152.Chapter 152 Capitalists call the experts directly

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  Chapter 152: The Capitalist Calls the Expert

  "With such big steps, the new queen is really not afraid of shaking things up." Ganouen said.

  "The Papal State has sent many warnings to the Empire about this, but Queen Fred turned a deaf ear to this. In addition, intelligence shows that the Empire's army has expanded its recruitment of warlocks than before." Anya continued.

  "Abyss faith is banned in the empire. Has the empire ever recruited warlocks before?" Ganon asked.

  "Yes, not only the empire, but also many regions, including the Elemental Federation, openly prohibit the abyss belief, but in fact recruit warlocks secretly, because the power of warlocks can be used in many ways. But like us, Nitri Lan, abyss faith is completely allowed, and there are also many warlocks gathering in scattered city-states in the northwest." Anya explained.

  "Fred is planning to unite the dwarves and necromancers to fight against the elves and the Papal State?" Ganon imagined the continental territory planned by Queen Fred in his mind.

  "It is possible, but the power of the Kingdom of Death is actually very small, and it has basically no interest in external expansion. We speculate that the necromancers have some special use value for the Queen of the Empire." Anya gave her own speculation.

  "What special value? To make yourself immortal?" Ganon felt something was wrong halfway through, "No, it should be done secretly..." The

  most attractive thing about necromancy to the king is the necromancy. Necromancy can make people truly immortal. As long as they transform themselves into undead creatures such as lichs or vampires, they can achieve immortality. Compared with other methods of extending lifespan, necromancy is undoubtedly a shortcut.

  But this kind of thing obviously cannot be done openly. The people of the Empire will not easily accept an undead monster as their ruler. Even if Fred just becomes an undead, it may cause a serious blow to her reputation.

  If she wants to use necromancy to make herself immortal, she only needs to secretly practice necromancy herself. There is no need to justify the belief in necromancy, nor is there any need to openly establish contacts with the kingdom of death. This will actually affect her rule. bring adverse effects.

  Moreover, Fred is very young now and is still far away from thinking about her lifespan. There are obviously more important things on her agenda.

  "What do you think?" Ganon simply asked the question to Anya.

  "I have thought of a possibility." Anya had obviously already come to the conclusion in her mind, "The Queen of the Empire wants to take advantage of the developed manufacturing industry in the Kingdom of Death." "What did you just say?" For a moment,

  Ganouen suspected that he had heard wrong. "The Kingdom of Death...manufacturing industry?"

  "Yes, the manufacturing industry in the Kingdom of Death is very developed. Almost every city-state has many public factories. Necromancers use dead people as cheap labor." Anya explained calmly.

  A strange scene quickly emerged in Ganon's mind. A group of necromancers dressed as capitalists in formal suits and top hats were holding whips and beating a group of skeletons and skeletons wearing hard hats and blue work clothes. Zombies, urging them to work.

  Even the dead are pulled out of their graves to work, and no matter how powerful the capitalist is, they have to applaud.

  Of course, half of this kind of fantasy is out of Ganouen's self-entertainment. In fact, he still has some doubts about Anya's statement.

  "The necromancer's spellcasting should be limited, right? After all, the energy required for the activities of the undead creatures controlled by the necromancer also comes from the necromancer, right?" Ganon asked.

  "It's normal that you don't know." Anya sighed, then pulled out a continental geographical map of some age on the desk, then pointed to an area in the south and said, "Did you see this basin? This is it. The seat of the Kingdom of Death."

  "Those city-states are concentrated in the basin?" Ganon asked.

  "No, most of the city-states are built on the highlands around the basin. In the center of the basin, there is a crack left by the God of Death leading to the underworld. It is called the Gate of the Underworld. It often leaks out the cracks made of spirits. The water of the Styx River will spread like mist and gather in the basin to form the Netherworld Lake. There will be no grass growing in the center of the basin. Any creature that is not strong enough will quickly weaken and die in the Netherworld Lake, but the undead creatures can persist here. Get energy." Anya pointed at the map and explained.

  "Is the factory of the Necromancers built here?" Ganon finally understood.

  The death energy leaked from the gate of the underworld in this basin is a natural energy source that can be utilized by the necromancers.

  "Yes, of course most of the residents of the Kingdom of Death are still alive. Because of the influence of the Gate of the Underworld, most of it is a barren land, and the remaining land is also very barren. Biological resources are scarce and agriculture is difficult to develop. They use this kind of Low-cost manufacturing to sustain the economy,” Anya said.

  "Fred has been cooperating with the dwarves to develop military steam machinery technology. If she wants to put this military technology into large-scale production..." Ganon thought of the reason for Anya's speculation.

  "Seeking cooperation from the Kingdom of Death is a feasible way." Anya nodded.

  Ganon thought seriously for a long time and said, "Can we send people to the Kingdom of Death?"

  Since we know that the empire has such trends, it is necessary to set up an intelligence network there.

  And with the tower's repair project nearing completion, it was time for him to consider making the Temple of Death operational.

  "Yes, there are also some gathering places of dark elves in the south. There seem to be dark elves among the Death God believers gathered in the Kingdom of Death, but..." Anya paused here and made a gesture of counting money, "This may be a little more. Expenses."

  "I understand, of course I will approve the funds." Ganouen nodded.

  "If you send people to the country of death, the expenditure for a single intelligence officer may triple." Anya reminded.

  Ganon's brows suddenly knitted together.

  "This is a trip across half a continent to spy on intelligence. The cost is of course different. Your communication ability should be put to use, right?" Anya asked.

  "Okay." Ganon was very happy about this.

  The permission of [Communication] not only allows him to communicate outside and within the territory of the tower, but also allows him to contact contract partners within and outside the territory.

  But if he also leaves the territory, he can only contact targets within the territory, and cannot communicate with contract partners who are also far away from the Endless Tower - this kind of communication requires at least one party to be within the scope of the Endless Tower.

  "That will save the delivery fee of one hundred gold coins per month, and the news will not be delayed for a month or two." Anya shrugged.

  "It's really expensive to maintain you." Ganon sighed helplessly, "In addition to inquiring about the empire's trends, it's best to help me find necromancers I can recruit. Those who are above the master level." "Eighth level ones

  . Priest, are you planning to recruit?" Anya asked casually.

  "You can't wait for someone to deliver it to your door, right?" Ganon shrugged.

  (End of chapter)

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