124. Chapter 124 Mo La’s Troubles

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  Chapter 124: Mo La’s Troubles

  Not long after, Shitou brought beer over, and after drinking a cup of “tea”, Mo La’s mood further calmed down.

  After listening to an explanation, she finally understood Ganon's words.

  The little princess of the empire, Jeanna, was forced to join forces with the red dragon Ganon because of a political assassination, and then they got together.

  As for the princess of Mu Xia, Isabel, she was sent here because of the marriage between Ganouen and Mu Xia. Isabel herself had no objections to the marriage at all. It would be better to say that she was looking forward to it - for the time being, they Still hiding some shameful facts from Mo La.

  As for Anya, the heir to the Night Blade family, she was really caught and detained by force, but she had to take the blame for her evil intentions.

  "So you really just wanted to cooperate with me!" Moura finally relaxed, "You should have told me earlier!" "

  I told you earlier, but you didn't listen." Ganon shrugged.

  "Okay, then we can really discuss this matter!" Mo La suddenly became happy. "Happy things are worth a drink. Is there any stronger wine here?" Since this red dragon can be on the battlefield

  , If you kill the son of Grand Duke Xihe who is an extraordinary warrior, there is no doubt about his strength.

  Of course she could only dream of having such a collaborator.

  "I said you change your mood a bit quickly." Ganon was amused by the dwarf princess.

  "Isn't this something worth being happy about?" Mo La blinked and asked.

  She is sad when bad things happen and happy when good things happen. She has always been such a simple person.

  "Stone, give our guest a glass of the best wine here." Ganouen turned to the butler.

  Soon, the golem presented the best wine collected by the Endless Tower. It was one of the gifts sent by Jamil, the defense chief of the Late Autumn Walled City in the past, to thank Ganon for protecting the town. It was made from various local wild fruits. Elven brew brewed with spices.

  Mo La picked up the wine and took a sip, nodding with appreciation: "This drink is good, the taste is very refreshing, and the ingredients must be very particular. But I still want to drink, isn't it available here?" "This is wine

  . " Ganon reminded.

  "For dwarves, this is really not considered wine." Mora shook her head.

  "Then, what counts as wine for you guys?" Ganouen asked tentatively.

  "Oh, I really can't help it. Originally, I was reluctant to share this thing with others!" Mo La suddenly laughed mysteriously, then reached into her clothes and took out a leather kettle, "This is my treasure. The best volcanic fire wine in Beishan Kingdom. My bastard old man can't drink it more than a few times a year. This time I asked for it from the palace's wine store when I came out. They gave it to me to appease me and not cause trouble. Today I’ll give you a taste of what fine chaff is, and I’ll make sure you don’t want to pee after drinking it!”

  This statement made Ganouen burst into laughter, but he couldn’t help but feel a little curious, so he asked Shitou to get two small wine glasses. .

  "Oh, bring me three more. Anyone who sees it will have a share. Let's all have a try!" Mo La greeted the others generously.

  "I don't drink. I may never touch alcohol in my life." Anya immediately put her hands in front of her body.

  Ever since she tried to drink Ganon down but ended up getting drunk and being teased by Isbell, she had developed a lot of resistance to drinking.

  So Mora poured four small wine glasses and distributed them to the four people around the round table. Then she raised the glasses and said, "May we have a happy cooperation!" "

  Before that, you haven't answered my question yet." Ganouen raised his hand. Her hand signaled a pause, "For dwarves, what counts as wine?"

  "It's very simple, anything that can be ignited is considered wine, and anything that is not flammable is not." Mora said seriously.

  Ganon looked at the liquid in the cup, lit a flame and swayed it, and with a swish, a blue flame appeared at the mouth of the cup.

  "Come on, let's get bored as soon as possible, otherwise there will be less." Mo La urged everyone to drink.

  Most of this stuff is alcohol. Ganon thought.

  Everyone present raised their heads to drink wine, and a ball of hot fire rolled down their mouths and into their stomachs. A furnace suddenly lit up in his stomach, and heat surged to his limbs.

  "Awesome!!" Mo La cheered, clenching her wine glass.

  "This is my first time drinking such strong wine." Zhenna commented.

  "I can't get used to drinking..." Isabel covered her mouth and choked with tears from her eyes, "Although I can tell it's a very strong wine." "

  It's pretty good." Ganouen praised sincerely and looked at Mo La. She held out the wine glass and said, "Would you like another glass?"

  "Don't blame me for being stingy. I can't bear to drink just that much..." Mo La carefully put away the wine bottle and pot, "We'll wait until the Grand Duke of Xihe is killed. Let's divide the wine."

  "Good idea." Ganouen nodded.

  "Before that, let's use these to deal with it." Mo La picked up the glass of fruit wine and drank it in one gulp.

  When she put the wine glass down, she noticed her gaze - Zhenna and Isabel had been looking at her curiously since they met.

  On weekdays, when she is outside, both humans and dwarves around her will look at her with this kind of gaze. After all, a "little human girl" who can drink three large glasses of strong liquor in a row is somewhat eye-catching.

  She was used to this kind of sight, so she wasn't too dissatisfied. Instead, she looked back at them generously: "Is this your first time seeing a dwarf like me?"

  Zhenna and Isabel nodded in unison. .

  "You really look no different from a human child." Isabel said.

  "At least the dwarves I've seen, both male and female, are thicker and fuller than humans, from their necks to their fingers." Zhenna also said bluntly.

  "Just like you humans are tall, short, fat and thin, dwarves also have individual differences. Humans also have some who are as strong as a cow, and some who are as skinny as a stick. Among the dwarves, I am the skinny type. Because of this, I have always been criticized. Ugly..." Mo La sighed.

  "It's too ugly? It's impossible." Zhenna looked surprised.

  Based on human aesthetics, Molla is definitely not ugly, but can be said to be quite cute.

  "Please don't say it, you don't understand. Dwarves regard strength as their beauty, regardless of gender." Speaking of her troubles, Mo La's eyebrows drooped, "I was born with no flesh on my body, and no matter how much I eat, drink, or exercise, I can't grow strong. , because of this, I was often ridiculed by that bastard old ghost in my family, saying that I was the ugly king of the Golden Hammer clan who had never seen it in a century! Isn't that too much?" "I understand this very well!" Isabel suddenly shouted with empathy

  . He said, "My mother also said before that I was an 'unprecedented disgrace to the Elven Royal Family' and 'the most serious blasphemer in the history of Druidism.' I still feel resentful about it." "Your situation is different.

  Her You were humiliated. This is a fact and is just an ordinary scolding." Ganon reminded.

  "What on earth did you do?" Mo La looked at Isabel and was stunned.

  "I advise you not to ask too many questions." Anya, who had been silent, suddenly interrupted.

  (End of chapter)

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