153. Chapter 153 Death Knight

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  Chapter 153 Death Knight
  Kingdom of Death, the suburbs of Red Moon City.

  Thick black clouds obscured the sky and heavy rain poured down.

  A group of knights escorted a carriage dragging a sarcophagus through the canyon at high speed.

  The cold rain soaked through the black cloaks of the knights, flowed over the knights' foreheads, and finally flowed into their dark and empty eye sockets - they had no eyeballs.

  Under the black cloaks, the knights' faces had no trace of flesh and blood, and were all pale skeletons. Only two green will-o'-wisps flickered in the eye sockets originally occupied by the eyeballs.

  Death knights are high-level undead creatures created by necromancers that can retain their memories and part of their personalities.

  "Hurry up! Hurry up!" the leading knight urged loudly. In fact, without flesh and blood, they cannot make sounds like living people in a true sense, but they can directly transmit their thoughts to conscious individuals through the echo of their souls. .

  Occasionally, lightning flashed across the clouds, like a match briefly lighting up the front. The knights saw a dark crowd gathering at the mouth of the valley.

  There is an ambush!
  "Charge! Don't stop, fight out!!" The leading death knight held up his spear.

  There are pursuers behind them. If they are dragged down by the ambush here, they will be outflanked. The only chance is to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible.

  Under the heavy rain curtain, the two sides could barely make out each other's outlines.

  A hail of arrows came through the rain curtain, and the sound of the rain covered up the sound of the bowstrings. It was not until the rain of arrows was close in front of them that the death knights noticed that the other party had fired a wave of arrows.

  But this attack was not painful to them at all. They allowed the arrows to pierce their cloaks, pierce the gaps in their armor and even their eye sockets, and some arrows also hit their mounts.

  However, the mounts of the death knights were also fleshless skeleton horses, and arrows streaked through the empty skeletons of these undead creatures.

  The sarcophagus transported on the carriage was very thick, and arrows fell on it, making a clanging sound.

  The leader of the death knight took the lead, driving his mount to jump hard in front of the Juma fence. The skeleton war horse actually jumped more than two meters high, jumped over the Juma barrier, and crushed several people who were hiding behind the bunker holding big weapons. shield soldier.

  The spear in the death knight's hand was entangled with a cold air, flashing cold light in the rain.

  As soon as the spear went in and out, there was a scream immediately.

  Blood spurted out, and the stabbed soldier fell down, his body quickly weakening under the influence of the cold air.

  Another death knight wielded a huge mace, smashing the gap between the horse and the remaining knights, and led the carriage and the remaining knights into the enemy's array.

  The people ambushing here obviously did not expect that what they were going to stop would be a group of death knights. The death knights were like sharp hatchets, cutting into the ambush queue with overwhelming force.

  However, the enemy still relied on their numerical advantage to quickly surround them, and the death knight's progress gradually slowed down.

  At this time, some of the soldiers killed by the death knight twitched and got up again. Under the influence of the necromancy injected by the death knight, these people were transformed into zombies the moment they died, and began to attack other living beings uncontrollably.

  The appearance of zombies plunged the encirclement into chaos for a moment. The death knight charged forward again. The leading knight once again brandished his spear and stabbed a soldier in the face.

  Can kill!

  As soon as he had this idea, a dazzling light burst out in front of his eyes without any warning.

  At this moment, the death knights who had lost their flesh and blood actually felt the pain of being burned under the light.

  The light-forged Holy Sword of Judgment flew straight over, and the leading knight sensed the danger and subconsciously dodged.

  The holy sword struck another death knight who was guarding the carriage sarcophagus in the rear, splitting his cloak and light armor, and chopped off the head of the knight who only had bones.

  For undead creatures, body damage is nothing at all. Their bodies are dead objects with no vital signs. Even if their heads are cut off, it is enough to just pick them up and put them back on.

  But after the head burning with skyfire fell, the dim light in its eyes also extinguished. The power of the holy light dispelled the necromancy of the body, and the body of the death knight left on the horse fell apart on the spot.

  "Paladin?" The leader of the death knight was startled. If he could still breathe now, he would definitely gasp now.

  The attack just now obviously came from a certain paladin, and it must be above the master level.

  The enemy array in front suddenly separated, keeping a distance from them to prevent more people from being transformed into zombies.

  The surroundings of the death knights suddenly became empty, but instead of taking the opportunity to speed up, they stopped suddenly.

  A row of knights appeared directly in front, their rune armors glowing with golden light. The number of paladins was twice as many as theirs.

  This formation looked impossible to pass—just based on their words.

  The Paladin charged at them.

  "Block them!" The leader of the death knight ordered the team behind him to rush forward to delay, while he turned back and retreated to the sarcophagus escorted by the carriage.

  "Wake up, Your Highness Anellojie! We can't resist it anymore!" The death knight desperately called the people in the sarcophagus with the echo of his soul.

  The sarcophagus remained silent, without any movement.

  Another death knight in front was knocked off his horse by the Holy Shield, and his body was immediately pierced by the Holy Sword of Judgment.

  "Your Highness Anellojie!?" the death knight shouted, "Damn it!!"

  He cursed, then started to pry open the sarcophagus with his spear, turned to the death knight holding the mace and called out: "Gru ! Let’s wake up His Highness together!”

  The death knight named Gru was originally preparing to join the battle ahead, but when he heard the call from the commander, he immediately turned back and rushed back.

  Gru jumped on the carriage, and the death knight who was the commander had already pried open the coffin lid.

  Gru opened the heavy coffin lid with force, and inside the sarcophagus lay a girl like a porcelain doll, with long silver hair, pale skin, and wearing an exquisite black dress.

  The moment the sarcophagus was opened, the heavy rain immediately soaked the girl's face, hair and clothes.

  But the girl still closed her eyes tightly, as if she were a corpse.

  In fact, she wasn't even breathing.

  "How do you wake up this?" Gru asked his commander.

  "Just throw her over!!" The leading death knight pointed at the paladins ahead who were retreating the death knights and shouted.

  This treacherous order made Gru stunned for a moment, but he didn't raise any questions and immediately started to follow it.

  He picked up the sleeping girl in the sarcophagus like a chicken, and then threw her out with all his strength.

  The girl's body went through a parabola and hit the paladin who was coming. The sudden throw caught the paladin a little off guard. He subconsciously raised his shield to resist, and a light-cast holy shield appeared on the surface of the shield.

  The girl's body hit the holy shield, and the holy shield suddenly glowed with rejection.

  "It's so hot!" The sleeping girl suddenly opened her eyes and screamed, then fell into the muddy water.

  (End of chapter)

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