104. Chapter 104 Why is it you?

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  Chapter 104 Why is it you?

  That night, the main living room on the second floor of the Endless Tower.

  Anya stood beside the newly laid floor, feeling a little complicated.

  In the end, she still chose to live in this room...

  When Ganouen asked her to live in this room, she refused.

  "You just promised not to touch me, and now you've revealed your true nature?" At that time, she stared at Ganouen with a wary face and raised her voice, "I will never live in that room! Absolutely!" "Don't be nervous

  . I didn’t say I’d sleep with you, I usually sleep underground.” Ganouen said.

  "Then I don't want it either!" Anya muttered.

  That room left her with a memory that could be described as a psychological shadow. Although Ganouen claimed that nothing like that happened between them, she had not yet confirmed it.

  In comparison, she would rather sleep in the dungeon, the conditions were almost the same...

  But then she suddenly thought of something: "Wait a minute, where did you just say you sleep?"

  "The cellar." Ganon answered.

  "Is it close to... the dungeon?" Anya asked cautiously.

  "It's all on the underground floor anyway." Ganon replied.

  Anya suddenly felt a sense of crisis. The sleeping dungeon was actually closer to the giant dragon!
  Although that room left a psychological shadow on her, this dragon was the source of the psychological shadow!
  After much deliberation, she finally chose to sleep in the tower owner's room, and then made an extra bunk on the floor.

  When she went to take a shower, she made a tentative confirmation.

  "I actually didn't touch it..." Lying on the floor, she clutched her belly and muttered to herself.

  Since that image was staged, could it be said that this red dragon actually does not have that kind of hobby against humanoid creatures?
  But that's not right. How should the two princesses explain it?

  Especially the white-skinned elf. She was trained by the red dragon, but it was important information that the "maze" spied out from the elf palace.

  This information must be true, otherwise there would be no explanation for Mu Xia's betrothal of the princess to a red dragon.

  Comparing the information obtained in the past, the white-skinned princess was known for her elegance and dignity in the past. She was a model for those white-skinned elves who like to put on airs. She was known as the princess among princesses.

  But when I saw her in this tower, the princess had completely fallen to the red dragon.

  Speaking of which, her miserable state that day was actually caused by that elf?

  To be honest, this is still a bit ridiculous to think about...

  Moreover, if the dragon can be interested in those two princesses, there is no reason why he has not had thoughts about her. In terms of charm, it was absolutely impossible for Anya to admit that she was inferior to those two princesses.

  Even if it really hasn't been touched, there's no guarantee that the other party hasn't done anything outrageous...

  You can't let down your guard against that red dragon, Anya, you can't believe everything he says!
  If you think back to what you learned in the "maze", you may have fallen into the red dragon's training technique now.

  Anya kept reminding herself in her mind.

  She once learned in the "Maze" that to train a person who has a strong sense of resistance and refuses to accept hard and soft words, using the most radical coercion and inducement all at once is actually the last resort.

  The correct approach is to find out the other party's bottom line, first make a simple small request that is above the other party's bottom line, and promise a little favor until the other party compromises.

  When the other party takes the first step to compromise, the other party's bottom line also lowers. Then take the opportunity to gradually increase the requirements and the favors given. Repeatedly, increasing the pressure layer by layer, the goal gradually breaks through its own limits through compromises, and finally slides into the abyss of depravity.

  Many times people can be alert and respond to huge threats, but they are very slow to deal with situations that gradually become dangerous. By the time they notice it, it is too late.

  Just like the frog that was boiled to death in warm water in a fable whose origin and authenticity are unknown.

  Maybe this red dragon is practicing this theory on her!
  The red dragon allowed her to choose to commit suicide when she couldn't accept the conditions. To a certain extent, it was paralyzing her.

  Of course she couldn't easily choose to take her own life, so Red Dragon gradually found out her limits and made some demands that were excessive but not so much that she would rather die.

  For example, let her wear some shameful clothes...

  and then after she compromises on this request and gradually gets used to it, the red dragon's request will be upgraded, and at the same time, it will give some small favors, gradually making her abandon her original reserve and temperament. Shame, in the end -

  Anya didn't dare to think about it anymore.

  She realized that she had to set a limit that she could never compromise on. If the red dragon touched this limit, she would rather die than obey.

  Thinking that she might be trained to have the same virtues as that white-skinned princess, she got goosebumps on the spot - it would be better to die!
  Calm down first. If the red dragon wants to engage in a cyclical and gradual process, then at least the other party will not go too far in the early stage. Things like tonight's night attack will not happen after all. Don't do it yourself.

  Let's take a good rest first, and then think about tomorrow's countermeasures after the condition has recovered.

