123. Chapter 123 She is just a child

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  Chapter 123 She is just a child

  More than two hours later, the Endless Tower.

  Zhenna and Isabel stood on the top of the tower and looked forward to it. A minute ago, they were awakened by the stone and were told that Ganon had entered the range of the [Watcher] - they had ordered the stone a long time ago, and Ganon Let them know when you come back any time.

  Ganouen's trip took a whole day longer than expected, which inevitably made them worry about whether something unexpected had happened.

  They soon saw Ganon. Ganon had confirmed through the [Watcher] that they were greeting them at the top of the tower, and flew straight towards the top of the tower, releasing a little flame from his head.

  In the night sky, the fire he released and his eyes shining like lava were particularly dazzling.

  He circled and lost altitude, finally landing on the top of the tower.

  "Welcome home, did you run into something wrong there?" Zhenna greeted casually.

  "Would you like to take a bath first, eat first, or eat me first?" Isabel pointed at herself half-jokingly.

  "Welcome back to the Endless Tower, your faithful steward is waiting here, my lord." The stone-controlled golem saluted Ganon.

  Before Ganon could open his mouth, a whimpering sound came from his paw: "Oh... no!"

  Zhenna and Isabel were startled at the same time.

  "Ganoen?" Zhenna cast a confused look at Ganon.

  "The voice of a strange woman?" Isbell's eyes became sharp.

  When Ganon landed, they had actually noticed that he seemed to be holding something in one of his paws, and he did not put that paw on the ground when he landed.

  Ganon immediately released his paws and put down the tied-up Mora.

  Seeing Ganon bring back a tied little girl, Zhenna and Isabel were dumbfounded at the same time.

  Maura lay on the ground and twisted around, lying on her back, sniffing sadly: "It's so miserable for me. I finally escaped from there, but I have to be caught by a dragon and used as a toy..."

  Isbeth His expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Ganouen in panic: "Ganowen, this won't work!!" "

  Huh?" Ganouen didn't react for a moment.

  "Although sexual fetishes are said to be free, this is not allowed! Absolutely not allowed!! She is just a child! If you take this wrong path, I will tell my mother immediately!!" Isabel waved her hand to Ga Norn persuaded.

  "Calm down, there must be some misunderstanding." At this moment, Zhenna suddenly put her hand on her shoulder, and then looked at Ganouen, "Ganowen, what is going on with this child?" "Child!?

  " The keyword was triggered for Mo La who was lying on the ground. She sniffed and turned to glare at Zhenna and the two, "You better not be talking about me! I'm a dwarf, I'm just a little thinner! I'm sad, don't take it I'm kidding!!"

  "This..." Zhenna and Isabel were dumbfounded together.

  Anya slid down the wings from Ganon's back, stood aside with her arms folded, and watched the show without caring about anything else.

  "Go to the living room, and I'll explain it from the beginning." Ganon turned into a human form, turned to look at the demon statue, and pointed at Mo La who was tied up on the ground, "Stone, you carry her down." A few minutes later,

  a Everyone gathered in the reception room on the second floor and sat down around a round table. Shitou brought a teapot.

  After sitting down, Ganouen explained his experience in Shaman City to Zhenna and Isabel, and also introduced Mo La. Anya stood in the corner with her hands folded and said nothing.

  After Ganon finished explaining, Zhenna and Isabel looked like they suddenly understood.

  "So that's it, I'll just say it." Isabel breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Just now it was Zhenna who chose to believe me for the first time, but you seem to have directly regarded me as a criminal." Ganon reminded.

  "Of course I believe you too! I know you definitely prefer people like me with long breasts and thighs!" Isabel said shamelessly.

  "I actually thought about it a long time ago." Ganon looked at Isabel, "But after meeting you, I found that character is the most important thing."

  Isabel held her face and smiled shyly.

  "I'm not praising your character." Ganon reminded.

  At this time, Mo La had stopped crying. Her hands and feet were tied with strong iron chains, and she sat on her seat like a caterpillar. She twisted around, looking uncomfortable.

  She thought for a while, sighed as if she had given up, and then spoke to Ganouen: "I said, can you let go of me first?" "What if

  you let me go and try to run away again?" Ganouen looked at her. she.

