100. Chapter 100 Dragon Mage

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  Chapter 100 Dragon Mage

  "Sure enough, you are the 'Mr. Messenger' hiding behind them." Ganon stared at Dolan Siloni to confirm.

  He found that he was not very surprised by this conclusion.

  There weren't many candidates for the force that could secretly use intimidation to make the entire Nitrilan bow. When he saw the mixed force of various races, Ganon realized that this force was probably Doranslo. The Fenglong Order that Ni had mentioned to him before.

  The Dragon's Ascension Lair with three ancient dragons is indeed enough to make Nitrilan's dark elves their vassals.

  So it is natural that the "messenger" who has been in contact with the dark elves is Dolan Siloni, who manages the Dragon Order.

  When he discovered that Anya had turned against the enemy and attacked the troops of the Fenglong Order, Ganon thought that his plan to uncover the envoy would probably fail. However, he had already guessed about the forces behind the dark elves, so it was not without gain.

  In the end, Dolan Siloni still appeared in front of him in this way.

  "The matter has come to an end, and I won't beat around the bush, Helganon." Dolan Siloni stared at Ganon and said coldly, "This is my last invitation to you, join us!" "What you want

  . It's not me, but the power in my hand, right?" Ganon's eyes focused on the book of authority in Dolan Siloni's hand.

  Anya Nightblade didn't focus on him at first. The reason why she took action against him was because of Dorancelone's order. Doranceloni's target was also the Book of Permissions.

  "I do want your power, but I am also somewhat interested in you. You are a special dragon, and it would be a pity to kill you like this." Dolan Siloni said seriously.

  The summoned glorious holy swords were still suspended in the hall, each one aimed at Ganon.

  "Are you going to kill me if I don't agree this time?" Ganon asked calmly.

  "Having already reached this point, I don't plan to wait for you to find an opportunity to retaliate against me in the future." Dolan Siloni replied.

  "Then I still refuse." Ganouen responded without much thought.

  "That's it..." Dorancelony sighed, as if she really felt sorry for having to kill the other party.

  Helganorn is the only dragon she has ever seen who is truly willing to get along with humanoids. For her, who has been exploring how dragons and humans should coexist, this red dragon is a precious sample. .

  But now she has offended the other party so much. If she lets him go, the red dragon will come back to take revenge on her sooner or later.

  Rather, the red dragon now looks ready to go.

  The ferocious dragon power suddenly burst out from Ganon's body, causing the dark elves present to subconsciously hold their breath.

  "Do it!!" Dolan Siloni suddenly roared. At the same time, she held the book of authority and began to drive the suspended glorious holy swords.

  Those dark elves did not dare to neglect, and immediately aimed at the red dragon and fired arrows made of mithril.

  While Dolan Siloni was roaring, Zhenna had already rushed forward, raised the secondary artifact and summoned a huge light-cast holy shield, covering the front of Ganon.

  The moment the Holy Shield appeared, not only Dolan Siloni, but also Anya, who was held hostage by her, noticed a problem.

  A holy shield of that size may be able to withstand the mithril arrows of the dark elves, but it cannot stop these huge holy light swords.

  Those arrows didn't matter at all. Even if they hit the red dragon, they would only cause a little skin trauma. Those brilliant holy swords aimed at the red dragon at close range were the real killing moves, but Ganon looked indifferent.

  The arrows made of mithril hit the holy shield and bounced away with a clanging sound. Isabel, who was hiding behind, took the opportunity to draw her short bow, looked for an angle and fired two arcane arrows, killing two people on the spot. Dark Elf.

  And those glorious holy swords still hovered motionless in the air.

  There is indeed a problem!
  Dolan Siloni's heart felt empty. When she just took the Book of Authority from Anya's hand, she could still clearly feel that she could control the glorious holy swords that had been summoned.

  But the moment she manipulated the glorious holy swords to attack Ganon, these holy swords suddenly lost their response to her.

  Dolan Siloni glanced at the Book of Permissions in her hand, and suddenly found that the Book of Permissions in her hand was suddenly wrapped in a ball of heatless flames, and then gradually dissipated with the flames like a phantom.

  "I guess you are looking for this!" Ganon said, and the real book of authority suddenly appeared in his hand.

  As the tower owner who coexists with the Endless Tower, his existence itself is the real book of authority. He can take back the power of attorney in the hands of Anya and Dolan Siloni at any time.

  His identity as the owner of the Endless Tower cannot be easily taken away. This is the price of his symbiosis with the Endless Tower.

  "Damn it, I was deceived from the beginning!" Anya finally realized that she had really fallen into the red dragon's trap.

  And Dolan Siloni finally understood that the power held by the red dragon was actually beyond their knowledge. It was completely wrong to use their common sense to conclude that "that book is an artifact"!

  Under Ganon's control, those glorious holy swords suddenly flew into the air, turning around and flying in the direction of Dolan Siloni.

