115. Chapter 115 Lawless Land

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  Chapter 115 Lawless Land
  Two days later, at the top of the Endless Tower.

  "We're setting off, and I'll leave the affairs in the tower to you for the time being." Ganon, who had transformed into a dragon, told Zhenna, Isabel and Shitou who were standing in front of them.

  On his back was a mountain of sacks, mostly filled with grain, fruits and roasted dried meat.

  He will personally take the things to Shaman City to discuss business with the acquisition that Anya inquired about before.

  If an agreement can be reached, the agricultural products from this territory will have a market.

  "Please rest assured, my lord, I will take good care of the Endless Tower and wait patiently for your return." Shitou saluted respectfully.

  "Remember to bring a companion. It would be great if you have a book like last time!" Isabel waved to Ganouen.

  "Be careful on the road and come back early. I heard that the situation in the city-state over there is very complicated, so you must be more careful." Zhenna warned seriously.

  In fact, Ganon basically does not need to worry about the management and operation of the territory. Up to now, the only thing that he needs to be personally responsible for is the security of the territory.

  But now, the Dark Elf intelligence network is watching the movements of several threatening forces, and the Endless Tower has sufficient magic power. Isabel has also contacted Mu Xia in advance to set up a temporary outpost by the river. , can quickly support the Endless Tower in a short period of time.

  At least within a day or two, there is a high probability that nothing will happen.

  Ganon turned his head: "It's time to go, Anya... what are you doing?"

  He saw Anya hiding behind his confidant Zyra, and kept pushing Zyra forward: "Ganon, Zyra She often travels in Sandman City. She is actually more familiar with it than me. I still strongly recommend you to take her there!"

  Zyra looked at her mistress, then at Ganon, and smiled in embarrassment.

  "You're still here at this time? Stop talking nonsense and come up quickly." Ganon ruthlessly rejected Anya's request.

  Anya's ability as an assassin is far superior to that of her subordinates, and some middlemen and intelligence agents who have been in Sandman City for a long time basically know that Anya is a senior member of a prominent family in Nitrilan, and her face is hidden underground in Sandman City. The world is still relatively open.

  Anya could not disobey Ganon's order, so she could only climb onto Ganon's back along Ganon's wings with a look of reluctance.

  "They are the only two who have been carried by me. There are not many opportunities like this, so why don't you put on a sad face?" Ganon glanced at Anya.

  "I don't want such an opportunity!" Anya protested.

  Moreover, what Ganon said made her even more uneasy. Both Zhenna and Isabel had been on the back of a dragon, so wouldn't she be following in the footsteps of those two people in the future?
  "Let's go!" Ganon ignored her protest and jumped off the top of the tower, fluttering his wings and taking off.

  The howling wind rushed towards her face and messed up Anya's hair.

  After Ganon took off, he quickly climbed to altitude and accelerated, flying above a large cloud layer, then spread his wings and began to glide.

  Someone in the outside world saw a figure that looked like a giant dragon in the sky, which was enough to cause a panic, so he tried to increase his flight altitude as much as possible and used the clouds to cover his figure.

  Although she had said "Don't take this opportunity" just a minute ago, Anya was still a little shocked when she saw the sea of ​​clouds spread out below, dyed golden by the sun.

  Dark elves will also tame wyverns or flying snakes as riding units, but these two creatures cannot fly above the clouds.

  This kind of scene is something that most dark elves...it should be said that most of the creatures in this world will never see in their lifetime.

  She came to her senses after a few seconds and quickly reminded herself in her mind.

  Don't feel better just because of such a trivial matter, we are facing a crisis now!
  Traveling alone with this red dragon, who knows what kind of situation he will arrange. Maybe this is also part of his plan? What if he forces her to live in a room with him?
  Ganon didn't care what the dark elf on his back was thinking, and flew towards the direction of Shaman City.

  About two hours later, he lowered his altitude in advance and landed about twenty miles away from Shaman City. He couldn't directly transport food close to Shaman City in the form of a red dragon, as that would cause a huge commotion.

  This is the edge of the desert. The vegetation is sparse and the scenery is a bit monotonous. There are rocks everywhere. Only the area around Shaman City presents an oasis scene. In the center of the city, there is a freshwater lake connected to the underground water flow.

  After arriving, Anya cut the rope tied to the cargo on Ganon's back. Ganon tilted his body slightly, letting the sack slide to the ground along his wings, and then turned into a human form.

  "Go and bring the people here, I'll guard them here." Ganon gave the order.

  "Be careful, there are robbers here." Anya said.

  "It's not far from the city." Ganon glanced at the siege in the distance.

  The terrain here is slightly higher, and Shaman City can be seen from here.

