102. Chapter 102 Allow you to be free

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  Chapter 102 Allow You to Be Free
  The dagger that was thrown cut through the air and turned into three rays of silver light that hit the target painted on the doll.

  Sixty meters, three targets, hitting the bullseye at the same time.

  As a girl, Anya turned her head after throwing the dagger and looked at her teacher Angst, waiting for comment.

  However, her teacher did not raise his head at all. He was still sitting cross-legged on the stone in his night clothes, holding a notebook in his hand and writing thoughtfully on it.

  "Can you at least take a look." Anya frowned.

  "It's nothing to see. You can't even hit it at this level. Don't be my apprentice from now on." Angst replied in an indifferent tone.

  "I also want to change my teacher. How many times have you taught me seriously?" Anya grabbed her hair with some regret.

  Thinking back to the beginning, she worked hard to hone her skills and overcame many competitors in the family before successfully becoming the apprentice of Angost, the only legendary strongman in the Night Blade family.

  I never thought that this legendary assassin was an extremely casual guy. He didn't care at all about teaching his disciples. He would only teach his disciples when he was in a good mood, and the rest of the time he would basically just let loose.

  Over time, Anya's respect for this teacher also disappeared.

  "Just because I'm strong doesn't mean I'm responsible for teaching others. It's just juniors like you who shamelessly want to be my apprentice." Angst shrugged.

  "Are you considered a member of the Night Blade family?" Anya muttered dissatisfied.

  "Family? Haha, it doesn't matter." Angst shrugged, "Anya, when you grow up a little more, you will understand sooner or later that the so-called glory of the dark elf family is just a shackle." "You really dare to say that

  ... "Anya frowned.

  Such words are treasonous in the society of dark elves, but with Angost's strength and status, even the mistress may not be able to punish her.

  "Haha, if I really cared about this family, how would your mother have any chance of becoming a mistress? People must know how to live for themselves." Angost wrote a few more strokes in the book.

  Angost Nightblade is the sister of the matriarch of the contemporary Nightblade family, and can be regarded as Anya's aunt in terms of kinship.

  As the strongest person in the family, Angest was originally the first choice for the position of mistress and the master of the "maze", but she gave up all this and let Anya's mother inherit the family, while she became an idle member of the family. , only occasionally taking on difficult tasks assigned by the family.

  Anya had always felt that her aunt's loyalty to the family was worrying. She had no doubt that one day when the family was in trouble, Angost would abandon the family and run away first - in fact, this was indeed the case.

  Anya suddenly became curious and stretched her neck to peek at the contents of the note.

  Angost often takes notes and writes a few words when she has free time.

  Angost keenly caught her apprentice's gaze and suddenly stopped writing and closed her notes. Anya couldn't read a single word.

  "What do you tinker with in your notes every day?" Anya asked in a murmur.

  "Personal hobby." Angst smiled mysteriously, and then suddenly said incoherently, "Anya, do you like animals?" "

  Animals? What kind do you want to see?" Anya was asked. A little confused.

  Angost's meaningful smile always made her feel weird.

  "Where are the orcs?" Angst asked again.

  "A race with low intelligence is not worthy of being called a civilized creature." Anya replied.

  "What about the creatures with tentacles? Like tentacle monsters?" Angst asked next.

  "What a disgusting thing."

  "So, what about dragons, do you like them?"

  "Why are you asking these questions?" Anya couldn't hold back anymore.

  "Haha, it's just a personal hobby." Angost smiled, looking up and down Anya's body.

  For some reason, Anya suddenly felt like she was getting hairy all over her body.
  woke up from her sleep and found that she was in a dungeon. She was tied tightly to a fixed iron chair. From her fingers to her feet, she was firmly fixed by iron wires. Even her head was covered by a circle of iron. The ring is closed.

  She felt her jaw was a little sore and subconsciously wanted to close her mouth, but found that her mouth was stuffed with something.

  A metal gag was forced into her mouth, holding her mouth open.

  "Huh?" she exclaimed with her mouth open.

  "Are you awake?"

  A familiar voice came from the side, and then the other person walked into the center of her field of vision.

  The owner of the Endless Tower, the red dragon Ganon, stood in front of the iron chair, staring at her with two glowing eyes.

  At this moment, Anya finally remembered that she was caught by the red dragon when she fell from the sky.

  At this moment, she didn't feel lucky to have survived at all. Instead, a chill crawled up her back.

  What does this red dragon want to do by tying her up like this and forcing her to open her mouth with this thing! ?

  An idea that she didn't dare to think about suddenly came to mind, and her eyes widened in horror.

  Ganouen read her thoughts from the changes in her eyes, and explained temporarily: "Let me explain, I only let you wear this thing to prevent you from suddenly biting your tongue and committing suicide." I believe you

  ! Don't think I forgot what you did to me! !

