101. Chapter 101 Invisible Cloak

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  Chapter 101: Invisible Cloak
  Multi-casting - As a mage at the pinnacle of the extraordinary realm, Dolan Siloni can cast two or three spells at the same time.

  As early as when she rushed out of the tower, she had already been preparing this large spell and waiting to attack the red dragon at the right time.

  The center of the thundercloud whirlpool was like the muzzle of a gun ready to fire. The thunder turned into a beam of light connecting the sky and the earth and flashed through Ganoen. The deafening thunder could be heard in Longkou Fortress and Muqiu Walled City.

  Dorancelone climbed higher, but not completely away from Garnorn.

  Such a blow, as long as it is not immune to thunder and lightning, even the ancient dragon will suffer some damage.

  If this attack could successfully injure the red dragon, she wouldn't have to run away and could subdue the opponent in turn.

  At the same time as the lightning flashed, a golden light flashed. Ganon switched into the form of the Holy Dragon of Light at that moment, and also summoned the power of "Guardian", blocking Dolan Siloni's full power without any harm. one strike.

  I am done.

  Anya, who was caught in the claws of Doranceloni, looked at this scene and thought to herself.

  He was held hostage and sandwiched between two fighting dragons, dying in minutes.

  But now she was at an altitude of more than 100 meters, and her body was paralyzed by the electric shock. She was completely inoperable and had no chance to get out of this situation.

  Ganon once again summoned the defensive spell of the Endless Tower, this time he summoned "Seraph Wings".

  Different from when Lucio fought, the Endless Tower now has a very sufficient magic power reserve. At least in this battle, he can use those defensive spells as much as he wants.

  A huge light ball suddenly appeared directly above the Endless Tower. Based on the light ball, three pairs of light-cast wings stretched out, shooting out dazzling bright light.

  If you look directly at such a strong light without warning, your eyes will temporarily enter a glare state and be unable to see. If you look at it for a few seconds longer, you may even become permanently blind.

  But it takes time for the Endless Tower to summon the spell. When the ball of light appeared first, Dolan Siloni judged the effect of the spell based on her knowledge of the spell, reacted in time, and turned around. He turned his back to the Endless Tower and accelerated his flight, letting the scorching light hit him from behind.

  Ganon knew that Dolan Siloni would most likely be able to react in time, and the effect he wanted was just to block the opponent's view towards the Endless Tower.

  Dolan Siloni couldn't turn around to confirm his position now, so she couldn't predict where his attack would come from.

  Ganon flapped his wings and chased after Doranceloni. While Dolanceloni used wind magic to accelerate herself, she also summoned strong winds behind to hinder his pursuit.

  While he disappeared from Dolan Siloni's sight, Ganon rose a little higher this time, bypassed the wind wall summoned by Dolan Siloni, and closed the distance from the opponent's rear and upper side.

  At the same time, the ring of the Angel of Judgment once again appeared on the side of the Endless Tower, and the raging pillar of fire aimed at Dolan Siloni and sprayed it.

  With the "Seraph Wings" blocking the field of vision, Ganon believed that the opponent would not be able to escape this time.

  However, this time, Dolan Siloni seemed to have eyes behind her back. At the moment when the pillar of fire flashed, she controlled the storm to flip herself in the air, barely avoiding the direct attack of the sky fire.

  A mage like Dolan Siloni can control the flow of surrounding elements to a certain extent. The larger the elemental disturbance, the easier it is to sense it. A powerful spell like the Ring of Judgment Angel, she can't even see it. You can roughly sense the direction of the attack even if you don't touch it.

  Ganon didn't understand the principle, but he realized that Dolan Siloni seemed to have some way of sensing such long-range attacks other than vision.

  He immediately changed his strategy, gave up on the breath he had been brewing, and flew towards Dolan Siloni with all his strength.

  Dolan Siloni flew several kilometers without any attacks coming from behind, and she suddenly felt uneasy.

  Then, she suddenly felt the breath of the red dragon - very close, almost on her back! !

  Ganon chose to give up unnecessary attack methods, and used all his strength to close the distance from the blind corner of the field of vision, forcing the battle into melee combat!
  In desperation, Dolan Siloni summoned a spider web woven with electric arcs from behind to try to stop Ganon. This was one of her rare magics that could be cast instantly.

  But Ganon summoned the power of "Guardian" at this moment. With the holy armor on his body, he rushed directly towards the torn electric grid and grabbed the roots of Dolan Siloni's wings with his claws.

