154. Chapter 154 The Princess in the Sarcophagus

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  Chapter 154 The princess in the sarcophagus
  stepped forward. The death knights who were desperately resisting suddenly retreated and surrounded the carriage again. However, the paladins who had the advantage did not take the opportunity to charge. Instead, they looked at the death knights who were thrown over and then fell. Girl on the ground.

  The commander of the Paladins was a little confused at the moment. Just seeing the formation of the death knights coming, they could guess that these death knights were escorting the people or objects in the sarcophagus. They must have been very important, so they were in red. When Moon City was captured, they were escorted out of the city by such a group of knights.

  Because of this, when the death knight on the opposite side pulled the escorting girl out of the sarcophagus without mercy and threw it here like trash, all the paladins were shocked and did not understand this at all. What kind of method was it? I didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

  The girl climbed up from the muddy water, looking a little embarrassed, but her face still had a confused expression as if she had not woken up.

  She looked at the death knights first, seeming to recognize the leading knight, and said, "Raymond...did you throw me out of the sarcophagus?" "No, Your Highness Anne

  Roger, it was these paladins. I pushed down your sarcophagus and let you fall out of it." The death knight named Raymond pointed at the paladin opposite without changing his expression.

  It should be said that with only one bone on his face, it was impossible for him to have any expression at all.

  The Paladins all stared wide-eyed in their helmets. Is this Death Knight so shameless?

  Although to be precise, he really has no face.

  Anellojie turned her head and looked at the Paladins, her eyes suddenly flashed with blood-red light.

  "Vampire!?" The leading paladin immediately became alert and immediately ordered, "Kill her!"

  The vampire who could be escorted by such a team of death knights (?) would probably not be an ordinary vampire.

  A flaming Holy Sword of Judgment was forged above him, and it immediately flew and struck down Anellojie on the head.

  Annerogie's body suddenly erupted into blood mist, and then the dress on her body split into countless blood-red bats that dispersed, avoiding the knight's slashes, and at the same time began to harass all the paladins present.

  The leading paladin waved his sword and used sky fire to drive away the blood bats around him. The death knights suddenly began to cooperate with the vampire girl.

  "Kill!!" The death knights charged together.

  The two teams of knights fought again. The Paladins were a little confused for a while, but they quickly adjusted under the command of the commander.

  "Two teams are divided into two groups, one team resists, and the second team follows me -" Before he could finish his words, the blood bats suddenly gathered in the array, and regrouped into the appearance of a girl behind a paladin, with many weapons in his hands. A bloody sickle.

  Before the others could issue a warning, the scythe in the girl's hand slashed from bottom to top, disemboweling the horse, and cutting off one of the paladin's legs along the joint of the leg armor.

  The paladin screamed and fell from his horse. Blood was pumped out from the fracture in his leg at an incredible speed, turning into a large cloud of blood mist, which was then sucked away by the blood sickle in the vampire girl's hand.

  "Finally I feel a little more energetic." Anne Luojie, who was nourished by the blood, said to herself.

  "Holy Shield cover!" the Paladin commander shouted in horror.

  He didn't know much about the Vampire Clan, but he could tell just from the ability the other party showed just now that this girl's power was probably far above his.

  The subordinates immediately gathered around him and summoned the holy shield to form a turtle formation.

  High-level vampires can split their bodies into bats or even disperse into mist, and then wait for an opportunity to reunite and launch an attack. But when it changes form, its power will also be dispersed. Even the holy shield summoned by a mid-level paladin should be enough to withstand it.

  At the same time, the commander began to summon the angel ring to target Anellojie, trying to attack with sky fire.

  Anne Luojie turned and pressed the blood sickle to the ground. The blood sickle melted in an instant and turned into blood flowing rapidly on the ground.

  The blood rushed to the feet of the Paladins' horses like living creatures, invading through the gaps in the holy shields, and then wrapped around the legs of the horses.

  The blood suddenly deformed and turned into bloody thorns clinging to the horse's legs. At the same time, it absorbed the blood of the war horse and grew wildly. The severe pain frightened the horses, and the violent horses threw the paladins off their horses. The defensive array composed of the holy shield collapsed in an instant, and the angel ring summoned by the paladin commander was also interrupted.

  Annerogie suddenly raised her hand and pointed at the first paladin whose leg she cut off not far away. The paladin had almost been drained of blood and died quickly.

  But driven by Anne Luojie's necromancy, he turned into a zombie and climbed up. The short leg sprouted bleeding threads from the wound and was re-glued to his leg.

  "Go!" Annerogie turned her finger towards the paladin who was in chaos.

  The zombies suddenly began to charge, and their movements were agile and smooth. They were not comparable to the zombies created by Raymond and other death knights.

  The commander of the Paladin had just jumped off his horse and used the Holy Light Purification Technique to disperse the blood thorns coming towards him, when he saw his subordinates who had turned into zombies flying towards him.

  "Corpse explosion!" Anne Luojie clapped her palms expressionlessly.

  In desperation, the Paladin Commander raised his hand to summon the Holy Shield. As soon as the Holy Shield took shape, the zombie's body suddenly expanded like a balloon, and then the bomb turned into flesh and blood exploded on the spot.

  The holy shield shattered on the spot, and the blood-colored mist enveloped all the Paladins present. The corpse explosion caused by the fresh corpses that had just died still carried a suffocating rotten smell and strong death energy.

  Most of the paladins suddenly felt that they had lost their strength and could not even stand firmly.

  Only the commander hurriedly used the holy light to heal himself and desperately stepped back, trying to escape the scope of the corpse explosion's blood mist.

  A bloody thorn suddenly wrapped around his foot.

  He stumbled to the ground and saw the girl standing in front of him barefoot.

  He raised his face tremblingly. The vampire girl had already raised her blood sickle towards him, her expression was indifferent, only her eyes were glowing red.

  There was a flash of blood, and the paladin commander's head rolled down on the ground, and the gushing blood was sucked away by the blood scythe.

  After killing the enemy leader, Annerogie picked up the scythe and walked on the battlefield, quickly harvesting the remaining paladins who had lost their resistance one by one.

  Seeing the commander of the troops and the most elite knights die in the duel, the remaining paladins and soldiers fell into chaos and began to flee from the valley mouth without their armor.

  Anellojie did not pursue, nor did she order the death knight to pursue. Instead, she transformed the blood sickle into blood thorns and entangled all the fresh corpses present, and began to suck the blood from them.

  "Thank you, Your Highness, for your timely action..." Raymond came over on a skeleton horse and spoke to Anne Luojie in relief.

  "Raymond," Annerogie said.

  "Yes." Raymond replied.

  "Did you throw me out of the sarcophagus?" Anne Luojie said suddenly.

  "..." The death knights fell silent.

  "You threw me out of the sarcophagus, right?" Annerogie repeated.

  "It was thrown by Gru." After a moment of silence, Raymond answered.

  (End of chapter)

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