  "I can run away too! I can't fly, so you confiscated my axe!" Mo La glared. Ganon

  turned around and ordered the golem to untie Mara. Anyway, Mara really had no chance to escape now.

  "Can you have a cup of tea first to calm down the shock?" She tried to ask Ganouen again.

  "Okay..." As soon as Ganon agreed, Shitou, who was standing by, immediately started making tea for Mo La.

  "Not like this!" Mo La made a dissatisfied voice as soon as she saw the steaming tea.

  "The tea she's talking about is beer." Ganon explained for Moura.

  Shi Shi went to the kitchen to find a wine barrel without any complaints.

  "Calm down?" Ganon looked at Mo La and asked.

  After the effect of the anesthetic wore off in the second half, Mo La had been crying and fussing all the time when she woke up, unable to listen to anything she said, but now she seemed much calmer.

  "Crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself won't change anything. I'm mentally prepared. Just tell me directly. What are you going to do to me? Give me a sweet word!" Mo La said with her head held high and her chest high. Be generous and self-sacrificing.

  "Didn't I say it before? Let's work together to kill Grand Duke Xihe." Ganon pointed at the table with his finger, and Shitou stepped forward to make tea.

  "Then what?" Mo La asked worriedly.

  "Let's all go our separate ways." Ganouen picked up the still-hot tea and started drinking it. This water temperature was just right for him.

  "That's it?" Mora frowned suspiciously.

  "Otherwise?" Ganouen asked back, "What do you think I'm going to do to you?" "

  Uh, that's it..." Mo La's expression became a little embarrassed and she said incoherently, "Being Mrs. Yazhai? "

  You have a beautiful idea." Ganouen replied calmly while drinking tea.

  Mo La suddenly blushed: "But, but people say that you like to steal princesses, and you have no moral integrity at all!" "

  Rumors are not always credible, Miss Mo La." Ganouen replied seriously.

  He knew very well that due to the political propaganda of the Empire and Mu Xia with different purposes but the same goal, he was now "notorious". At the beginning, Anya and the others decided that the red dragon in the border area liked to steal the princess, so they arranged a seduction for him. plan.

  Mo La was still a little doubtful. She turned to look at the other people present, then pointed at Zhenna and said, "She should be the princess of the Dragon Backbone Empire, right? Then please explain, what is your relationship with her?" "She is me

  . Fiancée." Ganon replied calmly.

  "Wei-" Mo La felt that her ability to understand was stuck.

  She turned to look at Zhenna, who looked back at her with a natural expression, as if she was asking, "What's the problem?" "

  What about her?" Moura pointed at Isabel again.

  "She can be considered my fiancée for the time being." Ganon replied calmly.

  "What do you mean 'for the time being'?" Israel muttered with some dissatisfaction, "I am!" "

  Haha, fiancée?" Mo La laughed dryly in disbelief, "Such a polite statement, you are robbing the princess and you still bring it with you. Is the matchmaker marrying you?"

  "Is this strange to you? It turns out that dwarves don't have the concept of marriage?" Ganon asked.

  "No, it's not..." Mo La realized that she would fall into the accusation of "stereotype" if she continued like this, and scratched her head in embarrassment, "I just think it's a bit incredible." She suddenly remembered something and turned her head to look at the corner

  . Anya.

  Anya, who had always kept her mind on things that had nothing to do with her, noticed her gaze and frowned slightly: "Is something wrong?" "Where is

  she? Is she also your fiancée?" Mo La pointed at Anya and asked Ganouen.

  Anya stared, and just when she was about to open her mouth to deny it, Ganouen spoke first: "No, this guy is my servant." Anya, who was

  robbed of her words, opened her mouth for a moment, then closed her mouth angrily.

  She didn't know why this statement made her feel very uncomfortable.

  It must be because it was emphasized that her status is lower than the others here, that must be the case... She summed up the reason herself.

  Ganouen noticed her expression and turned to ask her, "You look a little dissatisfied. What, you want to be in the position too?"

  "Fuck you!" Anya choked back with a blushing face.

  (End of chapter)

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