  It was impossible for Dolan Siloni to withstand such an attack. She grabbed Anya and turned around and rushed towards the wall of the hall. There was a burst of lightning and thunder, and her body suddenly swelled up and turned into a dragon shape.

  The Holy Sword originally surrounded Ganouen and was still some distance away from her, which gave her time to react.

  She crashed into the thick wall of the Endless Tower. The wall suddenly became loose and soft under her spell, like a randomly built earth wall. A huge hole opened on the spot under her impact.

  She rushed out of the Endless Tower as easily as she broke through a layer of paper. A strong wind immediately enveloped her body and carried her straight up into the sky.

  Since the Book of Authority cannot be taken, it would be overwhelmingly disadvantageous to fight Helganorn here. The most important thing she should do now is to retreat and leave with Anya - Anya Nightblade, as the heir to the Nightblade family, is very interested in her. There is still value for use.

  The holy swords did not catch up with her, and Ganon retracted the holy swords in time to prevent them from causing further damage to the tower walls.

  Casting spells is so fast. Ganouen commented in his mind.

  "Catch the remaining dark elves!" After Ganon handed over the task of handling the scene to Zhenna, Isabel and Stone, he turned around and rushed out of the tower from the entrance.

  As soon as he reached the outside, flames burst out from his body. He transformed into a dragon shape in the fire, flapped his wings and flew up, chasing after Dolan Siloni who had already taken off.

  A ring of Judgment Angel flashed on the side of the Endless Tower, and a pillar of fire was erupted aiming at Dolan Sloni's liftoff route.

  Dorancelone had seen the ring of angels a long time ago and quickly turned away, as the pillar of skyfire passed over her.

  Ganon knew from the beginning that the Ring of Judgment Angel would not be able to hit the flying Dolan Siloni.

  The forward movement time of the Endless Tower to summon large-scale spells is too long. For an existence that can fly flexibly in the air, it is not difficult to avoid it.

  His purpose was just to hinder Dolan Siloni's flight path. When Dolan Siloni deflected her direction, her flight speed dropped significantly, and Ganon took the opportunity to close the distance.

  "The Lord of all things gives birth to thousands of living beings in his womb!"

  After Ganouen silently recited the hymn to "The Lord", his body suddenly grew to the level of old age.

  His whole body burst into flames, and under his will, it turned into a fireball and flew towards Dolan Sloni, blocking the opponent's possible dodge route. At the same time, he opened his mouth and continuously spit out dragon flame bullets to snipe the flying targets. Dolan Sloane.

  Dolan Siloni was tired of dodging, and just as a dragon flame bullet was about to hit her body, she suddenly roared, and fired a dazzling arc of electricity from the horn on her forehead to hit her with the dragon flame bullet. Fire bombs exploded in mid-air.

  Ganon immediately realized that it was elemental magic, not the blue dragon's ability.

  A blue dragon that has grown into its prime can temporarily electrify the scales on its body, while an old blue dragon can also fire an additional thunderbolt from its horns in addition to breathing.

  Dolan Siloni is just the growth progress of an adult blue dragon, and of course cannot achieve this kind of spell-like effect based on racial talent.

  What she just cast was purely an elemental spell. With blue dragon blood, she has unique talents in learning and casting lightning magic.

  Moreover, Ganon deliberately controlled the distance. The flames he released at this distance could hit Dolan Siloni, but the lightning breath of a mere adult blue dragon could hardly cause damage to him at this distance.

  But the power and distance of the spells cast by Dolan Siloni far exceeded her breath.

  Dragons have the talent to learn spells, but young dragons rarely do so. This is not only because the knowledge of spells is difficult to obtain and the dragons themselves are lazy, but more importantly, the benefits of ordinary dragons from practicing spells in the early stage are far less than His natural strength and spell-casting ability need to be accumulated.

  Dolan Sloane obviously put a lot of effort into learning magic.

  Dolan Siloni successfully dealt with the wave of breath, but at this time Ganouen had taken the opportunity to close the distance to less than twenty meters.

  For Dolan Siloni, close combat, especially hand-to-hand combat, would undoubtedly be an overwhelming disadvantage for her.

  "Invisible things, converge at one point!" Dolan Siloni suddenly chanted quickly.

  Ganon clearly felt that the surrounding atmosphere quickly gathered towards a point between him and Dolan Siloni, compressing into a transparent sphere.

  A bomb made of compressed air.

  Then, Dolan Sloane detonated it.

  The turbulent airflow exploded, and the shock wave spread in all directions. Although it did not cause harm to Ganouen, it obviously hindered Ganouen's progress.

  Dolan Siloni, on the other hand, took advantage of the shock wave and instantly accelerated, once again distancing herself from Ganon.

  Then do it again!
  Ganon was about to retrieve the Ring of Judgment Angel. He noticed something was wrong and looked up at the sky.

  A large group of swirling thunderclouds had gathered directly above him at some point.

  (End of chapter)

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