  With this thought in mind, she lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and prepared to recharge her batteries first.

  At this moment, there was a strange noise from the door lock of the room.

  Anya opened her eyes suddenly in the darkness, with a bit of fear in her eyes.

  She locked the door after entering the room, and the sound meant that someone pulled the handle from outside.

  Someone is trying to enter this room! !

  She quickly turned over and took a stance facing the door, her whole body tensing up.

  What a joke, this liar red dragon couldn't help but attack at night on the first day! ?
  What to do, this is his room, he must know how to unlock it!
  Anya suddenly became at a loss.

  At the same time, Isbell outside the door was also confused: "Strange, why is it locked?"

  Living in this tower, she had a special hobby, which was to sneak into Ganouen's room in the middle of the night. sleep.

  Ganon usually slept in the cellar at night, but occasionally during the day, he might take a nap in this room after staying in the study.

  Isabel likes this bed that Ganon has slept on occasionally. It doesn’t mean that she has to do anything extraordinary in this bed. Just rolling around on it and smelling the smell can make her feel very happy. .

  She herself feels that this stalker-like behavior towards the person she likes is still a bit abnormal.

  But...what the heck!

  Today, the door is locked.

  Ganon actually slept in the room on the second floor tonight? Isabel thought naturally.

  If Ganouen really fell asleep in this room, she would have no choice but to leave quietly. She had already experienced Ganouen's anger when he got up, and she had somewhat learned from it.

  However, just after she tried to open the door, she heard a little movement in the room.

  Ganon seems to be awake!
  Hey, could it be that... Ganon was waiting for her specifically today?

  As soon as this idea came up, Isabel's eyes suddenly lit up.

  This day has finally arrived!

  What should I do? I have to be mentally prepared! Isabel paced nervously back and forth in front of the door.

  In the room, Anya's heart went off when she heard the pacing. She didn't know whether the red dragon outside was considering breaking in or sneaking in quietly after she fell asleep.

  Isabel, who was outside the door, quickly prepared herself mentally. She put her hands in front of her mouth and said towards the crack of the door: "I'm coming for a night attack. Open the door!"

  Anya, who heard her voice in the room, was stunned, and she recognized whose voice it was.

  Night attack? What is this white-skinned elf doing?

  Anya frowned tightly, thinking about it, she strode over and opened the door.

  The moment the door opened, the expectant Isbell and the frowning Anya met their eyes.

  "Why is it you?"

  "Why is it you?"

  Isabel looked stunned, Anya looked sullen, and they both said in unison.

  "What are you doing in his room?"

  "What are you doing in his room?"

  They both spoke at the same time.

  ""Answer my question first! ! ""

  Again in unison.

  Isabel's eyes also became sharp. The elf princess and the former heir of the dark elf family stared at each other, sparks flying.

  "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in the dungeon now? Why are you here?" Isabel stared at the other person and asked.

  "What does it matter to you where I sleep wherever I like? In short, he allowed me to sleep in this room, and you have no control over it!" Anya snorted coldly.

  "He asked you to clean up and wait for him in this room?" Isabel gasped.

  "I didn't say that!!" Anya corrected loudly with her eyes wide open.

  But Isabel didn't listen to her words at all, and was lost in thought.

  Is this dark elf trying to seduce Ganon with his beauty again?

  "It is a dark elf after all..." Isabel said to herself.

  After washing some works, she already has a different understanding of the dark elves as a race. She believes that if the dark elves can create such works, there must be people who have the same "hobbies" as her deeply rooted in their hearts. people.

  "You'd better not be thinking of something that makes me want to beat you up!" Anya vaguely sensed something was wrong.

  Isbell looked up again and looked at Anya. Anya was surprised to find that the hostility in the other person's eyes had disappeared, and instead there was an...inexplicable sense of intimacy.

  Anya suddenly got goosebumps all over her body. For some reason, at this moment, she thought of the kind of smile Angst often showed her, which made her very uncomfortable.

  "Okay, if you are waiting for Gano'en to favor you, I won't stop you. But I want to watch from the side, and it's best if you let me get involved." Isabel said to Anya seriously, and tried to Lift your hand and place it on the other person's shoulder.

  "What the hell are you talking about!?" Anya waved away Isabel's hand. At this moment, she suddenly remembered what Ganon mentioned, "By the way, that day-" "You two,

  Master I have noticed the movement here." The golem suddenly appeared in the corridor and persuaded the two of them, "If you don't want to experience his anger..." At the same time,

  a low roar came from the bottom of the tower.

  "...Please stop here." Steward Shitou continued in a calm voice.

  Anya and Isabel were silent at the same time.

  Afterwards, Anya glared at Isbell fiercely, and then closed the door directly.

  (End of chapter)

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