114. Chapter 114 Accompanying the leader on a business trip

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  Chapter 114 Accompanying the Leader on a Business Trip Ever

  since she came in, Anya has been standing in that position, as far away from the desk as possible...or rather, Ganouen behind the desk.

  And he seemed to be ready to escape at any time, as if he had a huge sense of crisis towards Ganon.

  In fact, ever since the day Anya was caught and accepted the "punishment" from Isbell, Ganon felt that Anya seemed to be avoiding him.

  Regarding Ganouen's question, Anya fell silent and then looked away.

  "Tell me the truth, did those things leave a psychological shadow on you?" Ganon asked, staring at Anya.

  After being ordered like this, Anya spoke the truth from the bottom of her heart under the influence of the contract: "Actually, it's okay. Think carefully about those things that are fictitious after all. Although those works are imitations of elves, it was the dark elves who started to create them in the first place. The content is indeed a bit over-stimulating, but once you get used to it, it's actually—"

  Anya's face became weird when she said this, and then she covered her mouth, trying to stop herself from talking further.

  Ganon couldn't help but be a little confused after hearing this. From what he meant, those works would not leave such a serious psychological shadow on Anya.

  "Then why are you avoiding me?" He looked at Anya and asked.

  "I... I've had the same dream when I was sleeping these past two days." Anya said and her eyes dodge.

  "Oh? What is it-"

  "I beg you, can you please don't ask?"

  Just halfway through Ganouen's question, Anya began to plead helplessly.

  It seems like something unspeakable.

  Ganon thought for a while and then blurred the question: "Dreams have something to do with me?"

  "Yes." Anya responded in a low voice, lowering her head so as not to meet his gaze.

  "Is it also related to the contents of Isabel's books?" Ganon asked again.

  "Well..." Anya's voice became softer.

  Ganon was silent for a moment and replied: "Oh."

  He already roughly understood what Anya was dreaming about.

  "So, I can't look at you directly for the moment. Please forgive me." Anya covered her face this time.

  "Okay, let's continue with the report. Have you found out about the reliable purchaser?" Ganouen brought the topic back to business.

  "I found out about a businessman with a good reputation, but it seems that I can't talk to him just by relying on the people I sent there. In other words, he is not very willing to talk to the dark elves." Anya answered.

  "Why? Aren't you dark elves very happy there?" Ganon was a little confused.

  "We are quite successful in the black market, intelligence agencies and employment market. In terms of business... the trust between dark elves and other races is actually not very high." Anya said hesitantly at the end.

  Hearing this, Ganon remembered that both Zhenna and Isabel had mentioned that the reputation of the dark elves was not very good among other races.

  The social structure of the Dark Elves is different from that of other races, so they have formed quite special social concepts.

  Many of their virtues, such as loyalty and trustworthiness, are often directed at their own family or a specific group, and it is difficult to talk about them externally.

  "Then what should we do?" Ganon asked Anya's opinion.

  "You can talk to someone else. It's best to bring some of the goods directly." Anya gave her own suggestion.

  "Isn't it just me who has gone there personally?" Ganon frowned slightly.

  To send a batch of agricultural products to Shaman City, you not only have to cross the entire grassland and wilderness in the northwest, but you also have to be wary of thieves and various wild beasts on the road.

  The best way is to load the goods into a truck and tie them to Ganon's back. He will fly all the way to the vicinity of Shaman City, and then take the goods directly to negotiate with the acquisition as the owner, proving to the other party that he not only has If you have the goods and the ability to guarantee the transportation route, you can definitely negotiate a good price.

  "This is the best way. In fact, if you are interested in the aforementioned bounty for Duke Xihe, it would be best for you to go and see it in person." Anya continued to suggest.


  "As I said before, the intermediary will review the person who accepts the commission. Assassinating the leader of a country is not an ordinary commission, and the strength must be focused on. If you plan to contact the commission behind the reward People, that’s even more true,” Anya said.

  Ganon immediately understood that Anya's subordinates were only mid-level assassins or warlocks at best, and it was impossible for the middleman to hand over the task to a killer of this level.

  If Anya took her team to pick it up, she might be able to take over the mission, but now most of Anya's team has been sent to the Principality of Xihe, and some of them must stay at the Endless Tower.

  It would be best for Ganon to transform into a human and go there by himself. He can pretend to be an extraordinary warrior just by relying on his physical strength.

  "What about the threat? There has been no recent movement on the part of the Empire and the Principality of Xihe? What about Dolan Siloni?" Ganon asked cautiously.

  "Not yet. If no other forces outside the intelligence network are targeting you, this territory should be safe for the time being." Anya answered seriously.

  Ganon began to think about it. The distance between Sandman City and the Endless Tower was very far, but at Ganon's flying speed, there was no problem in going back and forth within a day.

  Now that they have launched an intelligence network to the outside world, coupled with the defensive performance of the Endless Tower, the risk of Ganon leaving the territory has been greatly reduced.

  "But I have never been to Shaman City. I have to have someone go with me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the place. Do you have a suitable candidate here?" Ganouen looked at Anya and asked. road.

  "There are quite a few candidates..." Anya thought for a moment.

  "What about the most suitable candidate?" Ganon asked.

  "It's me." Anya was startled after saying that and quickly covered her mouth.

  Because of the role of the contract, when reporting to Ganouen, she could basically only answer the other party's questions truthfully.

  But here he told Ganon that he was the most suitable person to accompany him to Sandman City. It was self-evident what kind of development would happen next.

  "You've already spoken out, what's the use of covering it up again?" Ganouen asked.

  "I don't want it!" Anya said what was in her heart.

  "Did I ask for your opinion?" Ganon asked.

  "Can you let me go?" Anya begged again.

  "I didn't do anything to you, right?" Ganon replied calmly.

  "But I really can't accept it in my heart!" Anya said with a bitter face.

  "Then get over it and stop being so pretentious." Ganouen was too lazy to take care of the other person's thoughts. "That's it. Let's prepare in these two days. We will leave the day after tomorrow. You will accompany me there for a business trip for a day. That's it!" (This chapter

  ) over)

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