129. Chapter 129 A woman with a curious style

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  Chapter 129: The

  Endless Tower, a woman with a curious painting style. Ganon sat in the study and summoned a stone-controlled golem in front of him.

  "People or forces that may be targeting the Endless Tower..." Shitou chewed Ganon's question repeatedly, "There are some signs in the memory I stored, but unfortunately I can't retrieve more detailed information yet." "

  You You've treated me like this many times, are you really not sure or are you pretending not to know?" Ganon looked at the demon statue in front of him with some dissatisfaction.

  He once asked Shitou a lot about the Endless Tower, such as the origin of the Endless Tower. In his opinion, such a temple that gathers seven supreme gods and seals powerful divine power cannot exist out of thin air. This world comes out of nowhere.

  It must have been built for some purpose by gathering a large amount of resources, and it is even directly related to the hiding of the gods in this world.

  Then, it is not surprising that there are powerful people or forces related to this endless tower in this world. It is possible for them to be enemies or friends.

  This time, a mysterious druid suddenly appeared to accept the bounty from the Principality of Xihe, which aroused Ganon's vigilance.

  It's a pity that he basically didn't get the answers he wanted from Shitou. Shitou guided him like an installation program to master the use of the Endless Tower as the tower owner. But when asked about relevant information, Shitou didn't even know about the tower. No matter how many years of history, I can’t answer it.

  "My Lord, I am definitely not hiding anything. The current repair progress of the Endless Tower has only reached 18%. Regarding your question, I really can't get the relevant information. I am part of the Endless Tower. My own integrity is also bound to the Endless Tower." Shitou answered in a calm voice.

  "Or can you regain your memory only by repairing the tower?" Ganon frowned and looked at the stone.

  "Yes." Stone replied.

  "Then it has been restored to 18%. It is impossible that your memory bank has not been restored at all, right?" Ganon asked.

  "There are some fragments, but there is currently no way to connect detailed information that can answer your question." Shitou replied.

  "Then tell me what you have to say. You said there are some signs in your memory about the people or forces who may be eyeing the Endless Tower. Then explain any clues you remember." Ganon ordered the stone. Order.

  "Understood." After Shitou finished speaking, he paused for a few seconds, as if he was sorting things out, and then began to narrate in a toneless voice, "According to the information currently available, the Endless Tower is to deal with some kind of disaster. Established."

  This answer did not surprise Ganon, after all, he had already thought about this guess.

  The easiest thing that can bring forces that believe in different gods together is the danger that needs to be faced together.

  "What kind of disaster?" Ganon asked.

  "I don't have detailed information here. The only thing I can retrieve at the moment is..." Shitou paused here and said, "My lord, please summon the projection of [Watcher]." Ganon summoned a three-dimensional object according to his words

  . The projection, at first, projected the situation around the territory, and then the stone began to interfere with the projection, projecting fragments of its own stored memories into it.

  The projection of [Watchman] seemed to be rippled, and the picture was scattered and then reorganized, turning into a three-dimensional model of a "person".

  "What is this?" Ganon frowned as soon as he saw the projection.

  He believed that anyone who saw this would have the same reaction as him. Judging from the outline of the body, this seemed to be a female humanoid creature.

  But her face is completely distorted. Her forehead is inlaid with a compound eye the size of a ping-pong ball, which is made up of countless small eyeballs. The lower part of her face is cracked with a bloody mouth, and her long hair is made of wriggling tentacles. , In addition, there were growths of various shapes on her body, as if she was suffering from some kind of disease.

  "I'm not sure, but this is indeed a fragment recorded in the stored memory. The Endless Tower has an enemy reaction to the image in this memory." Shitou explained.

  "In other words, this is an enemy that appeared during the establishment of the Endless Tower?" Ganon confirmed to Stone.

  "According to common sense, it should be like this." Shitou replied.

  "Who is this...? Why do I feel like I have seen it somewhere before?" Ganon pointed his finger at his forehead and tried to remember.

  Of course, he had never seen such a strange creature. He was very sure that this "woman" with a strange style of painting was the first time he had seen it in his life.

  It's just that he felt that there seemed to be a certain existence in his mind that was somewhat similar to this "woman".

  He searched hard in his memory for a while and suddenly realized something.

  He summoned the Book of Authority and opened the page of the hymn belonging to the Earth Mother Goddess.

  Ganon picked up the permission book and compared the portrait of the Earth Mother Goddess depicted in the book with the woman in the memory recalled by the stone.

  The Earth Mother Goddess in the portrait has a unique animal face, and has various animal features on her body, including but not limited to animal feet, antlers, wings, and multiple tails. Her body is also wrapped with animals that grow from her body. The plant vines that came out were full of all kinds of rare flowers.

  The woman retrieved from the memory of the stone looks even weirder and more curious, and her style of painting is still very different from that of the Earth Mother Goddess, but Ganoun always feels that they are similar, especially the animals on the Earth Mother Goddess. There seems to be some correspondence between the characteristics and the flesh and blood growths on the woman.

  At this moment, Ganon suddenly recalled that when the Temple of the Earth Mother God was first activated, he heard a strange voice and said one word in a tone full of resentment: "Traitor!" Could it be that it was also a storage


  ? Memories from the Tower of Infinity?

  "Stone, do you think this looks a bit like the portrait of the Earth Mother?" Ganon tried to ask Stone for his opinion.

  Shi Shi was silent for a while, as if he was thinking or calculating: "This, based on my current judgment, is really difficult to determine. But..."

  "What?" Ganon saw him pause and motioned for him to continue.

  "I don't have any valid evidence, but I am still more inclined to my lord's statement - they are indeed somewhat similar." Shitou replied respectfully.

  "You will also have subjective impressions." Ganon continued to carefully observe the portraits and projections, and began to sort out the doubts in his mind.

  The Endless Tower that started to break off from the Earth Mother Temple on the sixth floor...a

  curiosity-seeking woman who is somewhat similar to the Earth Mother Goddess...

  the mysterious voice that emerged when the Earth Mother Goddess Temple was activated...

  could it be that the disaster that the Endless Tower is targeting? And the changes he encountered were all directly related to the Earth Mother Goddess?

  That "traitor" refers to the priest of the Temple of the Earth Mother? Or...

  Speaking of which, the woman who appeared in the Principality of Xihe this time happened to be a druid, and she also possessed incredible power that was different from ordinary druids.

  The clues in front of me seem to be connected together, but they are not enough to draw a definite conclusion.

  But it was enough to make Ganon feel a little bit in danger.

  If that Druid has a direct relationship with the Endless Tower, then she is probably using the power of the Principality of Xihe to attack the Endless Tower, and she is currently expanding her influence in the Principality of Xihe.

  Ganon realized that the battle against the Principality of Xihe seemed not to last too long.

  Then he suddenly remembered something.

  Isbell's mother, the legendary druid Patriz, seems to be likely to know some information about the Endless Tower.

  (End of chapter)

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