Ganon suggested.

  At the same time, he retrieved the membership contract and displayed it in front of Anne Luojie.

  Anellojie showed a little surprise.

  "Really? I thought you might take it by force." Raymond expressed their feelings bluntly.

  "I'm quite reasonable. After all, I have decided to let you stay. I don't want to make each other unhappy because of unnecessary things." Ganon shrugged.

  These escapees actually carried the supreme artifact, which was undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for him.

  For him, the choice to maximize profits is naturally to have both artifacts and people. Anne Roger is a candidate who can serve as a priest of the Temple of Death, and these death knights can also be incorporated into the private army he is forming.

  "Although he is a red dragon, you don't have to worry. I can guarantee that he is at least very trustworthy." Zhenna suddenly spoke for Ganouen.

  "Leymon, you make the decision. Come and look at the contract for me." Annerogie quickly delegated the decision-making power to her subordinates.

  "Are you too lazy to think about such an important matter?" Raymond asked in surprise.

  "Do you think the accuracy of the decision I make is guaranteed?" Annie asked him.

  "Okay, indeed." Raymond read the contract given by Ganon carefully, exchanged opinions with others, and gave a reply not long after, "Yes, Lord, we accept your proposal. !”

  To put it bluntly, they actually have no choice at the moment. The conditions given by Ganouen are actually a timely help for them. Of course, the premise is that the red dragon keeps its promise.

  "Very good, the content will be as per the contract." Ganon said and paused, "We can discuss the engagement slowly later." As soon as the

  second half of the words came out, everyone present focused their attention on him. On the body.

  "Are you serious?" Zhenna and Isabel both asked with their eyes.

  "Um, Lord Lord... didn't you mean to use the artifact to complete the transaction?" Raymond was a little confused.

  "I didn't say it was a choice." Ganon replied matter-of-factly.

  (End of chapter)

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