122. Chapter 122 It’s over now

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  Chapter 122 It’s over now. That

  night, Ganouen and Anya led Moura out of Shaman City and to the suburbs.

  Ganon confirmed the projection of [Watcher] again, and the territory was still calm.

  He had been a little worried about the situation in the territory since he heard from the Cyclops that someone had accepted the commission from Grand Duke Xihe.

  He tried to get information from the Cyclops about the person who took over the commission, and asked Anya to collect more relevant information, but he gained basically nothing.

  The person who took over the commission was a face that neither the local intelligence agent nor the intermediary had seen very often. The only information that could be found out was that she was a female human with many bandages on her body and black scars on her face. She was wearing a robe of virtue. Ruidian ornaments.

  After confirming with the middleman that he had accepted the commission at noon, the middleman sent someone to lead him out of the city and to the Principality of Xihe.

  The reward issued by the Grand Duke of Xihe in Shaman City to "lead the dragon-slaying group to kill the giant dragon Kuga" is an impossible task for most of the desperadoes in this city.

  The only people who would take on such a task would be fools with no brains and no need for life, or idle strong men with real abilities. The probability of the latter appearing in Sandman City and being interested in such a questionable commission is extremely slim.

  But the middlemen in Sandman City can't be fools. If they are just the kind of fools who don't care about their lives, of course they will screen them out on the spot and send that person to the principality. It probably means that the woman is really capable.

  This does not mean that the Principality of Xihe will immediately pose a threat to his territory. The woman who accepted the reward just set off from Shaman City on horseback today, and it will take at least two days to reach the Principality of Xihe.

  And according to Anya's information, the dragon-slaying group of the Xihe Principality has still reached the intended size, and the Beishan Kingdom has not yet produced enough dragon-slaying weapons for them.

  But now that something like this has happened, it is really not suitable to continue to stay in Shaman City.

  Fortunately, Mo La has agreed to go with them, and their goals in Shaman City have been achieved.

  "I don't think I saw your caravan. You won't have to wait for a long time, right?" Mora, who was carrying a huge battle ax that seemed heavier than her, looked around, "It's not very safe here." Having said that

  , She wasn't too nervous. She herself is a master-level warrior, and an ordinary band of thieves can still handle it. Otherwise, she would not have been able to travel alone through the northwest grasslands where thieves are rampant to reach Shaman City.

  Ganon told Moura that he had a caravan going to other nearby settlements to inspect the trade routes, and it happened to be back near Shaman City tonight. They could go outside the city to join the caravan, and they would be safe under the escort of the caravan. arrived at the imperial border.

  Mo La specially sent someone to confirm with the purchaser mentioned by Ganouen. She confirmed that Ganouen had dealings with the purchaser here and had just sold a batch of grain to Shaman City, so she believed that Ganouen had contacts with the purchaser here. Norn's statement.

  After all, if you think about it normally, it would be impossible to safely deliver such a large amount of food to Shaman City without a caravan. Who would have thought that these goods were actually carried here by a giant dragon.

  This place was already outside the city. Ganon and Anya exchanged glances, and then looked at Mo La seriously: "Your Highness Mo La..." "

  Huh? You don't need to call me Your Highness, just Mo La. I don't like it. Such troublesome rules, not to mention that I have escaped now." Mo La said with a grin.

  "Okay Moura, thanks to you trusting me so much, I have to be honest with you now. In fact, what I told you is slightly different from the truth." Ganon said.

  "Ah? What do you mean?" Mora frowned at Ganon.

  She didn't like to hear Ganouen's words as soon as they came out. She actually hated the routine of leaving half of what he said or hiding something.

  But being able to confess later was at least better than lying all the time, so she was willing to listen to what Ganon had to say.

  "First of all, my name is actually Ganon. Although I am indeed a landowner who has issues with the Grand Duke of Xihe, my land is not on the border of the empire, but outside the Northland Mountains." Ganon said.

  "Outside the country? Are you... a pioneer?" Mo La thought for a while, "That's nothing, right?"

  "Besides, I don't have a caravan. I actually transported those goods myself..."

  Halfway through Ganouen's words, Moura frowned and laughed: "I'm just kidding, I heard that the purchaser said you transported several Could it be that you carried tons of cargo all the way?"

  "It's true." Ganon nodded.

  "Haha..." Mo La laughed dryly as if she was cheering for a joke, "A giant woolly elephant can't carry so many things, right? Do you think you are a dragon?" "Yes." Ganouen looked at her seriously

  . s eyes.

  "Pfft..." Mo La really laughed this time, "It's just a joke, but your serious expression is really interesting." "Do you

  remember that 'Cyclops' mentioned that Archduke Dipu wanted to slay the dragon? Is it something? The eldest son of Grand Duke Xihe was killed by a red dragon in late summer a few months ago. It’s impossible that you didn’t hear about such a big thing, right?" Ganon asked.

  "Have you ever heard of the evil dragon Kuga in the border area to the north of the empire, right? Well, don't you mean to say..." Mara blinked at Ganouen, "You are it?" "Yes."

  Ganouen En looked directly into Mo La's eyes, "Duke Dipu wants my life, so I must get rid of him."

