116. Chapter 116 Shaman City

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  Chapter 116 Shaman City

  Shaman City, Ganouen and Anya walked side by side on the street.

  Anya glanced at Ganouen again, and finally couldn't help but said: "You are really too conspicuous like this..." "

  What?" Ganouen turned to look at Anya, "There are people everywhere here who dress weirder than me. Yes, I shouldn't be conspicuous."

  In Ganon's eyes, one big difference between Sandman City and the imperial cities he has been to is that the races here are mixed, including humans, elves, half-elves, dark elves, and dwarves. , as well as orcs and hybrid humans who seem to have orc ancestry.

  Different races, different origins, and different cultural backgrounds are all clearly reflected in their appearance and clothing. In such a hodgepodge, Ganon's appearance, which was transformed by the transformation spell, did not stand out.

  "Who said how you are dressed? Don't you see how bulging your waist bag is?" Anya whispered, "You look like a fat sheep!"

  Ganouen glanced at the two cloth bags tied around his waist. Containing heavy platinum and gold coins.

  "This isn't a lot of money. It's not enough for you dark elves to spend from me in a month." Ganon commented.

  "Those are all necessary expenses for setting up the intelligence network according to your requirements." Anya snorted, "Let's face it, it's too dangerous for you to carry this money with you." These are the goods that were sent from the purchaser after selling them

  . The cash he got was not a lot in Ganon's eyes, but it was definitely not an amount suitable to be carried around with him.

  "Will someone rob someone in the street?" Ganouen asked.

  "There will be no robberies on the street. There is still basic order in Shaman City. Different urban areas here are occupied and managed by different gangs. The gangs collect protection fees from residents and shops on their own sites, and then maintain order on their own sites. , they have law enforcement rights in their respective territories, and they will take care of street fights, robbery, and killings."

  Anya paused as she spoke, and then added another piece of information, "By the way, the Fenglong Cult also manages a urban area.”

  "Have the forces of Dragon Ascension's Nest also penetrated here?" Ganon asked.

  "This is one of the main sources of followers of the Dragon Order. They use special channels in Shaman City to select believers who are willing to serve the dragon. In addition, Shaman City is also a source of funds for selling their products." Anya said .

  "They still sell things?" Ganouen was a little surprised.

  "Otherwise, how do you think you are going to feed more than forty dragons? Whether it is the Dragon Ascension Nest where giant dragons gather or the Fenglong Cult where people gather, they all need to spend money. Like you, they rely on selling products to survive. A way to make money." Anya answered.

  "What are they selling?" Ganon asked.

  "They sell salt. Dragon Ascension's Nest occupies a salt mine and organizes slaves from the Fenglong Order to help them dig salt and transport it to various city-states to sell." Anya said.

  "I'm a little envious..." Ganon said.

  In this world, a salt mine means a stable source of funds. If he has a salt mine, he doesn't have to worry about the sales of agricultural products.

  "But we won't go to the other end of the city occupied by the Fenglong Cult, Shaman City. It's best for us to avoid contact with Dolan Sloni right now," Anya said.

  "So since there is gang management here, what should we worry about?" Ganon asked.

  "It's the kind of corner and dark alley where no one is around. Although gangs will take care of public murders and robberies, if someone commits a crime quietly, they usually don't bother to take care of it. And on the street, the most careful thing is..." Anya answered Halfway through, there was a sudden pause.

  I saw her hand waving behind her at an unstoppable speed and then pulling it back, and the light of the dagger flashed by.

  Ganon heard someone behind him gasp and turned around.

  I saw a man hunched over, covering the back of his hands with his back facing him. He had already run away for a distance, squeezed into the crowd and disappeared.

  There was a trail of blood stains on the ground behind him.

  "Is it a thief?" Ganon suddenly reacted.

  The guy just now was probably a pickpocket, trying to steal his money bag from behind without anyone noticing.

  But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Anya pierced his hand with a dagger. She could only suppress her screams and ran away in despair, covering her hands.

  "I know that with your blindness and persistence in gold coins, that guy probably won't be able to get it from you." Anya said calmly, "I'm afraid that if you find out that someone has stolen your money, you will punch him in anger. If he kills him, then the gangs in charge of this area will not do anything, and there may be rivers of blood by then, and we won't be able to stay here." "That makes sense." Ganouen said and handed over the money

  . He untied the bag and threw it to Anya.

  "What?" Anya was surprised.

  "You keep it for me. You can't steal my money anyway," Ganouen said.

  "It's so heavy." Anya complained, choosing to tie the money bag to her belt and cover it with her cloak.

  "Yes, it was indeed the right choice to take you with me." Ganon praised.

  "Yes, yes, thank you for the compliment." Anya responded in an emotionless tone.

  "Where is the middleman?" Ganon asked.

  "In the biggest tavern in Shaman City." Anya answered.

  "Want to stop by for a drink? I'll treat you to it." Ganon suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

  "Shut up, I never want to drink with you again!" Anya knew that the other party was deliberately teasing her, and glared at Ganouen angrily.

  When Ganouen followed Anya into the Tequila Tavern in Shaman City, Ganouen could clearly feel that the atmosphere here was extraordinary.

  This tavern didn't look high-end. It was roughly furnished like a tavern in the countryside, and the tables and floors had a greasy feel.

  There were a lot of people in the tavern, and there were people at almost every table. Logically speaking, it should be very lively and noisy, with rude drunkards shouting at each other and making drunken fist gestures.

  But it was very quiet here. People at each table just lowered their voices and whispered to discuss with their companions. Some people were still looking around vigilantly to prevent others from eavesdropping.

  Ganon glanced briefly and saw a table of armed mercenaries, a table of young girls wearing cloaks and holding staffs, two tall orc warriors sitting next to a table, and a table of only There was a skinny old man sitting, looking through an ancient book with cloudy eyes, as if he was waiting for someone... "The

  people here seem to be quite stylish..." Ganouen commented to Anya, this place is very It fits his impression of the fantasy world tavern.

  "Shouldn't they all be trash in your eyes?" Anya said in a voice that only he could hear.

  She knew very well that those who were truly capable could basically obtain suitable resources for themselves from different forces. In fact, there were not many of these marginalized people wandering outside the civilized world who were ruthless in the true sense. If Ganouen acted here, If you start, you can kill them all just in human form.

  She led Ganon directly to the tavern counter, took out a handful of copper coins and slapped them on the counter, and said to the old woman standing behind who was cleaning the cup: "If you want a glass of flaming wine with ghost face flower, I'll ask for the One-Eyed Giant'."

  The old woman glanced at Anya, then looked at Ganouen behind her, then accepted the money and replied calmly: "He is in the third box upstairs, I will send the wine back." (This

  chapter over)

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