Chapter 96 Promoted to the fourth level

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  Chapter 96: Promoted to the fourth level,
  killed the flying dragon, and carefully handled the materials on the flying dragon.

  Richard is not going to sell the magic core of the flying dragon. The seventh-level magic core can not only be used as energy to build the mage tower, but also can be used to replenish magic power. In a state of war, the magician's magic power can be restored in advance, which can sometimes be the difference between life and death.

  Although the dragon skin is a bit damaged, it can still be cut to produce several pieces of enchanted leather armor. Richard planned to leave these enchanted leather armors for important members of the Harland family to wear.

  The viscera and brain of Warcraft can be used to refine Tenghui potion. The higher the level of Warcraft, the better the effect of the potion will be.

  Sophia is good at refining Tenghui potions. Once this batch of Tenghui potions is refined, the territory will be able to cultivate a few more professional officers.

  Richard planned to share some of the Warcraft Meat with the soldiers and officers participating in the war, and the remaining bit would be given as gifts to the mid-level and senior officers and heavyweight civil servants in the Harland Territory, so that they could have a taste of it.

  For the most valuable dragon marrow liquid, Richard was going to exchange it with Duke Jonathan.

  Father William has been a sixth-level professional for more than five years and has accumulated rich experience at this stage.

  If the dragon marrow liquid can be used in exchange for high-level potions, it can help William break through, which is very cost-effective for the Harland family.

  After processing the materials on the flying dragon, Frank led the refugees to put out the mountain fire.

  "How are the casualties among the soldiers?"

  "Twelve of the Third Squadron were killed in action and eleven were burned by fire."

  Julian went forward to report: "Two of the First Squadron were killed in action and six were burned by fire. The new number seven One person in the squadron was killed and nine were burned by fire. Squadron leader Marcus suffered internal injuries and has been in a coma for some time." "Is Marcus

  seriously injured?"

  Julian nodded and said, "It's probably internal bleeding, not necessarily. Know if you can insist on returning to the territory and wait for the magician to treat you. From my experience, it may be life-threatening."

  "My mental energy is exhausted and I cannot release the healing technique. Julian, ride on my horse and immediately go to Fort William to find Wendy. After you find her, ask her to rush back with you and try to buy as much time as possible." Suddenly

  Li Cha remembered that he still had a lot of experience and could improve his level as a magician.

  He immediately opened the attribute panel and added 27,000 experience points to the Highland Meditation Method.

  The attribute panel suddenly changed. The Highland Meditation Technique was upgraded to the seventh level, and the mental power also increased by 3 points.

  Richard felt warm all over his body and felt a little better mentally. According to his estimation, half of his mental strength should have been recovered.

  I didn't expect that upgrading would have such benefits. If you save experience points and advance after exhausting your energy during battle, it would be equivalent to carrying five more mental power recovery potions.

  As soon as his mental power was restored, Richard immediately ran to Marcus and put ten points of his mental power into a spell to treat minor injuries.

  With Marcus's current physical condition, the effect of powerful treatment of minor injuries is far better than ten ordinary treatments of minor injuries.

  It consumes ten points of spiritual power, and the therapeutic effect of the powerful spell is much better than that of four-ring magic to treat serious injuries.

  After the spell was released, Richard suddenly felt dizzy.

  After draining his mental energy twice, Richard immediately felt a strong sense of vomiting.

  In an instant, he fell to the ground in a panic, closed his eyes, and lost consciousness.

  Richard fell into a coma, but after the healing spell was released, Marcus' liver stopped bleeding immediately. Although he hasn't woken up yet, his condition immediately improved a lot and he no longer felt like his life was in danger.

  Richard saved a man from a coma and touched countless recruits of the 7th Squadron.

  In the Dawn Continent, there are very few people in high positions who are willing to pay and sacrifice for their subordinates.

  Especially noble lords are often extremely selfish.

  When Richard met Marcus for the first time, he was willing to exhaust all his mental energy for him, even to the point of falling into coma. Following such a lord, the soldiers' confidence increased even though they had just joined the territory.

  After everyone walked for a long time, they were about ten kilometers away from Fort William. Julian rode a wildebeest and brought Wendy to Richard's side.

  Seeing Richard sleeping on the horse, Wendy looked sad. She found that Richard was breathing evenly and it seemed that his life was not in danger, so she burst into tears and laughed. After finding that Richard was not in danger, Wendy released the therapeutic light for Marcus. Wound spell.

  Wendy is a second-level magician with about twelve points of mental power.

  Twelve points of mental power can release six spells to treat minor injuries.

  Wendy then treated the four seriously injured people, stabilized their injuries, and carefully took care of Richard back to Fort William.

  When Richard woke up, he had been sleeping for two days.

  Yesterday, Sophia received the news and rushed to Fort William. She is a five-ring magician and she also carries equipment to increase her spiritual power.

  Under her treatment, most of the seriously injured people survived.

  Marcus also woke up successfully and his life was no longer in danger.

  Marcus burst into tears when he heard that Richard was still in a coma after trying to save him.

  Unlike the others, Marcus was held captive by the orcs for only a few months.

  He is the deputy captain of the Flying Eagle Legion. Compared with the main army, the second-line army has slightly lower requirements.

  Senior officers with third-level strength can be promoted to the first-level corps of a brigade.

  The deputy captain is already considered a mid-level officer in the legion. In normal times, you can contact the senior commanders of the legion.

  But when faced with danger, the senior officers of the Flying Eagle Legion actually asked them to die voluntarily in exchange for a small chance of survival.

  Marcus was also in tears at that moment.

  After the defeat, Marcus became a slave, and the orcs also conducted blood experiments on him.

  Taking advantage of the defeat of the orcs and the massive rebellion of human slaves, Frank led the army to conquer the orc laboratory, and Marcus was lucky enough to survive.

  Richard tried his best to treat Marcus, making him feel the warmth he had not seen for a long time.

  After waking up, Richard went to the wounded soldiers camp to visit the wounded soldiers. The wounded barracks of the 7th Squadron were found to be very dirty and messy.

  After leading troops in the territory for several years, Richard paid close attention to life discipline and the soldiers' health regulations were very strict.

  Especially in the wounded barracks, strict requirements were established, and treatment personnel were ordered to wash the bandages every day and dry them in the sun.

  Although sterile conditions are not possible, every effort should be made to avoid infection.

  After the establishment of military regulations, the infection rate in the wounded barracks was significantly reduced.

  Although the Seventh Squadron is a new recruit squadron, it has actually been in the army for one year. However, they have just joined the Harland Territory and are not familiar with the situation in the territory, so the requirements cannot be too strict for the time being.

  They need to gradually become familiar with the territory and other squadrons, so that they can slowly adapt and improve their discipline.

  Richard did not directly criticize the officers of the 7th Squadron. Instead, he transferred the wounded soldiers to the 1st Squadron with the best discipline, and gave two gold coins to the seriously injured soldiers on the spot.

  (End of chapter)

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