103.Chapter 103 Contract established

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  Chapter 103 Contract Established
  "Contract? You can actually use the contract technique?" Anya looked at the words in the flames and suddenly understood something, "Could it be said that you used this to control the person I sent to you? "

  The three spies who were first sent to Ganon were contracted by her with the secondary artifact "Slave Master's Ring". To remove that contract, she could only cover it with a more powerful contract.

  She speculated on the source of Ganon's power based on common sense, but never imagined that the opponent actually mastered the artifact-level Holy Light Technique and the Abyss Contract Technique at the same time.

  No wonder she was controlled by the Red Dragon in everything. It turned out that the spies she planted from the beginning were used by others.

  "This is no longer important. What is important is your answer now." Ganon urged her to respond.

  "In this contract of yours, I must agree to any order. Doesn't that mean you ask me to do..." Anya subconsciously looked away after saying this, "I can't resist doing that kind of thing?" "What kind of thing

  ? ? You can make it clearer." Ganon deliberately teased her and asked with a smile.

  "You know better!" Anya glared at him.

  "I can promise not to touch you. The question is whether you believe it or not. Again, if you are dissatisfied with the treatment you receive, you can choose to escape at any time. I will not force you as soon as I recruit you. Dead." Ganon said seriously.

  "Is your promise credible? You have already given me to..." Anya gritted her teeth when she thought of this.

  "I didn't touch you that day. Although I thought about it, I was stopped. What you saw the next day was actually Isbell's prank." Ganon explained calmly.

  "What are you talking about? Are you unwilling to admit what you have done?" Anya didn't believe this nonsense at all.

  "This is not something worth lying about. I've done it and you can't do anything to me. It doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not." Ganouen looked directly into Anya's eyes.

  Seeing the other party being so calm, Anya was stunned.

  Could it be that he really never did it?

  This matter is actually easy to confirm. You only need to check yourself to understand.

  When she woke up that day, she confirmed what Red Dragon had done on the spot. Her heart was full of humiliation. How could she have any intention of confirming it?
  Anya calmed down a little and began to seriously think about the current situation.

  She is not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean she despises her own life.

  Only one life is precious, so the death that is actively chosen should also have corresponding value.

  If death could save her from the humiliation or torture that would make her life worse than death, she would not hesitate.

  But if there is still a chance to live a decent life, she will seize it at all costs.

  She did not believe the red dragon's promise easily, but the contract did guarantee her the final retreat of "choosing death", so there was no need for her to consider this option now.

  "You said earlier that you would allow me to be free, but according to the contract, I am basically your slave. This is just changing my master from the blue dragon to you, isn't it?" Anya stared at Ganouen and said.

  "We can set a time limit for the contract, starting with fifty years. You will work for me for these fifty years, and you will be free when the contract expires." Ganon adjusted the contract and added a fifty year Year term.

  "What should I do if you force me again after the contract expires?" Anya frowned.

  Ganouen said nothing and raised his eyebrows at Anya.

  Anya understood what the other person meant and was speechless.

  In fact, there is no answer to this question. Even if Ganouen says that she will not do that now, it is still a verbal promise. It depends on whether she believes it or not.

  If Ganouen breaks his promise, she can only find a way to escape on her own. If she can't escape and cannot accept it, she will just go back to the "final plan".

  "I have roughly learned about your situation from your subordinates. Your family was enslaved by the Dragon Ascension Nest, and Dolan Sloni is the envoy responsible for issuing orders to you. You carried out Dolan Sloni's orders, but at a critical moment He betrayed her." Ganon stared into Anya's eyes and said, "Do you want to break away from the enslaved family and stand on your own?" "

  You know everything and still ask?" Anya muttered angrily, "Anyway, I have failed. " Yes

  , you failed. Now you have nowhere to go. Even if I let you go, you can't return to that family. What awaits you will be the punishment of the family and Dolan Sloni. I didn't If you guess wrong, Maze will still be chasing you everywhere, right? And other forces will not easily accept the dark elves, and they may betray you once they know your background." Ganon said.

  "What on earth do you want to say?" Anya's face darkened. With her jealous and jealous temperament, she would always feel a bit of gloating when others commented on her situation.

  "To a certain extent, my place may be the best place for you." Ganon came to the conclusion directly.

  "As long as you don't do weird things to me..." Anya muttered.

  "I was also targeted by Dolan Siloni. On this matter, you and I are on the same side. If you are useful to me, I also have a reason to protect you. Think about it, you are here with me, your Will the family fight with me to get you back?" Ganon asked.


  Anya came to the conclusion almost immediately.

