130.Chapter 130 The Red Man Around the Grand Duke

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  Chapter 130: The red man beside the Grand Duke

  counted for several minutes.

  "You want to... write a letter to my queen mother?" Isabel, who was summoned to the study, looked at Ganouen in surprise.

  "Yes." Ganouen nodded, "You should keep in touch with your mother. I have some things I want to ask her."

  Isabel looked at Ganouen with wide eyes, and it could even be said that there was something in her eyes. Very frightened.

  For a long time, she carefully prepared to speak.

  "You'd better not have some ideas that are worth beating!" Ganon silently raised a fist.

  Just by looking at each other, he realized that Isabel was thinking about something not very sound.

  But Isabel still raised her hands to protect her head and continued: "You really don't want to hurt my mother--" She could

  n't finish her words. Ganouen didn't hit her on the head with his fist, but turned around. He reached out and pinched her chin.

  "I just want to ask her something, don't think about it with that pile of yellow waste in your mind!" Ganon emphasized, glaring at Isbell, and then let go of her hand.

  "You and my mother have nothing to do with each other. Of course it would be suspicious to suddenly ask for contact..." Isbel rubbed her sore face and said resentfully, "So what are you going to ask her?"

  "I hope you can help me ask her if she knows anything about this Endless Tower, and the Druid who appeared in the Principality of Xihe. Also mention it to her and ask her if she has ever heard of such a thing. Person No. 1," Ganon instructed.

  "What's wrong, those dark elves didn't find out anything?" Isabel asked.

  "No, almost not at all." Ganon shook his head.

  Nearly two days passed, and he asked Anya and the dark elf spies to focus on searching for information about the druid, but found almost nothing.

  An extraordinary druid was operating in Sandman City, but she left no trace, and the dark elves were unable to find out any force behind her through the intelligence network.

  Such a strong man seemed to appear out of thin air in Shaman City. If she hadn't accepted the dragon-slaying commission from Xihe Principality, none of them would have known that such a person existed.

  "Those black men are really unreliable." Isabel disparaged the dark elves.

  "I can hear it." Anya's voice came from outside the door.

  "Come in." Ganon knew that Anya would only come to him when she had something to report, and at other times she wished to stay as far away from him as possible.

  Anya pushed the door open and walked into the room. She and Isbell looked at each other and then looked away. Their relationship was still incompatible, and Ganouen didn't bother to persuade them. Anyway, they couldn't make trouble here. What happened?

  "What did you find out?" Ganon asked.

  "As we predicted, the woman named Baphomet left the fortress the day before yesterday and was transferred to the Grand Duke's castle." Anya reported the situation she found out simply and straightforwardly.

  "Grand Duke Dipu wants to use her to treat himself?" Ganon asked smoothly.

  "Probably yes. According to rumors, the Grand Duke of Xihe's health has not been very good since a long time ago. Judging from the fact that he only had one son and not even an illegitimate child for so many years of indulgence, this old guy may have died a long time ago. The ability to have children. Now that the only heir is gone, and I heard that the army has recruited a miracle doctor who can cure all diseases, there is no need to think too much about what he will do." Anya said.

  "Have you placed any personnel inside the principality's castle?" Ganon asked.

  "If someone had been installed, we should have been able to kill people long ago. Why wait until now? And my subordinates are all dark elves. Although it is not impossible to make up as humans, it is still more difficult in places with stricter censorship." Anya shrugged.

  It seems that the depth that Anya can penetrate in a short time is limited to this.

  Ganon realized that if he continued to wait, he might not be able to get any useful information. The mysterious druid has successfully approached Grand Duke Dipu. If she is really using the power of the Principality of Xihe to do something against the Endless Tower, I am afraid she will achieve her goal soon.

  "Write a letter to your mother immediately, hoping to get a reply from her as soon as possible." Ganon looked at Isabel and said seriously.
  Principality, capital and fortress.

  "Congratulations, you have become a popular person around the Grand Duke." Across a desk, General Murray looked at Baphomet and said meaningfully.

  "Thanks for the recommendation, General." Baphomet saluted politely.

  "I heard that the Grand Duke just took a dose of your medicine, and his hair turned from white to black overnight, as if he was rejuvenated. I didn't believe it at first, until I met him today... I thought I was there. It’s a hallucination,” Murray said.

  "General, if you want to try it, as long as you prepare the materials, I can make a few for you." Baphomet said with a smile.

  "That's really exciting." General Murray replied politely, without directly agreeing.

  He was still somewhat wary of this woman.

  In just a few days, Baphomet had won the trust of Archduke Dipu, which made Murray even more wary.

  "I have ordered people to sort out all the information you want. Take a look." General Murray pointed to the two pieces of paper stacked on the desk.

  Baphomet had specifically requested from him before that he wanted as detailed information on the red dragon as possible.

  "It's...much more streamlined than I thought." Baphomet thought about his words.

  Rather than being streamlined, it is better to say that the information compiled by the Principality of Xihe about the red dragon is pitiful. Basically, there is only a battle report about the red dragon killing Delos in late summer.

  The second time the principality fought against the Red Dragon, it was Archduke Dipu who arbitrarily sent out a hastily formed dragon-slaying group to directly attack the Red Dragon's territory, and then the entire army was wiped out, with no one surviving.

  Baphomet quickly browsed through all the information and got some information - for example, about the fact that this red dragon can use the Holy Light spell.

  Murray originally thought that the other party would be somewhat surprised when he saw this report, and even doubted the authenticity of the information, but Baphomet just watched with interest and did not show such emotions.

  "I'm ashamed to say that the reconnaissance activities against the Red Dragon territory have basically failed. None of the scouts sent out have returned, so that's all we can get." General Murray explained.

  "I think some kind of very powerful detection barrier should be deployed in the red dragon's territory, so there is no need to waste time on this matter." Baphomet put down the information, "I hope to organize dragon slaying as soon as possible Take action."

  "This is not something you can decide. The Dragon Slayer Regiment has only received 60% of the expected equipment." General Murray said seriously.

  "With all due respect, this red dragon should have acquired some kind of special power. As time goes on, he may become more and more difficult to deal with. Dragon-slaying equipment of that size will become useless sooner or later. ." Baphomet stared into Murray's eyes and said, "As early as possible - this is the only advice I can give." "

  I say again, this is not something you can decide." General Murray frowned, this action The druids who were recruited as mercenaries seemed to be a bit overstepped.

  "Then, let me explain my thoughts to the Grand Duke." Baphomet replied calmly.

  (End of chapter)

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