131.Chapter 131 The Holy Mother Healing Cult

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  Chapter 131: In the study of the Holy

  Mother of , Ganon took the reply from Patriz that Isbel handed over, skipped the previous greetings, and quickly browsed the useful information:

  "In the ancient books of elves, A legend has been recorded that in the era when high elves and wood elves still belonged to the same country, the king of the elves was summoned by the main god and summoned a group of strong men to follow the footsteps of the gods in the north of the continent. Hundreds of years later, the successor elf

  queen In the crystal left by the former king, I saw the scene of a tower breaking in the upheaval, and then several treasures left by the former king turned into supreme artifacts at the same time. After the collapse of the elven empire, many

  historical books were burned, resulting in the loss of many historical records , it is difficult to corroborate some of the remaining records, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of this legend. The

  temple you occupy may have a special meaning. Do not use it to do evil.

  I don’t know the Druid you mentioned. A clue.

  But from your description, I think of a cult that was popular in the mainland fifty years ago. It used Druidism as a guise and worshiped a god named 'The Holy Mother of Healing'. The rise of the Federation of Elements also affected the Federation of Elements.

  Their pastors used the gimmick of curing all kinds of diseases, attracting a large number of believers, and became very popular for a while. At that time, the

  Holy Religion dominated the human countries, and later the Papal State judged the sect to be a cult, claiming that the sect was a cult. The sect used spells and drugs to relieve pain for patients with serious sequelae, but it had no actual effect in curing the disease. After that, the sect disappeared. You can check for yourself whether there is any connection..." Seeing this, Ganouen suddenly

  frowned He frowned.

  There is no content underneath. Although it is not that obvious, it can be seen that the bottom of the letter paper seems to have been torn.

  He looked at Isabel suspiciously, and Isabel looked away as if nothing had happened.

  "You tore part of the letter? What's written underneath? Hand it over quickly!" Ganon glared at Isabel sternly.

  "No." Israel opened her eyes and lied, "This is what the letter was like."

  "The princess of Mu Xia was so careless in writing the letter that she even forgot to sign it?" Ganouen glared at Isabel seriously, "What's the content behind it? Tell me quickly, don't make me angry!" Important information

  , He would not allow the other party to fool around with him on such a matter.

  "There's really nothing useful behind this! It's nothing." Israel muttered, reluctantly handing over the torn piece of paper.

  Ganoun took it and looked at it, and there was only one paragraph left on it:
  "In addition, I hope you will still abide by the original agreement, maintain a healthy relationship with Bell, and guide her to the right path as much as possible."

  Then "Papa Signed by Therese Sparklestar.

  "Don't do this kind of thing next time." Ganon patted Isbell on the forehead, and then asked her, "How much do you know about the two things mentioned in your mother's letter?" "None of them

  . I've heard of it. After the fall of the Midsummer Dynasty of the elves, the high elves and wood elves separated. A lot of history disappeared in the turmoil, and some of the remaining records are also very incomplete. This kind of history that is difficult to determine whether it is true or not is basically not Let me learn it. As for the Holy Mother Healing Cult, I have never heard of it. At least I can be sure that this thing did not appear in late summer." Isbell replied.

  Ganouen thought for a while, then turned to Shi Shi, who was on standby, and ordered: "Go and call all the members."

  After a while, Anya and Zhenna came to the study one after another under Shi Shi's notification.

  "Where are the Mora people?" Ganon asked.

  "I went fishing by the river. I've already gone to invite you on horseback." Shitou replied.

  "Forget it, I guess she doesn't know anything." Ganouen shook his head, and then explained the new information obtained from Patriz to Anya and Zhenna.

  "The legend about the gods summoning brave men to go to the north of the continent... Nitrilan also has it. I'm not sure if it's true or not. But we haven't heard of that Holy Mother Cult. The labyrinth's intelligence network is very wide, but they can't inquire about everything. , at least it doesn’t sound directly related to us. But since this sect will be denounced by the Papal States, it must not be an ordinary thing." Anya answered.

  "What does this mean?" Ganon asked doubtfully.

  "Isn't there a paladin here? You can just ask her for advice." Anya pointed to Zhenna.

  Ganon turned his head and looked at Zhenna.

  "It's just the opposite here. I don't have any clue about that legend. But about the Order of Our Lady of Healing, I happened to hear Bishop Marcel mention it in a class on heretical religions. The content is basically consistent with what Princess Mu Xia said. , which also means that this sect is a group of liars. In fact, it uses magic and medicine to relieve pain for patients. Not only can it not cure the disease, it will also delay the disease." Zhenna replied, "But in fact, everyone can see it. The actual situation must be It's not that simple."

  Ganon frowned in confusion.

  Seeing that he knew so little about the civilized world, Anya sighed and reminded: "If you think about it carefully, they are not cheating in the name of the Holy Religion. Why does the Papal State spend so much effort to deal with a group of liars?" ? Just leave it to the security agencies of various countries to catch it. Why should you personally list it as a purge target like the undead and abyssal beliefs?" "

  Understood." Ganon nodded, allowing the Papal State to personally target it. Being listed as a heretic means that this sect at least makes the Holy Church feel some kind of threat. "Then what did the Papal State investigate?" "

  Besides this superficial statement, there is no other information." Zhenna shook her head, "But this This is enough to explain the problem. It shows that the Papal State not only mobilized the crusade against this sect, but also sealed the files about it. But judging from the sect's quick disappearance, it may have been eradicated by the Holy Church soon." "Also

  . Maybe they disbanded themselves when they discovered the danger." Anya raised another possibility.

  "There is another possibility..." Ganon's face became solemn, "It just changed its organizational form and hid it."

  If we say that the druid is similar to the stone memory fragment and the portrait of the Earth Mother, It has something to do with the curious woman, and at the same time it has something to do with the Healing Holy Mother Cult, which means that the enemies of the Endless Tower had already started taking action fifty years ago.

  The door to the study room was suddenly pushed open, and Moura walked into the study carelessly: "What's wrong? What's going on? I just made a nest yesterday, and I'm preparing to have a good fishing today!" "You are really leisurely." Anya

  endured He couldn't help but give her a blank look.

  It was obviously Mo La and Ganon who wanted to kill Grand Duke Xihe, but it was her and her subordinates who were busy working on this matter.

  "It's not time to take it easy. Although the information is still a little bit lacking, I'm afraid we have to take some risks to resolve this matter." Ganon said seriously.

  "What do you mean?" Mo La raised her eyebrows.

  "Let's set off for the Principality of Xihe." Ganon nodded.

  (End of chapter)

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