  She has revealed her desire to leave the family and is already a traitor to the family. Naturally, the family no longer needs her as an heir.

  The family wanted to take her back to punish her in order to report to the Dragon Ascension Nest and to establish the family's prestige.

  But if this matter requires a high price, the family will probably give up after weighing it. After all, punishing her is not that important.

  They would give up the pursuit of her, and then when the limelight passes in a few decades, they would probably not care about her, or even care about her life or death.

  If Ganon can really keep his promise to release her, she will be a free person by then.

  "The premise is that you live until the expiration of our contract. You are being targeted. Who knows if I will be buried with you one day?" Anya said coldly.

  "At least according to your intelligence, I haven't been targeted by any really threatening force, right? Otherwise, why would you bother to seize my resources?" Ganon asked, staring at Anya.

  This red dragon...

  Anya suddenly frowned.

  "Actually, Dragon Ascension's Lair doesn't know about my existence yet. It was Dolan Siloni's arbitrary decision to instruct you to seize the power I have. You must know this." Ganon observed Anya's expression.

  He figured this out not long ago.

  The Night Blade family will be dominated, and the powerful Dragon Ascension Nest that Dolan Siloni talks about should be real.

  But after discovering that the dominant force behind the Night Blade family was Dragon Ascension's Lair, Ganon had a question in his mind.

  If it was Dragon Ascension's Lair that wanted the power in his hands, why did they take such a roundabout way of instructing the Night Blade family?
  According to the Dragon's Ascension Nest described by Doran Sloni, the current Dragon's Ascension Nest's combat power is completely overwhelming for him. Not to mention the Blue Dragon King Grendel, any ancient dragon can kill him from the front and rob him. Take everything from him.

  And Anya should also know that the force behind the family is the Dragon Ascension Nest, but she still dares to openly attack the troops of the Fenglong Order.

  With the little authority he granted Anya at that time, no matter how much she drank, she would never have the courage to openly challenge a force that could dominate Nitrilan.

  After thinking about it, the best explanation is that the seizure of the Book of Authority was actually Dolan Siloni's arbitrary decision, and Anya also investigated this.

  In fact, Dragon Ascension's Lair probably didn't know of his existence yet. The information about him was obtained by the Dark Elves, and after being conveyed to the messenger Dolan Siloni who was in contact with the Night Blade family, she was used by her for some purpose. I intercepted it myself.

  There is a high probability that Dolan Seloni will not report this matter in the future, at least this is the conclusion of Anya's investigation, otherwise she would not dare to betray Doran Seloni.

  Ganon already knew that Dolan Siloni was not a pure-blooded dragon. Judging from the few times he had contact with Dolan Siloni, Dolan Siloni's status in Dragon Ascension's Lair should be very subtle.

  Realizing that the red dragon had roughly guessed the whole story, Anya fell into thinking.

  After a while, she looked at the red dragon and said seriously: "Thirty years."

  She had begun to seriously think about accepting the contract.

  "No, at least fifty years. Based on your life span, this is not a very long time." Ganouen did not give in.

  "Then at least, being completely monitored by the [Watcher]..." Anya looked at Ganouen and then looked away.

  "I can allocate you a limited amount of privacy time every day for bathing and going to the toilet. I still have to keep track of your movements during the rest of the time." Ganon slightly modified the contract, "Even if there is a contract to bind you, I can't fully trust you yet. You."

  "Okay, let's do this for now..."

  Anya answered as she stared at the contract in the flames.

  The next moment, the words in the flames were automatically sucked into her heart.

  "I will observe for a while and hope you keep your promise." Anya stared at Ganouen and said word by word.

  "Very good, the contract is established!"

  Ganon snapped his fingers, then summoned the stone and asked it to untie Anya.

  Later, Ganon summoned the Book of Authority for confirmation. The temple part on the seventh floor was basically operational. With Anya taking on the role of priest, the repair progress increased to 18/100.

  Content appeared on the two pages of the God of Destruction. On the left was a portrait of the goddess shrouded in fog with only clear eyes, and on the right was a hymn with only handwriting.

  "It will take about a month for the seventh floor to be completely built. After it is built, you and your subordinates can live there. During this period, you will temporarily live in the dungeon." Ganon said.

  "You will use me to spy on intelligence from now on. I can do more things than others. Those who can do more work should be paid more. Even if they are slaves, they can't all be treated the same?" Anya moved her hands and feet while using Said in a consultative tone.

  "Then you'd better be able to produce results in the future." Ganouen glanced at her and thought about it, "If this can make you more active in your work, that's fine. I can allow you to stay in my room temporarily. Here."

  Upon hearing this, Anya's whole body suddenly froze.

  (End of chapter)

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