  Mo La grinned and wanted to laugh twice, but under Ganou En's extremely serious look, she felt a little Can't laugh.

  Finally, she put away her expression with some embarrassment and tentatively confirmed: "Really?"

  "Really." Ganon replied, "I'll prove it to you now."

  "There's no need to... be so anxious. ?" Mo La responded hesitantly, she was still a little confused at this time.

  "No, I have to change back to my original form now to take you back to my territory." Ganon said, a ball of flame suddenly burst out from his body, and then he transformed into a dragon form on the spot.

  Whether he wanted to bring Mo La back to the Endless Tower, or later work with Mo La to become the Grand Duke of Xihe, he had to let Mo La know the truth that he was a red dragon.

  Now that we are outside the city, there is no need to worry about causing a commotion.

  Mora raised her head up with a stiff expression. She originally needed to raise her head to talk to Ganouen, but now, she had to raise her head to the sky to see the other person's face.

  The body of the old red dragon outlined a hill-like outline in the night. Under the moonlight, the shadow of this "hill" covered a large area of ​​land and also covered Mora.

  Mora stared at Ganon's eyes that glowed with lava with wide eyes, clearly feeling the pressure of the dragon.

  "That's it, so you don't have to doubt that I have the ability to kill Archduke Dipu. What I need is a chance to catch him, which may require you to help me." Ganon said seriously.

  After a while, Mo La's stiff face started to move.

  "So...that's it." She nodded thoughtfully, "No wonder you have the ability to use Nitrilan's dark elves. If it were you, it would not be difficult to kill the archduke." "As long as you understand

  . It couldn't be better, so let's cooperate, so that you can avoid that troublesome marriage, and I will have one less hidden danger..."

  Halfway through Ganouen's persuasion, Moura suddenly agreed loudly and cheerfully: " Okay, no problem!"

  "You agreed more easily than I thought." Ganouen said.

  "There is nothing to hesitate. Of course, the stronger the collaborator, the better. I am not someone who cares about trivial matters. I heard that you and the elf of Mu Xia are in the same group, so I think you must be able to listen. You should understand the type of human speech, let’s cooperate!” Mora opened her hands towards Ganouen with a frank look on her face.

  "It's great that you are so sensible." Ganon said, but he was still looking at Moura carefully with his lava-like eyes.

  "Then I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future." Mo La said with a bright smile.

  "It's a pleasure to cooperate, then come up." Ganon spread his wings so that Mora could climb up.

  "Okay, okay..." Mo La responded politely, and then her face suddenly changed, "Hey, wait! I seem to have left something in the city! Wait for me here, I'll get it back!!"

  As she spoke, she quickly prepared to bypass Ganouen and head to Shaman City.

  However, the red dragon in front of her suddenly moved and blocked her way.

  "It's not necessary. Just ask Anya to help you with this little thing. Tell me, you forgot something." Ganon stared at Mo La and said.

  "This..." Mora smiled dryly and looked for words, but when she and Ganouen looked at each other, they had already read each other's thoughts.

  Mora wanted to find a chance to escape.

  Of course she had heard about the red dragon Kuja who killed Grand Duke Dipu's son Delos. Of course, she had also heard that the other party had seized the little princess of the empire, Zhenna, and the elf princess of Muxia. She seemed to have a certain affection for humanoid creatures. Unusual fetishes.

  The bad reputation of dragons has been circulating in the dwarf world for a long time. Mines and underground cities dug by dwarves are occupied by evil dragons, or dwarves dig into evil dragon's lairs and cause tragedies. It is not an exception.

  After hearing the rumors that the other party had captured the princess, the dwarf princess Mora naturally had some first impressions of the evil dragon Kuja in the border area, which could not be said to be very good.

  Now this red dragon who likes to seize the princess appears in front of her, and even coaxes and coaxes her to take her back to his territory. How could she not want to escape?
  Ganon had long anticipated the possibility of this development, and the reason why he chose to confess to Mora outside the city was because he could take Mora away by force here.

  When Mo La chose to temporarily believe them and follow them out of Shaman City, they had actually achieved their goal.

  Mora looked at Ganouen and slowly backed away, her face twitching slightly.

  Ganon locked onto her, slowly approached her, and then suddenly released the power of the dragon.

  Mo La gasped and subconsciously held the handle of the battle ax to gather strength. At this time, Anya, who had already reached the blind corner of her field of vision, had already thrown the flying needle.

  When she heard the noise, Mo La reflexively dodged, and the flying needle passed by her ear. At this time, the red dragon's claws were already pressing down on her.

  Mora had no time to dodge, so she could only draw out her battle ax hastily and slashed forcefully.

  There was a crisp metal collision sound, but Ganon's claws were unscathed.

  With this level of attack, he didn't need to summon "Blessing" at all. Mo La was grabbed by Ganouen and subconsciously shouted: "Let me go!!"

  Then she felt a pain on her neck - Anya applied it. The flying needle of anesthetic finally hit her this time.

  Damn, it’s really over now!

  As the strength in her body gradually disappeared, Mora thought drowsily.

  (End of chapter)

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