  Anya wanted to retaliate on the spot, but because her mouth was forced open, she could only make a vague "Ahhh" sound.

  No, instead of falling into the hands of this red dragon and being humiliated by him, it would be better to die happily!

  She has been trained in the labyrinth, and a qualified assassin will not be afraid of committing suicide. As a last resort, it is often better to die happily than to live in pain.

  Ganon continued to speak: "I want to negotiate a deal with you. If you are willing to serve me as an assassin, I can allow you to be free." Anya, who was thinking about suicide strategies, paused and threw herself at Ganon

  . A suspicious look.

  What did the red dragon just say?
  "You are allowed to be free" - this sentence suddenly touched the desire deep in Anya's heart, causing her to subconsciously turn her attention to what the red dragon was saying.

  "I have removed the dentures in your mouth, including the capsule containing the poison. I have also purified the spells on your body, but if you insist on dying, I probably can't stop you, and I don't plan to stop you. ." Seeing that the other party had a momentary intention to talk, Ganouen pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Anya, "Calm down first and talk. If you want to talk, just blink twice and I will help you take the things out of your mouth. ."

  Anya licked the position of her dentures and found that they had really been removed, and the suicide curse on her body had also disappeared.

  She only thought about it for a moment and then blinked twice. No matter what, she still wanted to take this thing out of her mouth first, otherwise God knows what the red dragon would stuff into her mouth later.

  Ganon stood up and came over to remove the mouth expander installed in Anya's mouth. This thing was not a torture device that came with the dungeon, but a scene prop collected by Isbell.

  When he put his fingers into Anya's mouth, Anya frowned and showed disgust.

  After the things were taken out, Anya finally closed her mouth. After flexing her sore jaw joint, she looked at the red dragon in front of her and asked in a deep voice: "Is this your true face? The virtue you had before, was Did you put all your effort into performing it?"

  She could feel that Ganouen now was completely different from before.

  In addition to the fact that Ganon had a special lust for humanoid creatures, the previous one was very consistent with her impression of dragons. She was greedy, arrogant, and had no strategy when facing creatures weaker than herself. She could only play tricks at most. A little clever.

  Precisely because of the simple-minded stereotype of dragons, she mistakenly thought that she had easily deceived the other party.

  Since the temperament shown by Ganouen now was different, in order to prevent her from committing suicide on the spot, he used the conditions that she was most interested in to persuade her to "calm down and talk", and then proposed a "deal".

  With this kind of coherent speech, she was more willing to believe that there was a human sitting across from her.

  "Strictly speaking, I didn't put much effort into portraying that image. Surprisingly, you are quite easy to deceive." Ganouen pointed at Anya and told the truth.

  These words made Anya a little reluctant, but she couldn't refute that Red Dragon's acting skills were actually not very superb, and the whole thing was because she was too careless.

  "Tell me about your deal. What do you want?" Anya stared at Ganouen and brought up the business.

  "I told you before that I am short of some intelligence personnel here. Simply put, I want you to work for me, lead your group of subordinates, and help me with some intelligence work and assassination work, and I will provide you with Certain protection. We can set a time limit, and if you do well enough, I can let you go when the contract expires," Ganouen said.

  Anya looked at Ganouen with suspicion on her face.

  "Believe it or not is your business. There are only two ways before you, die, or agree to my conditions." Ganouen said.

  "How can I be sure that agreeing to your terms will not lead to a life worse than death?" Anya asked.

  "You can try it first, and then die if you find it unacceptable. I really don't intend to stop you." Ganon raised his hand and summoned a modified [Prisoner's Contract] in front of Anya.

  The biggest difference between this contract and the ordinary [Prisoner Contract] is that it gives the contract signer the additional right to commit suicide.

  The instigator behind Anya had not been discovered before, so Ganon did not easily take such a high-risk method of forcing Anya to sign a contract.

  Now, he has basically found out who is behind Anya, and just wants to get more information from Anya.

  He also really hopes that Anya can be used for him, and he needs to form an intelligence force. Anya is both the mistress of this group of dark elves and a master-level assassin.

  She is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the Intelligence Corps, and can also serve as the priest who activates the Temple of the God of Destruction.

  But the premise of all this is that Anya is willing to accept the contract. Ganon has learned from the three maids that the people trained in the labyrinth are neither afraid of death nor punishment. They can persuade them with suitable conditions, but It's hard to force with force.

  Ganon also didn't like to do useless work. If Anya would rather die than obey, he wouldn't have any pity for this dark elf who had had bad intentions towards him.

  If he dies, he will die. He can recruit candidates from the remaining dark elves who are willing to accept the deal.

  (End of chapter)

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