  The dragon's claws pierced the blue dragon's scales, and the severe pain that almost tore off its wings made Dolan Silonie wail.

  Ganon restrained Dolan Siloni and bit her opponent's neck. Given their physical difference, this one bite was enough to cause fatal injuries!
  However, this time Ganon bit the air, and his teeth and upper and lower jaws passed through Dolan Siloni's neck, but did not touch any entity, like penetrating a shadow.

  At the same time, Ganon's claws were also empty, and Dolan Siloni's entire body lost its entity and quickly became transparent.

  Invisible Cloak - At the critical moment of life and death, Dolan Sloane was forced to use this artifact.

  Anya felt that the dragon claws wrapped around her were suddenly empty, and the feeling of weightlessness suddenly invaded her whole body, causing her to gasp.

  She penetrated Dolan Siloni's claws and fell from a height of several hundred meters.

  Dolan Siloni ignored her. Giving up Anya was not what she wanted, but in this situation she could only worry about saving her life from Ganon.

  Using an invisible cloak is actually a life-threatening act. The side effect of the invisible cloak is that a certain part of the user's body loses its function for about two to three minutes.

  If the price happens to be a life-critical part, the user may die on the spot. The powerful vitality of the real dragon can make Dolan Siloni bear more costs, but if she is unlucky, she may still die.

  During her first adventure with the Invisibility Cloak, she temporarily lost sight of her left eye.

  But this time, luck was on her side.

  She suddenly couldn't feel her wings - the invisible cloak made her broken wings temporarily useless. This did not have a big impact on her. She had always relied on elemental magic to fly.

  Like a ghost, she penetrated Ganon's body and climbed up, and at the same time she began to cast spells:
  "Invisible things, gather a little!!"

  Ganon couldn't see the transparent Dolan Siloni, and he hurriedly retrieved it in his consciousness. [Watcher] finally found the invisible Dolan Siloni.

  [Watcher] has the same personality as the Invisible Cloak. The unit invisible by the Invisible Cloak sneaks in from the outside, and the Watcher cannot detect it immediately. But correspondingly, if the watcher locks it in advance, the concealment effect of the invisible cloak will be seen through.

  Ganorn turned upwards and rushed towards Doranthrone.

  At this moment, Dolan Siloni temporarily released her intangible state, and the surrounding atmosphere once again gathered and compressed between her and Ganon, turning into a bomb of air.

  Dolan Siloni detonated magic again, and the shock wave pushed her upwards to accelerate, while also pushing Ganon downwards.

  Anya feebly fell freely in the air, laughing at herself in her heart: "Oh, I am really 'free' now."

  Damn it, after all the calculations, she ended up dying so cowardly.

  "I really envy you, Angest. You can live only for yourself. If only I could be as strong as you..."

  With a bit of regret, Anya waited for the last moment to come.

  At this time, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the huge figure of the red dragon from the corner of her eyes. With a bit of surprise, she turned her eyes and looked over.

  Ganoun, who was blown down by Dolan Siloni's "air bomb", happened to catch up with her as she fell.

  Ganon also noticed her, and Anya was just within his reach.

  He flipped his body in the air, adjusted his posture, and easily grabbed Anya.

  "This..." Anya, who was unable to move, could not react at all.

  Ganon grabbed her with a very rough technique, causing her to spin for a while, and with the impact that penetrated her body, she, who was already extremely weak from the electric shock, lost consciousness on the spot.

  Ganon continued to chase Dorancelone, but at this time Dolanceloni had already escaped to the edge of the [Watcher] surveillance range.

  He opened his mouth to spit out dragon flame bullets, but Dolan Siloni dodged them.

  The moment Dolan Sloane passed through the surveillance range of the [Watcher], the invisible cloak made her completely disappear.

  It's really troublesome to let her escape...

  There's no point in chasing her out anymore. With that artifact combined with Dolan Siloni's spellcasting ability, it would be difficult to catch the opponent if she runs away with all her strength.

  The dark elves of Nitrilan...Doranthrone...and the Dragon's Lair hidden behind them.

  Just as the elf prince Lampard warned before, since the battle of Muxia, more and more people and forces are eyeing him.

  To gain a foothold in this world, intelligence is crucial to him.

  Thinking this, his eyes fell on Anya, who was unconscious in his paws.

  (End of chapter)

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