Chapter 95 Bipedal Flying Dragon II

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  Chapter 95 The two-legged flying dragon II

  's archery soldiers are not weak. The longbows they use are very powerful. They also use fine steel arrows that are sharpened.

  Although the wyvern's skin is tough, it cannot be hard-wired. Even if it doesn't penetrate deeply into the flesh, being hit by dozens of arrows will cause severe blood loss.

  The flying dragon hurriedly used the stone skin technique, and its soft skin turned into stone, blocking the incoming arrows.

  In Dawn Continent, even the legendary professionals do not dare to fight against a large-scale army.

  Just as he blocked a round of feather arrows, a dozen javelins suddenly shot towards him.

  Stoneskin's ability to withstand blows was limited. After being hit by dozens of arrows and more than a dozen javelins in succession, the magic effect dissipated immediately.

  The two-legged flying dragon endured severe pain and struggled to fly, but was pulled by more than a dozen flying claws, and its skin and flesh were torn apart.

  Under the severe pain, the bipedal flying dragon became furious and flapped its wings with all its strength, trying to fly into the sky with more than a dozen people.

  Although the soldiers were scared, they held on to the rope tightly. Prevents the wyvern from flying high into the sky.

  They didn't let go, dragging more than a dozen people with them, and the flying dragon couldn't fly at all.

  Martin and Marcus were very brave. They jumped up high with long swords and struck at the wings of the flying dragon.

  The wyvern turned around desperately, flicked its tail hard, and hit Marcus hard.

  Marcus immediately flew more than ten meters away and hit the trunk of a tree hard. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his throat.

  In this battle, Sophia was not around, and Richard's mental energy was exhausted, and he could no longer use healing techniques on him.

  Marcus suffered internal injuries and couldn't get up for a while.

  However, Martin hit a fatal sword, which almost cut off the wings of the flying dragon.

  A wound more than five feet long was left, with only a few bones left to connect it.

  Although the battle was short, the flying dragon had already released multiple magic spells, and its mental energy was also exhausted.

  At this moment, its wings were almost cut off by Martin, and the flying dragon hated Martin to the extreme. It opened its mouth wide, turned its head, and bit into Martin's head.

  Martin couldn't dodge in the air. He saw the wyvern opening its mouth and biting him, and even smelled the stench of the carrion residue in the wyvern's mouth.

  At this moment, his thinking was very clear, and his life's memories appeared in front of him like watching a movie.

  The wyvern's teeth were close to Martin's head. He let out a loud cry and closed his eyes suddenly.

  Martin had closed his eyes and waited for death, and a rope was suddenly wrapped around his waist.

  With a strong pull on the rope, Martin immediately stepped back a few meters, avoiding certain death.

  It was his comrade-in-arms deputy squadron leader Julian who rescued Martin.

  Julian rescued Martin, and Alves and Jennings moved forward bravely.

  Alves held a two-handed giant ax, jumped up high, and struck hard at the back of the flying dragon.

  Jennings also used his two-handed heavy sword to slash the left leg of the flying dragon.

  At the same time, a dozen soldiers threw nooses and entangled the flying dragon.

  The soldiers using the flying claws also tried their best to pull the flying dragon to prevent it from moving.

  The bipedal flying dragon used its intact wings to hit Alves hard. Alves turned his palm and turned the vertical slash into a horizontal slash.

  The giant ax in both hands struck the wings of the flying dragon.

  Because the power was transformed in a hurry, the power was not very strong, leaving only a shallow wound on the fleshy wings of the flying dragon.

  The wyvern stretched out its sharp claws and clawed at Alves' chest. The wyvern's claws were so sharp that they tore apart the chain armor worn by Alves in an instant. Fortunately, he was a mid-level officer, and he also wore a snake-like human scale armor inside the chainmail.

  Seeing that his life was in danger, Alves was horrified and hurriedly channeled his fighting energy into the enchanted armor. The

  snake scale armor sent a force, blocking the two-legged flying dragon.

  Seeing that the wyvern continued to exert force and that Alves' life was in danger, a dozen soldiers pulled the rope hard, pulling the wyvern staggering around.

  Jennings seized the opportunity and cut off one leg of the flying dragon with a fierce sword.

  After Julian rescued Martin, he stabbed the wyvern in the eye with a spear.

  An adult flying dragon is a seventh-level monster, which is equivalent to 32,000 experience points.

  Seeing that the huge amount of experience points was about to fly away, Richard shouted: "Stop, leave the flying dragon to me!"

  He endured the mental fatigue, gritted his teeth, held the heavy sword in both hands, and ran frantically for more than ten meters. . He suddenly squeezed away the stunned Julian, slashed at the neck of the flying dragon with a sword, and cut off the flying dragon's head.

  "Kill the seventh-level monster, the flying dragon, and you will be rewarded with 32,000 experience points."

  Although he was very tired mentally, Richard had no time to increase his experience, so he shouted anxiously: "Who has the bottle? Get the dragon marrow quickly."

  The monster with dragon bloodline , dragon marrow fluid is usually secreted from the glands.

  Hibernating monsters will secrete dragon marrow liquid in spring, and wyverns do not have the habit of hibernating. Except for pregnant and lactating female animals, dragon marrow liquid can be extracted at any time.

  Dragon Marrow Liquid is of extraordinary value to Dragon Vein Knights.

  There are indeed some dragon knights in the Grant Kingdom.

  Duke Jonathan's family was once the royal family of Grand Duke Stanik, and their family was a pure-blood dragon family.

  This family has a tradition of intermarriage, and marriages between brothers and sisters, aunts and nephews, and uncles and nieces are very common.

  Although some children with disabilities, dementia, and deformities were born.

  But there are also normal children. These normal children have very high blood purity. This family has no shortage of legends from generation to generation, and their strength is extraordinary.

  After the Jonathan family lost their throne, they came to Grant Kingdom to take refuge.

  The head of the Jonathan family of that generation broke with tradition, suppressed the opposition within the family, and married into the Grant noble family.

  In that era, in order to obtain the blood of dragon knights, major families had to pay a large price to marry fools, dementia, disabled, and deformed children from the Jonathan family.

  For this reason, the Dragon Knight bloodline spread in large numbers in the Grant Kingdom.

  Richard took the bottle handed over by the soldier and took the dragon marrow liquid from the head of the flying dragon.

  Not only the dragon marrow liquid is valuable on the two-legged flying dragon.

  The subdragon skin on the wyvern can not only be used to make magic equipment, but also enchanted leather armor. It is very soft to wear next to the body, and its defensive power is much better than that of snake scale armor.

  Dragon tendons can be made into bow strings, and combined with magic materials, an enchanted bow can be made.

  In addition, the magic core in the heart is also very valuable. The seventh-level magic core is a high-level energy source that magicians like. It can barely be used to build element pools and magic towers.

  In the West Coast Magic Empire, seventh-level magic cores are already high-level strategic resources.

  In addition, the viscera and blood of the flying dragon can be used to refine the Tenghui potion, and the effect is better than the one Sophia used to refine with rhinoceros materials.

  Unfortunately, the battle was so fierce that more than half of the flying dragon's blood was lost.

  Even the meat of the flying dragon can strengthen the body and speed up the practice of breathing techniques.

  (End of chapter)

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