  "That city-state is a den of thieves. The security inside is terrible. Outside the city walls is a completely lawless place. No one cares about things outside the city. If you ask for help two steps outside the city gate, no one will care about you. It's better. It is said that the probability of encountering bandits is the highest here, and many thieves gangs are just outside the city watching the supplies coming and going." Anya reminded.

  "Do I look like someone who is afraid of robbers?" Ganon asked.

  "What I'm afraid of is that you are accidentally exposed when you kill someone. Don't let out a dragon roar." Anya emphasized again, then covered her face with a veil and ran towards Shaman City.

  Ganon stood there and watched Anya's figure go away, then found a boulder and lay down on it to bask in the sun.

  After a while, he saw a cloud of dust rising in the distance, and the figure of someone riding a horse could be vaguely seen in the flying dust.

  Ganon sat on the stone and did not move, just observing quietly.

  The group of people was getting closer and closer, and Ganon gradually discovered that there were five people in the group, all riding horses with their faces covered, and holding various weapons in their hands. Some of them picked up bows and arrows and aimed them here.

  "It's really a lawless place..." Ganon let out a sigh of relief.

  Another half hour later, the buyer's carriage escorted by bodyguards arrived at the place where Ganon rested from Shaman City. Anya, who was responsible for leading the way, got out of the car and immediately threw a look at Ganon standing on the roadside. Questioning eyes.

  On the way here, she saw black smoke rising from Ganon's side in the distance.

  Ganoun just shrugged at her.

  The group of purchasers saw blood stains on the ground from a distance, as well as a burning "bonfire". There were suspected to be charred humanoid objects in the fire.

  "Are you here to buy food?"

  When Ganon asked, everyone looked away from the pile of burning things and the blood on the ground, and tacitly pretended that they had not seen it.

  "Hello Mr. Ganou, I'm glad that you are willing to give us priority." The middle-aged man who looked like the person in charge greeted Ganou very politely.

  This businessman's business is to transport grain from the northern villages to Shaman City for sale. He and his people are never so polite to the village representatives who sell grain. It is better to say that the other party has to entertain them diligently. .

  But Ganouen was obviously different from the suppliers he had encountered before. He took over the most risky transportation link of the supply chain himself and carried the food across the dangerous wilderness.

  Even a caravan with bodyguards hired by the purchaser himself cannot guarantee the absolute safety of the goods on this route.

  The reason why this man was able to deliver the food here safely can be seen from the pile of things burning in the distance.

  "Well, why don't you send the goods to the city?" the buyer asked with some confusion.

  "My caravan has other places to go, so it will unload here. From now on we will all unload here. If you want to collect it, just send someone to pick it up." Ganon pointed to the sacks not far away, "I guess Let’s set a price.”

  "Okay." The buyer followed the employee to confirm the type and weight of the things.

  After opening the sacks, they were all a little surprised. This man actually sent fruits and vegetables that were not easy to preserve for sale, and all the food was very fresh and of high quality. In addition to these, there are also some animal products such as dried meat, cheese, leather, and horns.

  After a while, the purchaser walked up to Ganouen and said respectfully: "Please allow me to quote you a price. We are willing to buy flour at fifty imperial gold coins per ton. For vegetables, it will be according to the varieties you have here..."

  He quickly quoted prices for everything Ganon brought. Ganon found that the prices of grain, fruits and vegetables here were very high, and the purchase price was more than three times higher than that at Muxia.

  On the contrary, animal products such as meat and leather are not considered precious here, but are only slightly higher than the market price in the empire.

  After listening to the quotation, he looked at Anya. Anya, who had already investigated the price, nodded. The purchase price was only a little lower than the market price in Shaman City. The acquirer was very understanding and took the initiative to give up a considerable profit margin to him.

  "This is the best price I can give. You can go to the market to inquire and compare." The acquirer smiled enthusiastically.

  The other party has already guaranteed the transportation part with the highest risk. All he needs to do is to bring the purchased items into the city and hand them over to the stores for sale. With the quality of these items, they are still very competitive in the market here.

  If the other party's supply is large enough, he can even seize most of the market in Sandman City.

  The profit margin is not big, but the money is easy to make, just like picking it up. The other party came to him first, it was his opportunity, and of course he couldn't give it to anyone else.

  "Okay, I'll pay you after the things are weighed. If you do it for a long time, how many goods are you willing to receive in a month?" Ganouen asked.

  "How much can you supply?" the buyer asked.

  "About five times." Ganon replied after thinking about it.

  "If you are willing, I will take it all." The acquirer grinned, showing the gold teeth in his mouth, "I hope we have a happy long-term cooperation!" (End of Chapter


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